Eva live sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Eva live sex chats for YOU!

  1. You said the truth would eventually come out. Not gonna come up with one night stands there stranger. You need not say a thing to clearly imply you think that all things will be shared regardless of truth or not.

    And I am sorry, but there is a gap between sex and long term relationships. They just aren't the same.

    You really need to let this all go. I have no idea why you seem to need to keep hammering on this issue.

  2. Toxicity is variable.

    Some flowers, like lilies, are toxic if the cat so much as inhales the flower’s pollen. That’s why they’re so notorious as being unfriendly for pets.

    Ivy is also toxic. In order to be poisoned by ivy, a cat has to chew and swallow a decent amount of the plant. For this reason, ivy is reasonably safe to have around some cats. My cat, for example, ignores plants. She can coexist with ivy without a problem. My mother’s cat chews everything and would not be safe around ivy.

    Then there are plants like African violets. They’re straight-up non-toxic.

  3. Yeah ik he wouldn’t send it I just didn’t like he did that yk. Idk how to bring it up tho any advice? I’m not too sure if he did but I think he did I don’t think he was just on his phone cuz he’s never on his phone

  4. Yes, I have a solution for you: dump the selfish cheater and get yourself a man who will listen to you and will do his best to make the experience as least painful as possible.

  5. She’s a waste of your time. No matter her reason(s) you both have different ideas of a relationship and communication. You can fix problems but honestly at this point you guys are supposed to be in the honeymoon phase. If you’ve stop started multiple times something just isn’t clicking. That’s okay because she needs to find someone her speed and you need to as well. Onto speculation;She’s just not that into you OP, if she’s actively on her phone and snap chatting others while ignoring you is a big red flag. Possibly you’re a second guy or maybe just on her hook at this point. A lot of people end up on someone else’s hook without knowing it, either way go out and have some fun meet new people and find someone who’s more consistent to your standards. Best of luck and happy holidays.

  6. Well he’s Indian and the primary differences relate to needing his family to be able to visit for months at a time and vice versa. This becomes difficult given they’re all very strict vegetarian and I’m not. I’ve conceded to family members visiting a month each max, but he’s unwilling to give them any limits on time frames. I just don’t understand where this suddenly came from given this has been a known difference since before our first date. His family has all been very supportive of our relationship in spite of this so I just don’t understand.

  7. I think the disconnect here is that your mom is throwing the party “in his honor” but he doesn’t really want it. And you can’t make him want it, not even for the sake of your mom. You both agreed to a compromise — you gave up getting married in your hometown and he agreed to let your mom throw a celebration with dance performances. He’s holding up his end of the bargain but you’re the one letting your mom’s feelings throw a wrench into everything. Your fiancé has made his expectations clear, now your mom needs to adjust hers. That being said, if this is more an issue of him not caring about what’s important to you (as you mentioned in a comment), then you have a bigger problem and might want to really consider whether or not you’re compatible. And you definitely need to take the time now to hash out boundaries that don’t allow the feelings of either of your families to interfere with your relationship the way they currently are. This is a breeding ground for resentment.

  8. Op, you deserve better.

    You are a survivor of abuse, and this person who's supposed to love and support you has 0 empathy for what you've gone through. I get that it's a heavy thing to hear, but she's the one who pushed you to open up. You listened to her, trusted her, and she turned her back on you.

    The road to healing is long and rough, but do not lose hope. You will find what you're looking for one day. ❤️

  9. Are you on mobile? If so, there's a trick to retrieve deleted posts. Click on the username of any one who commented on the post, let the profile load a sec and then hit the back key

  10. You invaded her privacy and discovered some not so nice things she said/did three years ago.

    Is she the same person she was three years ago? Have she grown as a person? You have grown close from spending time together?

    If you think she’s currently cheating or doing shady things, I’d confront her. If not at all then I would store the information away and pretend like it didn’t happen.

  11. Hey hey easier for who? So you want to roll over because they said roll? If you miss your graduation you are going to regret this for the rest of your life. Your family is not much of a family to be honest. 1 or 2 people could have come to represent the whole family but your brother is more important to them than you. You are a whole doctor now and the best they can do is be mad that you ain't attending a wedding, nah screw that. If you don't celebrate your own wins, no one will. Everyone treats you like a second class citizen because you let them. So what if your classmates see that you are alone? I guarantee you, no one cares, they have bigger things to worry about. Please build some self esteem. Your life cannot continue like this. OP, please reevaluate the way you view your 'family'.

  12. Why do they post and repost this stuff though? Don’t the same responses over and over get dull though?

  13. lol you know the best relationships ever are because the people in them are friends. He only said that to make you feel better but he thinks you are not suitable to be in a relationship (after reading this post and comments, everyone on here 100% agrees with him). He even used the word “healthier” because he knows there is something sick in your brain case in point; this post.

  14. I thought about that but was worried that my apprehension about my brothers situation would be interpreted as apprehension about all poly situations


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