EMMALENNOX on-line webcams for YOU!

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38 thoughts on “EMMALENNOX on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Does she get annoyed if you ask her small favours?

    Has it always been like this? Even with other women?

    Do you feel the same with other people like family, friends acquaintances, strangers?

  2. Thinking they superior to women is disgusting. They control woman and do whatever they want. The OP should sue him for that.

  3. What the hell dude? 3 other guys in her past and you are acting like she was a street walker? Her past is her past. Oh yes, now you have a body count.

  4. she’s just a friend and he sees her like a little sister.

    Ask him when was the last time a friend or like sister shook her boobs at him and called him the love of her life.

    he said he won’t because he doesn’t want to make it awkward at work and it’s not like that, it’s platonic.

    Again, linking arms and resting her head in his shoulder isn't making it awkward? Because that's inappropriate workplace behavior.

    What do I do in this situation? Part of me wants to message the colleague

    Dont contact her. She is not in your life and owes you nothing.

    The truth is your bf likes the attention and that's why wont put up boundaries. And yes I agree he probably wont talk to her about it, maybe just ask her to delete or restrict you or something.

  5. you're just trying to hurt me. I know you're not. I'm like this close to getting high. please come home and talk to me

  6. The first time she yelled at, let alone HIT, that puppy, she gave you every reason in the entire WORLD not to trust her with this animal or any others.

    This puppy has ONE LIFE and enough of it has been wasted with your abusive wife.

    The fact that it's not entirely about the dog for either of you says it all.

  7. I lost one of my dogs this spring so I am right there with you ? for her it was complications from Lyme disease and she was only three. it is so naked. So much love for them and they love us back so much and even when we are lucky enough that they on-line long lives, they are too short.

  8. You find one. Like make an advertisement. Otherwise you are on the hook for your side of the rental agreement.

  9. True.

    No one else give me advice this has to be done at some point, but then I’m going to find out she wasn’t into me like that and now thinks I’m a fucking weirdo.

  10. You’re 100% trying to get out of this marriage under the guise of “knowing in your heart” that she needs to find love with someone else.

  11. She’s 18. You are 27. You are at different stages in your lives. Work on establishing your life so you can maintain adult relationships with women your own age. Let her be a teenager.

  12. This is similar to my mom and dad's relationship. They worked through it.

    Ask him why he wants the money? Is it for the family? if it's for the family then you can reason with him that you want another kid to grow the family.

    You can rationalize with your husband that you need the bigger car seat eventually anyway – whether you get it now or at the max weight it doesn't matter – you need it.

    Regarding saving 80K per year thats great, if he puts it in the s and p in 6 or 7 years he will hit his goal of millionaire status.

    You may be surprised to hear that money is very important. You cannot always just make it work when an unplannable event happens.

    Why should you take my advice? Because I agree with your husband at least on the surface. You need to build a large safety net for your family's sake. I'm not just telling you what you want to hear. However, you say you work – maybe you and your husband can come to an agreement. You cover every single expense for kids and recreation since you want to work until 65. Have your husband cover housing and saving. It is not your job to crush his dream but it's not his job to tell you how to spend money you earned. You can work this out. Maybe consider separate accounts – I don't have them because my wife and I both understand the purpose of investing and being stingy but not cheap.

    My wife used to not be as big on investing but open conversation changed that along with financial unexpected events that were devastating. We are on the same page now.

    I hope that you one day can work something out with your dude.

  13. Men should be allowed to have preferences. There is nothing wrong with people for having any sort of preferences. Even this one.

  14. Then not much left for you to do, but move on.

    You can still try to get in touch and see how she reacts.

  15. Childcare doesn’t start from birth. The fact that mom will likely be the milk machine for the baby will force her to stay close for a long time.

  16. I’d be very uncomfortable too if someone I was dating moved that quickly. Especially telling his friends you were his girlfriend after the second date. Personally I’d walk away if someone was this obsessive and smothering.

  17. Agreed, the crazier thing is she wants to pick one of the most high maintenance and sensitive dogs there is. It's arguably the worst dog to pick in this scenario if you “had” to pick one. It can't play with the old dog without a significant chance of hurting it and it takes up a lot of the time and attention, so as you pointed out the old dog would feel abandoned

  18. I'm sorry but you just need to breakup with this guy. You deserve better and not being put down over every small thing. What's wrong with spending with your loved ones and pet??? What's wrong with not wanting to be a raging workaholic fixated with money? Not to mention the other things.

