Giseell-Strada online webcams for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “Giseell-Strada online webcams for YOU!

  1. So he ditched you to pursue someone else – who then ditched him – and now he's come crawling back? Let him keep crawling to someone else's door.

  2. So you walk around almost hard in front of a teenager and and your partner telling you it's not appropriate isn't a reason for you to stop, when it's almost no effort to put on clothes. You even talked to the teenager about it, which feels like a power trip and like you are testing her boundaries and check how far you could go? I get mayor creep vibes from you and I think you might be a predator.

  3. This is true. I'm working on getting a therapist. Until recently I was in college and had access to a therapist that way. I have an anxious attachment style and trust issues that I'm aware of and I work on them pretty often. I studied psych and it's been a focus of mine. I just don't seem to be making progress in how in dealing with my issues.

    I have pretty severe anxiety sometimes. It comes in waves, I'll be fine for a while then ill get extremely anxious because of random thoughts that make me nervous or worry Because of it I end up doubting the relationships around me. I see all the reasons why they might leave and not why they want to stay. I want us both to be happy and for us both to keep growing and developing as individuals as well as a couple

  4. She isn’t earning 93% of the household income, she is receiving 93% of her normal salary while on maternity leave.

  5. One of my best friends has been entangled with an abusive woman for like 7 years now and it started just like this. Sorry man. Please get away from her.

  6. If my partner spat in my face purposefully I'd tell them to get the fck out of my house and take their crap with them. We'd be done instantly.

  7. I'd suggest sitting down and actually computing what your shared expenses look like. Aside from what you already pay for (utilities, groceries, vacations, etc.), also factor in rent for a similar apartment in the area. When you have all your expenses listed out, figure out an equitable split that you are both comfortable with that takes into account the difference in your salaries and the fact that she has a kid. Then you'll have an amount you should both be contributing to your shared finances. Obviously, the rent is paid for 100% by her, so she should be contributing to the other expenses anything above that. I also think this would put an actual price tag to your contributions, and also help get rin of her unrealistic notions (and I'm taking your word for it) of each of your financial contributions. It's also a good place to start bigger conversations about financial life goals and how to get there.

    As a side note though, I think an honest conversation about financial values and philosophies need to be had. Beyond your main problem, there seems to be bigger issues regarding financial incompatibility here. You guys have to get on the same page here because financial disagreements is one of the biggest marriage enders.


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