Emma-ms-ms online webcams for YOU!

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17 thoughts on “Emma-ms-ms online webcams for YOU!

  1. Why not go meet with a genetic counselor?

    I have a couple of things that as it turns out I’m just unlucky but don’t have a risk of passing on as determined via some genetic testing.

  2. What kind of hours are you working? Is there any chance you’ll be able to fix your schedule to better accommodate family life?

  3. I walked in front of an oncoming car and he pulled me back to safety just in time.

    Need much more context to say she has an alcohol problem versus went over board one night and has now learned not to do that again.

    But they haven't. OP is still insisting that their alcohol consumption couldn't have possibly been the problem.

  4. u/Competitive_Age1183, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. Not trying to be a dick, but you’re pretty delusional if you are wanting to be a single mother and at the same time move to Hawaii. You have no job or income. Savings can’t get you that far unless you have a plan.

    If you’re deciding to have the baby, best chance for you and that kid is staying where you are. I am speaking as a father of a 3 month old that you need to make sure you have support. My wife lost her mind several times managing a baby and even when I am around to help for the child and her both financially and at the home.

  6. We already did determine that we were exclusive with each other though. And it gotten pretty far to me when we were already meeting each others mom’s. Us never having sex doesn’t make the relationship not deep.. sure sex would have deepened in even more but it was still significant to a certain degree. Since we both talked about wanting to be together for the long term.

  7. Unless she was blacked out how is she not gonna notice another dude holding her?? I bet she would’ve noticed you holding another chick by the waist

  8. Well, he is responding and alive. Just keep being supportive and say you are worried but ready to listen and help when he is ready.

    Do you have Find my phone enabled? Then you can know where he is at if needed.

    Has he done anything like this before?

  9. Give her a Bahana(excuse) and step down as bridesmaid.. if something is giving you headache.. it’s not worth spending money or energy

  10. It’s only a minority thought amongst the early 20s kids who frequent Reddit. One thing that people forget, even in a sub like this, is that it it NOT a cross section of the population.

    In fact, in your case, I dare say the majority of the real world agrees with you. They’re just not on social media saying so.

    You do you, my friend, and don’t let the world get you down.

    “One man with courage makes a majority” – Andrew Jackson

  11. ” I am a man and I should be able to manage my own emotions and have my stuff together with out taking them to some stranger to vent to, and I for sure do not want to take “Happy Pills”

    Sounds like you are a dumb man, and I'm a man too.

    Let me guess, you also don't go to the doctor, when you are hurting in weird places? Cough a little blood? Have weird bowel movements with or without blood?

    She loves you, wants to see you happy.

  12. Bruh…. Or the more likely answer is that she is controlling hypocrite and worst case scenario is she is worried about his female friends because of how she acts around her male friends.

  13. I live in an area with an abundance of non-monogamous people. Every single couple (that I’m aware of) that opened their monogamous marriage ended. Including mine. Married over 20 years.

    Opening was my husband’s idea. It was because he was cheating with a coworker 15 years younger than me. I agreed to try (this is how I know so many non-mono people). Opening our marriage with a cheater broke my spirit. I only understand exactly why in hindsight.

    Best of luck to you with whatever you decide.

  14. Little heavy on the transphobia with the blatant misgendering. She might have done something really fucked up but it doesn't mean she deserves to be misgendered on purpose.

  15. Schedule it! He feels undesired because he's always initiating/he feels hurt that it's not a thing on your mind even though it's just not something you're thinking about. I'd recommend scheduling it/making a night of it. Have a date night, get yourself in the headspace, and have fun! I'm sure kickstarting the cycle will make him want to initiate more and then the cycle continues positively. Plus, designated date nights are always fun, you could even trade off organizing it every two weeks/whatever works for your schedule.

  16. Lol, he may have regretted that somewhat when you got the settlement. 😉

    But you should definitely tell him that you are already helping him more than enough financially, and your spending habits are off limits. He can rearrange his own finances any way he wants – he could, e.g., sell his motorbike if he wanted to save you both some money, or use it to go to work and junk his junker – but why on earth should you pay off the debt of someone who won't share his finances with you? You already are, by taking on the majority of the shared expenses.


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