  19. My thinking comes from alot of people stress and make it known eventually that their together for the kids, the way she speaks about him in this there is very Little love still there and growing resentment probably on both sides. The only option I could truly see Saving their marriage is separating their finances(outside of shared expenses) and just maybe couples counseling.

    He wants to on-line frugal without appearing frugal She doesn't want expensive if she's not going to make sure needed things are there first.

    My example is him getting mad over cheap clothes and makeup and sometimes groceries as she states. 2 of which are needed in a home, but a happy parent does wonders to their parenting often times unhappy parents take it out on their kids in subtle ways that the kid notices and the adult does not.

  20. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but it just takes time. It’s naked to force yourself to be around other people when all you want is to be alone/be with her, but hanging out with friends or family helps get your mind off of her. It will take time, but you’ll find yourself thinking of her less and less. You don’t need to rush into a relationship to forget about her, as rebounds don’t usually work out, but don’t be closed off to the idea of seeing someone else if a good opportunity presents itself (ie a girl you find pretty/you like wants to spend time with you).

  21. He has a big hill to climb from a custody standpoint. It sounds like he doesn’t get how it works.

    Even if he gets custody, he would need to have a hearing to move the girls away from their mom. Assuming she’s healthy and functional and has capable legal representation, judges in many places would look upon this plan with skepticism, at best. Courts prefer children having access to both parents (barring abuse or other issues).

  22. You are incredibly kind, thank you. I will try and grieve and be hurt as long as I need. I’ve already been preparing for the worst. But I will post an update on this situation as it develops. Thank you very much for your advice and help

  23. Hey, I don't want to alarm you, but I'm like 80% sure your boyfriend is autistic.

    I believe this because I'm autistic, raised by a family of autistics, and have been studying autism for a while now trying to make sense of it all. Your boyfriend kinda fits the bill. You might too.

    One unfortunate side effect of autism is that our expectations of reality need to be maintained, or we can kinda lose our shit. It makes us panic when our expectations are broken.

    To avoid that stress, and to keep from having to constantly change our expectations, we can often deflect, gaslight, disassociate, control, the list goes on. We are generally better at running from our problems than solving them (an addictive personality).

    We are also products of our environments. If we are not taught how to be self-critical, to question our own beliefs enough, we will tend to believe that everything we say is right. We will make up shit just because it sounds right and fully believe that it's the whole truth.

    It's what I did, it's what my deadbeat father did, and I think it's what your boyfriend is inadvertently doing. He will need to get his mind fog under control, or he will spend the rest of his life lying to himself with accessible addictions to maintain a fake sense of happiness.

    Or at least that's my guess.

    If you want to talk more about it in detail, I can respond here or in chat. I'm not crazy, I'm just a guy who honestly wants to help.

  24. Run directly to a therapist office. You’re not healthy enough at this point to see anybody else. The fact that you even have to write this for HELP after everything you wrote tells me you’re just not quite healthy enough for a relationship. Let alone the toxic mess you just left.

  25. These aren't trivial matters. This is what every married person tells you poisoned their relationship.

    Ask yourself honestly- do you like this man? If you take out the feelings of love, if you take out the history you share, is this a man you admire? Someone whose traits you'd love to see in your children?

    I suspect the answer is no. You do not admire nor respect him. You love him sure, but relationships don't run on love. They run on this trivial stuff as you call it. Because the trivial stuff reveals how your partner actually feels about you. How much respect and love they have.

    You can't get married to him. Not while you are holding him in contempt like this.

    I'd say maybe its ultimatum time. Tell him clearly what your issue is, how it makes you feel and make it clear that's not the life you want.

    If he really loves you and is capable of change he'll work it out. Because you are not asking for much from a modern man.

  26. That's not your problem or your gf's problem, and honestly, it's in your head, your gf's friend was probably just trying to get some sleep.

    Just try and shout down any intrusive thoughts and get past it would be my advice, good luck mate 🙂

  27. I’d love to have an open an honest conversation with her. That’s why I posted this, I’m wondering how I approach it because something is off and I just want to make sure I don’t hurt her feelings when I bring it up. I’m not exactly a ‘tactful’ person, so I was really just looking for some help with how to go about this conversation.


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