Gigi Atlanta live! webcams for YOU!

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58 thoughts on “Gigi Atlanta live! webcams for YOU!

  1. From your comments, this sounds really controlling and unhealthy. If she starts with a minor thing like this and she is succesfullnwith it, who onows whats her next restriction will be.

    So it is up to you if you can live! with someone who his telling you what to do and what not. If you don't have a problem, continue. But you posted it here so I assume it bothers you.

  2. From anyone else, this would be nice.

    From you – an ex – it would just be tearing an old wound. She’s moved on and has a new bf – you don’t know whether it’s a rebound or not, and really you don’t get to know about her relationships now. She’s your ex. Leave her alone.

  3. Oh, you care. You wouldn't have asked of you didn't. But that's normal

    But why do you care? Sit with that question and explore… why would you care that the smart, supportive, adventurous partner you adore being with is a server?

    Sit with that.

  4. Personally, I think he's lying. Staying in a brothel for hours just because he was worried about his friend seems like a lame excuse to me. What was he going to help him with there? Medical emergency? Other people in the brothel don't know how to dial 911? The money thing seems shady too. Why would he give the money to a friend to do something he considers dangerous to a point he has to babysit him afterwards? Plus the best way to spend the money one doesn't want to be traced to them spending it is to “give” the money to someone else. Then the canceling card moment. The whole story seems shady af.

  5. Please don't feel bad because you didn't do anything wrong. He was crossing your boundaries (and legal boundaries) and you had every right to say no. My only advice would be getting out of that relationship because if he behaves this way now, it'll only get worse with the time..

  6. No I am not. I am talking about having my tubes tied. I know what fucking surgery I had and I know what the recovery time was. How many times HAVE YOU had major abdominal surgery. Stupid ass teenage boys trying to tell people who have actually had procedures done what “actually” happened. I am so tired of the fucking single celled organisms on Reddit. Jfc

  7. u/PerfectPickle2703, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  8. Try getting a job and a life. You clearly are nuts since you think that one person is the same. Seriously, Reddit can have a lot of people with the same problem


  9. This will be fine in 10 years, when you're 32, older women would be happy to date a younger man AS LONG as you're a fully grown adult. 22 is still very young and you have a lot of life to learn about yet.

  10. Dude the guy can't even co parent without marrying her for permanent residence but all the people here are encouraging him to make that huge mistake.

  11. I appreciate your response but It saddens me to see this comment. He didn’t “snatch” me out of my moms house, we were already dating for 2.5 years before I wanted to move in with him. He encouraged me to find my own place, but I didn’t want to at that time. He has always been respectful of my family and everyone gets along with him. Nothing was forced and I wanted to be with him from the start. He was unsure about the age gap too at the beginning, but we enjoyed each others company. I’ve always been attracted to men older than me as I saw guys my own age immature and unmotivated

  12. Please tell me I’m reading this wrong but did your wife just admit to have fantasies of you and your friend having a gay relationship

  13. “Stop yanking it to hentai when I'm here. There's guys yanking it to hentai right now that would immediately stop to hop into bed with a real woman like me.”

  14. Yeah, I’m thinking creative writing story.. they’ve been together for 10 years and she hasn’t met any family members??

  15. I'd 1000000% just say “no I don't want to be in an open relationship” and I don't give one fuck if it makes me feel like a “crazy insecure girlfriend.”

  16. I wish you could have had that too, I was a minor when mine happened so I had family.

    I wish you all the best, and pray for a happy life for you

  17. If it’s a timing belt that would be easy to fix but unless you’ve done it before then don’t attempt it, get your dad to take it to the shop later cause the reality is auto shops overprice to chicks. Explain to your manager that if you don’t get it fixed that will snowball into being late more down the road. Good luck dude , make yourself some tea and have a bite when you get home.

  18. If you think you can do this long term with your friend without her catching feelings for you, and that building to a point where relationships are destroyed you are a fool.

    You yourself may or may not also catch those feels.

    Stupid idea. I don't like the entire premise of what you are contemplating doing, but doing it with a “friend” is completely self destructive behavior.

  19. Even a lot of women don't think it's always the most beautiful thing on a man's body.

    He brought that up “why do women get to say vaginas are more appealing than penises and he perfectly straight, but you're insinuating I'm gay?”

  20. You can’t take drunk people seriously. Just wait for the apology to come. I can’t imagine he will try to defend drunk logic. What a mess.

  21. Um. You were/are the same age. Either your stepdad is ignorant or just not very bright. Or just an asshole.

  22. Do you understand the meaning of the word anecdote?

    You think nobody has even been shot working at Starbucks?

  23. I can’t believe that I’m reading this. So shitting yourself as an adult falls under he is too old for this. He is not incapacitated to where pooping himself is excusable. Nor is he a infant who does not know any better. For the love of god I hope he is the one who cleans up after it, I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 ft pole especially if he thought it was funny. Accidents happen….but unless he has a medical or mental problem this is just gross. Give the man diapers and throw in some rash cream.

  24. Hey OP, I'm not the person you asked, but why did you post this thread if you plan on arguing against the advice? I would trust your gut that this cruise is inappropriate given his friend has flirted with him in the past, and if your boyfriend thinks it's still okay to go on the cruise that shows you how little he respects you and your relationship.

    If you stay with him after he goes on this cruise you've just given both of them the go-ahead to walk all over you and your relationship. It's not worth it, even with a two-year history.

  25. I didn't even read the rest of this post to be honest with you. Just off the headline, break up.

    I just read the rest of your post, I'm begging you to want better for yourself. I'm on my knees at this point.

