EMILY live sex chats for YOU!

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31 thoughts on “EMILY live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Breakup she actively chose to hurt you over and over again and kept it from you. This wasn’t a mistake but several active decisions that she made. She has shown she will cheat and will do it in the future. She’s not a good one my guy.

  2. There are problems and there are dealbreakers. Dealbreakers aren’t something you can solve and “work” through.

  3. Well what do we have here a pre-med student having relationship issues. Get used to it honestly it's very difficult, it's very hot and you're just in college med school is going to be insane if you think you don't have any time for a life now just wait. Then you get to do a wonderful residency where you have absolutely zero life depending on your matched specialty.

    Get ready for strained relationships horrible hours trying to find any time to connect it's just the way of life. I'm 27 just finished up my residency and I'm about to get married it's a lot of hot work a lot of dedication and takes a toll on the social, mental and physical aspects of your life.

  4. You're in college and going to parties because you are 19. That's what happens at that age. She's already past that and in a different place in her life. Marrying her would be an incredibly bad idea.

  5. Op is either a troll, or the same guy who wrote another post about treating women like shit because he’s butt hurt about his ex…If it’s not the same person, I feel sorry for humanity.

    Ppl like this shouldn’t be allowed to date. Go get therapy OP.??‍♀️???

  6. What the hell lady? She wants you to celebrate her wedding. No one is forcing you to drink. If it really is that bad, ont go and tell her that you don't want to be tempted. I'm sure she'll completely understand.

  7. IMO he will eventually cheat on you if you dont “swing” with him. Sometimes people are just built that way and need more than one partner. Its nothing you've done wrong, its just their needs and desires. Eventually those desires can get the best of them.

  8. I honestly don’t know. I don’t think she’d ever do it again. But I don’t trust that she isn’t still lying or hiding something about that weekend

  9. you’re arguing if baby trapping is a thing like there isn’t an extensive history of women literally being trapped in a relationship by an unwanted pregnancy. there are many instances of men forgoing conteaceptives after being asked to, or women being coerced into not using them (ie, i’ll pull out, we don’t need them, etc), or them being manipulated and strong armed into having children they don’t want.

    you can sit here and argue but when there’s many people (including WOMEN who have lived this life) telling you otherwise, you’re just being hardheaded.

    you know relationships aren’t black and white either. especially when there are power dynamics (like an age gap or financial dependence). no they are not healthy situations but they still open women up to being baby trapped.

  10. Boosted….whose ego? The car driver's? What's wrong with boosting another person's ego, according to your bf? Does your bf also get mad at you when you are polite & friendly to waiters when you go out to eat?

  11. You are honestly just rambling. Whatever you said couldve been done in 2 sentences. Relationship is complicated? Okay so what you want to do about it?

  12. I don't think paying fair rent is the issue, this isn't a fair arrangement in general. He's having you pay the split cost of a bedroom, which means you won't have any space to yourself. You're going to be living in a shared space with 3 other men, and how are they feeling towards this arrangement? They didn't agree to having the owners girlfriend living there when they moved in.

    Also what does it mean by hours being more flexible? Are you working from home more (which might impact the other renters EVEN MORE) or just going in later? Are you factoring the cost of that extra travel into how much money you'll be “saving”? Honestly it just sounds easier to treat yourself to a private room somewhere else.

  13. But at the same time, if I was straight up and told her how she makes me feel uncomfortable then she would have some sort of an absolutely massive breakdown and anxiety attack.

    Okay but how is that your problem? If ppl make a giant fuss when you try to instill healthy boundaries, those arent ppl you should be worrying about. Tell her that this relationship isnt healthy for either of you and that its over. Tell her that you'd like to be civil but if she cant manage that, then you two need to ignore each other's existence.

  14. Yeah, I think OP is just European and her bluntness is being taken as her being uncaring or single minded.

    I’m very familiar with narcissism and I’m European. I’m pretty sure OP is just German.

    Frankly I’m shocked at the amount of people who are implying they’d be fine just having zero info and receiving ultimatums like this from their fiancé.

  15. you're an adult who even has time to celebrate their birthday as an adult unless it falls on a day you have the day off.

  16. We will but I’m just really upset and disappointed. I understand his circumstances and he does need the extra pay due to something else going on in his life. I think it’s just his lack of care in something that he knew was very important to me. He didn’t sound disappointed at all.

  17. Are you meeting his needs? What are his love languages? I'm not saying you're not valid because a relationship is always a two way street, but make sure he feels the way you want to feel.

    Sit down and discuss it with him if you get the chance, do it over text, or through a call! Maybe he isn't aware. If he isn't, make it known.

  18. DUUUDE, she sounds like she frustrated with HER salary and HER inability to earn more. She also sounds jealous that you are able to check ALL the boxes Only working half the time.

    Being satisfied with our life is a great thing. Being able to pay for ourselves, including extras, is super. Being HAPPY and Fulfilled is priceless. Keep doing what makes you satisfied, happy/content, and fulfilled.

    Couples counseling might be a route to take.

    Best wishes, OP.

    Agape ?

  19. I mistyped. She directly told me she does not have depression. I’m not just assuming that.

  20. I definitely agree that there's a double standard here. As a man you are just not allowed to say that to your wife/gf. I can't imagine saying it. I think I'd have tried working out together as a means of attaining health. I'd couch it as “I want us to both be around and able to do things at 70”.

  21. No your right, il never fully understand how much I hurt her. And she’s a closed book, as much as Iv tried shel never admit that I did. All the lies etc I know I’m the bad guy here I’m not trying to say otherwise I’m in a program, I see a shrink, I see my doc, I’m doing as much as I possibly can to stay clean

    And I agree, I do need to move out, I just don’t know how to afford having my own place and paying for the family home?? If I could do both I would, without a shadow of a doubt. But I just can’t afford it

  22. Just leave her.

    She broke trust in the relationship because she caused an issue by not talking about her upcoming move overseas.

    And you know that the relationship will end when she moves overseas, either because one or both of you realise that an LDR won’t work, or because she cheats on you after she moves.

  23. My ex spat in my face during an argument once. There was abuse before that and it continued to escalate after that for many years as well.

    It's honestly just this huge feeling of disgust, knowing that someone feels hatred for you so strongly that they do something like that to put you in your 'place'.

    You don't come back from that. People who love you don't do that, don't even come close.

  24. The answer to your first question is “because she also wouldn’t have told it to any other man she was married to if it wasn’t him”. She wouldn’t have told it to anyone. It’s obviously not “something about him”.

    But because of how he chose to respond when she did, now thatll be why she doesn’t tell him in the future if something traumatic happens again, so he’s willingly created the situation he invented to complain about.

  25. I am not going to quit , I love where I work/ feel so comfortable in an lgbt space so it hurts worse she like wants to “take it away” from me


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