Fu11ness live! webcams for YOU!

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I’m new, can you help me get a little more relaxed, will you take off my dress? [2218 tokens remaining]


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27 thoughts on “Fu11ness live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Hobbies are good for a couple, but usually enjoyed alone. If you hang around while he watches sports you're almost certainly getting in the way (no offence). Do you have any pastimes you can call your own?

    I mean, you shouldn't be asking for ideas for hobbies really because if its forced it kinda sucks but one thing me and my partner enjoy is travel and breaks away. We don't have a lot in common but that's fine, we love each other and enjoy each others company.

  2. Hello /u/BlueFruitJam,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. I tried googling it too! Nothing makes sense? I feel like it only makes sense if he’s deleted stuff in between because it’s like the convo has gaps? Thank you for trying to find out what it means!!

  4. The silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse.

    This isn't a one-off. It's a pattern for him, which makes it abuse.

    The point of it is to upset you, get you emotional and make you beg for forgiveness for something you didn't even do.

    He is not caring. He's manipulating you.

    Research the silent treatment online to educate yourself. Whether you stay with him or not after what you learn is up to you.

  5. Does it matter what it’s called, why even deal with that shit – get rid of him if you don’t want to be treated that way.

  6. I think maybe there are a couple of things here you aren’t admitting to yourself. Grieving a dead relationship and being ‘alone’ is naked. But self pity is not the answer. Stop and look at yourself and the good things about you. No one is you and no one will ever be you. You are unique and special to your family and even if you currently can’t see it, that doesn’t mean they don’t show it. Your children love you. Your family loves you. Heck, your ex must do too. You birthed his children. The only person who doesn’t seem to love you, is you. So it’s ok to take a break and fully focus on yourself. These are just your small dark days. You are allowed to feel shitty. You’ll be just fine.

  7. If you’re not willing to leave for yourself, then leave for your child. You’re practically a single parent at this point anyway. May as well make it official

  8. You chose to break a law that was unjust. Imagine if nobody had broken the laws governing slavery, or preventing women from voting, or getting an abortion. We need people like you. Your action maybe inspired others, who knows, just like Mahsa Amini's refusal to obey the stupidy injust law about covering her hair has inspired the people of Iran. We can't all rise to the level of Nelson Mandela, you're a more modest hero but still a hero.

    I wish you all the best and I hope you do soon start feeling well again.

  9. Lmao you don’t actually like this guy as more than a friend OR (bc of the ages) you may just be having a lubrication problem. ?

  10. I would post on r/nonmonogamy instead of here. You’re going to get much more in depth advice and people generally do not like open relationships on this sub.

    You mentioned that both the new girl and your wife are making you feel good which has improved your marriage. I’d imagine your wife is feeling the same way. Maybe try thinking about the situation that way? Jealousy and insecurities are common in open relationships. You need to learn to manage those feelings and reframe the way you think about it

  11. Lol sounds like a good ending to me! A woman that isn’t afraid to put herself first. Shoutout to your mom.

  12. I totally agree! I don’t mind adult content, I also enjoy it from time to time, it’s normal. He had only added her regularly, not premium or anything. I guess more like a follow? I wouldn’t have minded if he had just told me but the lying is what bothers me. Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it.

  13. There are people who stay friends with their exes and people who don't. Both are valid. If this was a deal-breaker for her she should have communicated this before she became girlfriend. I believe that matters that are deal-breakers should be communicated in the early stages of getting to know each other so you can avoid incompatibility issues.

    Personally I would refuse to cut out friends because my SO asked me to, with no reason other than irrational jealousy. It is controlling behaviour and, for me, crosses multiple boundaries.

    If there was any reasonable excuse for her to be jealous (you and ex were flirting, ex was mean to her or mistreated her, you were being secretive or lied about being in contact with someone etc.) then that would be a different conversation. But demanding to cut ties with friends just because of irrational jealousy, that would be a naked no for me and opens the door for other unreasonable demands and controlling behaviour, like not allowing you to make new friends that are women, being jealous of coworkers, not allowing you to go to places where women she believes are attractive, and thus could possibly be a threat, will be attending and she can't come with you, etc.

    Scroll a bit in the subreddit and search posts under “jealous/jealousy” and “controlling” to see similar stories and see if you recognise other similar behaviours in your relationship.

  14. I’m sorry – it sucks finding out someone you love and thought you knew may not be that person at all

  15. We spent some time together last night after he did an 11 hour day. He said he’s consistently the last one to leave the office. He woke up at 5am today to be at work by 6. His start time isn’t until 730.

  16. His mother is clearly doing a poor job at witchcraft if you don't feel compelled to wash his socks yet, after so many years, I'm sure you are safe.


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