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39 thoughts on “Flexxxybella live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Normal 27 year old men are not interested in a 20 year old. Please be aware that there's a serious reason that women his own age, who are more experienced and less naive than you, don't date him or stay with him for valid reasons.

    He's trying to move really fast and he potentially is love bombing you.

    Be very careful because there are plenty of red flags that he could turn out to be an abusive partner.

  2. Question. What are you getting out of this relationship? Seriously. Why do you feel you deserve to be treated with such blatant disrespect?

    She doesn’t love you. At least not in the way anyone deserves. But there’s good news! You can love yourself enough to demand better. It hurts like hell now, but in a few months you’ll look back and wonder why you didn’t leave earlier. This Christmas, give yourself the gift of self-respect. You deserve it. ♥️

  3. When the chips were down you demonstrated where your heart is. You may not know what you want, but everyone who was there does. I hope your boyfriend doesn't take you back.

  4. Give them the satisfaction. Fuck that family and fuck your boyfriend for siding with them. Move on. You can do better.

  5. So he got his orders to Japan but the order's extend passed his contract end date. He extended it an additional year. I don't think it was involuntary, but he did say the other option was re enlisting. He says he didn't have many options

  6. Hmm okay, since I’ve requested it I’ll take some time to think then let her know or if she ends up messaging me again

  7. It’s up to you to decide. I’m not going to tell you what to do. But all I can say is talk to someone like the social workers in planned parenthood about it before you make that decision. It’s life changing either way.

  8. Hey at least you've gotten some shots in lol. For your sake, I hope you gain some peace after he heads back to an AFB

  9. Not every anti-depressant has that side-effect. Maybe he can talk to his doc about trying something different. With anti-depressants, you kind of have to pick & choose which side-effects you'll deal with.

  10. At 26 following mommy and daddy to friends'dinner parties like a 10yo but acting all macho to you.

    Yeah, typical loser momma's boy. I believe we can all concur you can do better than that.

  11. That’s an age-old debate, let’s not derail my post please. It’s only cheating in my relationship if I consider it so, and I don’t. I’m not asking about the topic of cheating.

  12. Hello /u/Sugar77770,

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  13. No judgement on you but the dude is kinda a creep. Why couldn’t he find some his age. Was he aiming for young women? Not the only reason to break up. But definitely major red flag depending

  14. >. Only now do I find out he has a huge credit card debt from when he was 18.

    Unless something change, in America, any outstanding debt is waived after 7 years (except student loans). What country are you from?

  15. Honestly I’d rethink this relationship. If he thinks pedophila shouldn’t be prosecuted and isn’t so bad, let’s just try to prevent it…..that’s a major issue. I’d be terrified to leave my kiddos with the grand parents in case the uncle just drops by to visit. I’d be too scared to trust anyone in that family. They are all fucked up for letting this happen. If he thinks his kids getting molested isn’t so bad, that’s just… I can’t.

  16. Honestly I’d rethink this relationship. If he thinks pedophila shouldn’t be prosecuted and isn’t so bad, let’s just try to prevent it…..that’s a major issue. I’d be terrified to leave my kiddos with the grand parents in case the uncle just drops by to visit. I’d be too scared to trust anyone in that family. They are all fucked up for letting this happen. If he thinks his kids getting molested isn’t so bad, that’s just… I can’t.

  17. It is none of her damn business what your agreement is with your ex. That is the mother of your kids and you have a duty to her assuming she didn't do anything bad to you and financially abuse you. If she spent the years being a sahm she may need a few more years easily, to become independent of you. Again, it's none of the new girls business. Why does she care so much about your money you should Def get a prenump from her. Greedy woman.

  18. No it doesn’t read Iike that. Sex is important for a lot of people. I’d be all kinds of pissed off if my friend lied to me about something like that. And if she continually lied and acted weird by texting my partner right after telling me she was going to not do that because she wanted to work it out with me.

    And we don’t know what the BF said about their friendship or lack thereof. What we do know is that the friend introduced them and gave a story that he was a platonic good friend of hers and nothing beyond that. That was her friend painting that picture, which was untrue. It would have been different if the friend said, “ok so I did hook up with him but we were never actually into each other, we’re just friends now and I think you two would hit it off!“

    I’d want to know if my friend had fucked my partner, even in the past. Lots of people might not give a shit, but I would. Call it jealousy or boundaries or insecurity or preference, I’d be hard pressed to be very accepting of it, ESPECIALLY if it was hidden from me. And if a friend actively hid that from me I’d be pissed.

  19. Probably one of those guys who's like “oh I had a bad break up in highschool I've never been able to recover so for the last 30 years I've just been a loner going from one girl to the next never falling in love and never putting a label on things again” those dam cry baby men. We all get dumbed in highschool get over it.

  20. You weren’t even good enough of a person to date, but your sister was. All he wanted to do was fuck you because apparently based on this post and all your comments that’s all your good for because you’re lacking a soul.

  21. I did this lol. Was on the phone first with husband at the time then immediately after was on a call with my team RN. In home health we were paired up , one RN and one LPN. When I finished talking I told her I loved her and hung up lol. Immediately called back to say No No, I don't love love you. I love you but I don't, omg this is just getting worse LOL! I just finished talking to my husband and then you, just habit!! She laughed the entire time and ended our conversation with I don't love love you but I love you. ??

  22. How would she feel if you went out for drinks, solo, with another woman?

    Like.. what purpose do they have going out alone? I understand people have friends, but this guy just sounds like a coworker.

    Talk to her about it.

  23. I've been asking her, both face to face and over the phone… She just doesn't seem keen to open up. I dont think pressing the issue more will make it better, itd make her close up more… which isnt something i want. Thank you

  24. My ex cheated on me in the beginning of our relationship. I didn’t find out until 3 1/2 yrs later when I left him because I found out he had cheated recently.

    If I had known about the first time when it happened, I would’ve left. It would have saved me so much pain.

  25. Ding, ding, ding. This is exactly what’s going on. The friend couple is looking to see if you and your husband are interested in “the lifestyle”. Hubby and I have been in this situation before and this is EXACTLY how it starts out. One of the partners in the relationship kind of puts out feelers about how you’d feel about it or ask you “how fun are you guys?”. I’m not even kidding here. It’s so horribly awkward to explain to couple that you’re just not interested. I’m not interested in sharing my husband and I sure as hell am not interested in anybody else’s penis. I’m a one penis kinda girl. Lol!

    I’d also star wonder about SIL and BIL and their relationship with this couple. Just saying…….

  26. He's projecting to get the spotlight off of him.

    It's a way to avoid accountability. It's much easier to point fingers at others over something they themselves did. His guilt is eating him alive and he doesn't like the feeling.

    He'd rather tear you down than to own up to his poor choices.

  27. He made it seem as if this was a casual going away party and other coworkers SO’s would be there. He made a point to say it would be weird for me to be around his coworkers. I didn’t even have any intention of going until he made it so obvious he didn’t want me there lol.

  28. Right?? It shouldn't even be a possibility in either of your minds. And I am sure it's not. I think we have collectively lowered the social bar so much that we almost consider NOT being a POS violently abusive partner is a rare prize. No. It's the only acceptable bare minimum.


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