  26. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So we met on a dating app and have been dating for 2 months now, she's honestly the sweetest kindest person I've ever dated but I feel like things might be moving too fast?

    So I'm 30, a homeowner and have a career, it took me a long time to get where I am, she's 25 and on a student visa in this country to do what sounds like a REALLY diffficult masters, she also works part time, I'm very impressed by her.

    She's really been there for me already, I've been like snowed under with work deadlines, home rennovations etc and I had a shitty situation in my friendship group where I was essentially betrayed by a so called friend, she was so comforting about it.

    So she's vented to me also about her studies and other stuff and I've been there for her, its all going smoothly. But then she was complaining about her roommate and I asked her when her lease is up, she said by the end of the year, then a few days later out of nowhere she said while staying over “I wish we could be together EVERY day” I found this to be cute but then she went to say how she'll move into my place at the end of the year because “there's no point me moving into my own place for 3 months” and I asked her why it would be 3 months and she said that most couples move in with each other after a year so she wouldn't be renting alone for long anyway, so I politely but firmly put my foot down and said “ok it just feels like you're deciding this for me? it is MY house and I'm not ready to even discuss living together yet, we've only been dating for 2 months” and she apologised and said she just thought when I asked her when her lease was up that she thought I was hinting at us living together. So we cleared that up.

    Then a couple of weeks later, we went away for the weekend, my birthday present to her, she told me she was worried she was pregnant, so I was calm about it, I knew this would be very unlikely because she has the implant and I never cum inside her. I waited calmly as she did the test and then we tried to move on with the day but she then told me if it would have been positive she would have kept it, I then said “well its your body and your choice” then she tried to get more of an answer out of me and the thing is, on our first ever date she asked me if I ever wanted marraige or kids and I said yes in the future with the right person, so its not as if I'd left my intentions unknown but anyway I said to her “I'm relieved it was negative because I'm not emotionally, mentally or financially ready to be a parent at the moment and won't be for years” and she said “okay yeah same here really, I was thinking 2 years” and I said “why is there a timeline? you're only 25, for me it's more like 5 years! but I can't even think that far ahead, we barely know each other we need to let these big milestones happen naturally and over time” she then started crying and said “I understand but, I'm really disappointed in your reaction, as a 30 year old man with his shit together I thought you'd react more responsibly” and I reiterated that I'm just being honest at where I stand. We moved on.

    It's just like, she keeps asking me when we're gonna have sex and keeps reassuring me her implant is working (she saw a doctor to get it looked at) and that she's now okay with me wearing condoms etc, but like, I just feel overwhelmed, like I can tell she's just perhaps a bit insecure but like, I feel like the magic and the spark might already be very damaged now? Just knowing that she has a timeline in her head and at such an early stage, she keeps using the L word and posting like a million pictures of us on her socials and I just feel like I'm still barely catching my breath.

    I don't want to project onto her my past relationships, when I've invested emotionally then been hurt, I don't want to push her away but equally like, I want things to be chill, fun, and slow.

  27. So you can't figure out if you are male or female, Yet you want to tell other people how to live! their lives? Wow

  28. In the least, it's a concerning need to show his dominance on your father's side. Seems like he wants to weird out your girlfriend so much that she breaks up with you – maybe because he's sensing you're getting so serious that you'll be moving out soon and will not be under his thumb any more.

    Honestly, moving out would be really smart if at all feasible, no matter how the relationship with your girlfriend develops. Maybe even some therapy to get a realistic perspective on your family dynamics.

  29. I hope he has the decency to text me back and reject me properly

    Yeah, not responding at all is A-grade asshole behavior. Maybe he was out of your league?

  30. Do you know what projecting is? She might be thinking you are like, in which case it means she was/is cheating on you.

    My biased take is that you should have access to her messages as she has to yours. Say, in face of my suspicion on her, you can't really know that is the case, right? She has so much privacy she could many things without you ever knowing.

  31. Right? He doesn't take any medication, really… I guess it just feels a bit unfamiliar when I do it.. Still, he says it feels way better when I do it. And I can tell he's really turned on.

  32. Dang, you weren't kidding. OP's husband is absolutely abusing her. That, plus the wild mood swings, lack of self control, alcoholism, and misogyny, is a recipe for disaster. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he turns violent.

    OP, you need to get out now, before your husband scars your daughter for life.

  33. If it helps, I've had a couple of threesomes (same woman, different partners, one MMF, one MFF). They were both great, incredibly fun, nude as fuck, and it made our relationship stronger.

  34. We’re those both done as your mutual first experiences not just with threesomes, but with another person, period? Because that would be comparable to this post.

    FWIW, this post reads about as fake as any, so I wouldn’t get too up in arms over it.

  35. Dude. You are not answering the question. The context of this whole post is talking about who each other thinks is nude. You replied as if this is going to be a need at some point. How does that work? What situation are you suggesting where they NEED to discuss this topic? Be specific. Explain your words.

  36. Just your name if you’re going to go that route. Here’s something else you could include. I was thinking about you today. I hope it was great and your name.

  37. Yeah but the sleeping together thing may also be a recent development, due to her family loss and self destruct mode. She may not have been lying about seeing him in a brotherly way previously.

  38. If he can't be arsed to scrub his balls, I highly doubt it's just a difference of opinion when it comes to housework. He's just lazy and disgusting.

  39. I am more thinking this is the best course of action now, it’s fucked me up mentally, like badly, so i’m thinking that getting some kinda help for myself is what i’ll do and taking it to the grave with me might be for the best…

  40. That sucks. I would try to have an honest conversation. Most guys would be open to their gf wanting to be more intimate


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