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2 thoughts on “FoxesFoo live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. OP you’re right to be bothered by this. I dropped a friend because she wanted me to be excited that she was the other woman. I mean she sucked for other reasons, but that was the tipping point that woke me up to her not being someone I wanted to associate with.

  2. I’m 20 years your senior. I left my emotionally abusive husband after 22 years of marriage. He got the house I’ve lived in since I was 21 because when we bought it, we weren’t married yet and he put it in only his name, even though I contributed $25,000. We bought it from his father. My children also stayed with him, because they wanted to stay in the house they grew up in. They were young adults, so they got to make their own decision regarding it. I’m now living in an expensive apartment with just my dog (he kept the cat) but I can say that I feel free and happier than I have in years. Money can always be earned again. You are still young. Don’t trap yourself over possessions.


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