Evasta online webcams for YOU!

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44 thoughts on “Evasta online webcams for YOU!

  1. Well, we have differing opinions and that's fine. I just think leaving your ex pics on your profiles just sends the wrong message whether you're single or in a new relationship. It's just tacky.

  2. u/sorceress_supreme, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. You don’t trust her, and she’s completely disrespecting you.

    At this point it actually doesn’t matter whether she’s cheating or not. There is no trust and no respect. The marriage is dead.

    Imagine if you were a photographer and you had agreed to take pictures of another woman. Then imagine that your wife wants to come along. You tell her no. Then she wants to see the raw photos. You tell her no.

    Do you think she’d be cool with that?

  4. This is tough. Honestly, only time is going to tell.

    I wish I had something easier to say. You’re going to have to take it day by day. Situation by situation. If you feel uncomfortable, you’re going to have to make a choice.

  5. OP when I was was younger, when I was your age, I had the energy to put up with what I considered to be small red flags and try to educate my partner and turn them into better people, expose them to other ways of thinking…. I’m only 30, and yet I don’t do that for partners I’m not committed to. And even then, I would heavily consider the specific red flag first. You’re only 3 months in. Don’t do it. Just walk away.

  6. OP when I was was younger, when I was your age, I had the energy to put up with what I considered to be small red flags and try to educate my partner and turn them into better people, expose them to other ways of thinking…. I’m only 30, and yet I don’t do that for partners I’m not committed to. And even then, I would heavily consider the specific red flag first. You’re only 3 months in. Don’t do it. Just walk away.

  7. Hello /u/brandyjanelee,

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  8. Why would you want to be with someone or trust someone with your son after just ditching them at school? Tf? Don't you think she will just do it again?

  9. It sounds like you simply misunderstood when he talked about the gig. Surely you don't expect him not to book gigs for his other band, right? I understand that you're disappointed that it was not for your band but the best way remedy that is to get out there and hustle. Book some gigs – then you will be happy!

  10. Here are the steps forward that you need to take at a bare minimum.

    Get a divorce, hire the best lawyer you can find, and prove that she was fired for incompetence and has been lying about trying to find work, something she is physically capable of.

    Get custody of your kids. Document her lack of effort or concern for them

    No Mom is better than a crappy mom, protect your kids from her. They deserve to only have people who care about them in their lives. She isn't one of those people right now.

    Being divorced is better than being a doormat and teaching your kids that it's ok to be abused and treated poorly. All three of you are being treated poorly by her. Do you want them to think that is normal?

    Therapy. Family and individual for all three of you.

    Start building a new life with your kids.

    Good luck.

  11. I take a pretty dim view of long distance relationships that last four years to be honest. It’s worlds away from a commitment where you deal with each other’s little things and big things, good and bad. Frankly, you don’t know how a marriage to him would be, regardless of how you feel.

    That being said, if you do see yourself with him forever, then you should be able to be honest and say you don’t want to plan anything for at least a few years. Then he can decide if that works for him or not.

  12. No it actually DOES make the author a creep. The amount of times rape is used as a plot device or a convenient way to show “character development” for women(but strangely rarely for men) IS gross and creepy. Just because many people do something, doesn't make it not fucked up.

  13. I think she actually doesn’t understand how games work. Like she actually thinks your have free reign to make any decision and you chose the “creepiest” one. She doesn’t understand you have to operate within a rule set, even if it’s a weird one.

    That or she’s bat shit and decided to take social justice into crusader kings, it’s one of those things for sure.

  14. I told him to test for HIV/ AIDS. We on-line in Botswana, you do not just have unprotected sex in an STI Hotspot.

  15. I am so sorry your life is falling apart around what should be the most relaxing time of your life before the newborn chaos ensues. I am sorry your GROWN ASS 35 year old husband was too immature to share his fears with you. Unfortunately the chaos started early, its ok you can do this. It sounds like you already have an amazing village lean ìnto them when you need support. Single parenting is scary but rewarding and hopefully your stbx can pull his head out his ass long enough to coparent with you.

  16. Definitely not true. Only a small fraction do. But they are the loud narcissists so your going to remember them better.

  17. I’m in a similar situation where at first she accused me of doing things I’ve never done and it’s brought a lot of anxiety on myself because this is a heavy topic. I do feel like she is handpicking who can and can’t be on my social media is a little bit controlling. Honestly I’ve tried to show her a healthy relationship and she blames me for how it is and for not doing something that makes her feel uncomfortable. Am I wrong for that?

  18. She asked him a question. OP didn't expand on that convo. For all we know she came up and asked how many sets he had left or something else that has nothing to do with approaching him in that way.

  19. Have you met these kids already?? If so, I’d argue your point about being a good mom. I’m a single mom. I say this with as much compassion as possible- run dude.

  20. Have you looked into groups that specialize in SA? Therapy should still be on the table and I know it isn’t cheap but reddit isn’t going to have the best recourses for you. Have you spoken to a trusted friend or family member? You will need social support that will help you through this. I can’t make any suggestions other then to build a support group. There are therapy options that are on-line too.

  21. You got closure when he admitted cheating. You shouldn't need further closure, why did he do it? He was horny/drunk/stupid. Whatever. If you're happily married none of that matters now.

  22. Conception would have to occur for early detection. So if you conceived the earliest date a test can pick that up is post conception. Conception is not synonymous with the date of sex and usually 5-7days later. If you were trying to get pregnant I imagine you were not only having frequent sex but measuring your ovulation window time frames. Having sex during your peak ovulation window will reduce conception time but our over the counter assay based testing is not sensitive enough to pick up low HCG levels in that early of the pregnancy stage. You need to at least be above 25hcg

  23. Why are you beating yourself up over simply not being compatible?! It happens all the time. I mean really, there are very few people out there who humans truly have great chemistry with. Many people only experience it a handful of times in their life, if even never at all. The probability that some random woman on a dating app was going to be a great fit is actually pretty slim. Plus, she told you she didn't want to go out!!! Just let it go.

    If you want to improve your attraction factor, just relax, smile, laugh, and be yourself. Smart women see right through a pretense. If you aren't clicking, there is nothing you can do to change or fix that. So quit giving yourself a hard time.

  24. The comment where he projects wanting to harm someone as being part of just HOW PEOPLE ARE tells you everything you need to know about how HE is.

    He is telling you that he's the kind of person who only refrains from harming others because of possible repercussions for him. And if there weren't any, he would hurt other people.

    That's not how everyone is. And if that's who HE is, I wouldn't want him to be my boyfriend no matter how “good” his other qualities are.

  25. I'm glad you don't go alone!

    As for your boyfriend, he sounds gross, and you don't need someone like him in your life. He sounds like the type of person to try to teach you a lesson and follow you to one of these places and kidnap you to try to “scare you” into doing what he wants.

  26. I tickle my niece at times but always for a second and just to play around with her my intention is never to cause her discomfort but just to get a quick laugh

  27. Sounds like the venue Good afternoon! limit seating since you were invite to the reception. I wouldn’t sweat it

  28. You are barely in a relationship. Why not just walk away from someone who is really uninterested in you?

  29. I’ve been in the exact situation Please From a person who has experienced it Don’t do it. I’m rooting for you and sending all the support in the world.

  30. It's true that since the summer hollidays are coming up, even if he rejects me there'll be what, 3 months without seeing each other? That's a good opportunity for things to go “back to normal” past the awkward stage. Thanks!


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