G i a n n a online sex cams for YOU!

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17 thoughts on “G i a n n a online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I was banned on AITAH and called hateful, disgusting, and transphobic by a MOD so I’m relieved that people on this sub listened to me.

    And why am I no longer surprised when things like this happen.

    OP – Please report the mod to the Reddit Admins.

  2. Wow that is mean. I’m sorry she said that, I’m sure it looks fine. If this means anything, all men who have spoken about insecurities down there were never accurate.

  3. Hospitals always have the possibilities to pay in installments. She just need to ask about a payment plan.

    But “offer to pay”?! Like gifting her the money, i guess.Her expection to you that you always bail her out when she is in financial troubles is worrying. And in two years just 750? You know that you never see it again?

    Do you both on-line together and if so, how much does she pay for rent, utilities, groceries?

  4. Maybe she will change her mind before she leaves. I don't understand why she wants to stay together now when she plans to break up before she leaves. That doesn't make sense. It is just putting off the inevitable.

  5. Tell her the truth as you told us. Write it in a letter. Emphasize the part about you were sexting before she told you she liked him that way, and you felt a spark. Give a if I had known I wouldn't have.

    She may be not able to handle it, but its your best shot.

  6. I would suggest giving your mom a non-apology expression of sorrow and a brief discussion of boundaries. Something along the lines of “Mom, I am sorry to hear that you were offended by my words and did not mean any harm or offense. I respect your views and try to avoid cursing in front of you. I will try very hot to accidentally avoid doing so in the future.”

    If your mom is willing to have a discussion, you can talk about boundaries. It sounds like you want to maintain the relationship, but if your mom or dad get overbearing, it is also okay to a break. Hopefully, you can both develop boundaries where you both agree to avoid certain topics. My parents know that I feel very strongly against Trump, and we do not talk about the subject.

  7. It sounds like love bombing

    Love bombing is a controlling and manipulative tactic most often used by narcissists and abusive people. They seek to quickly obtain affection and attention before tearing their victims down. They may appear charming and exciting in the beginning, but this usually fades away and is replaced with emotional abuse.

    If he keeps trying to justify his shitty controlling behaviour by saying how much he showers you with love, that's not a good sign. Defending you to his mum is literally the bare minimum of what a partner should do for their fiancé. Using it as proof of love is bullshit.

  8. I mean, if she knows you're inexperienced, and you're willing and eager to learn how to please her, and she's not willing to teach you, then she's the problem here, not you.

  9. That's not asking for advice. Per the sidebar:

    No moral judgment requests. Moral judgement requests are asking people to evaluate actions taken or actions you want to take, in the context of right, wrong, selfish, or not selfish etc.

  10. Is he avoiding taking her because he has no interest in marrying OP. They have been together 6 years. For some, taking a GF to a wedding is showing that they are in a committed relationship. If he takes her, she may read more into it? He is offering to introduce her in a fall meeting. Which sounds like he can just dowplay her as a friend. I dunno. It's really strange. If I dated someone that long and was excluded like that, especially if I was invited, I would be questioning the relationship.

  11. Put a full length mirror just inside the door with a note on it: The person you see should not be here.

  12. i did. she said she wants to be friends but not have emotional attachments while still bring able to have sex. but she isn’t putting out yet. like i’m doing all this work to get into bed with her and she’s like i want to know more about you and shit like she wants to date


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