3 thoughts on “EloaSimons online webcams for YOU!”
Thank you so much for taking the time to type all of this.
According to CPS, My sister got clean long enough during pregnancies. It’s was like a trigger to stop. But as soon as they were out she would start again. So far as is known the kids are clean. For now they’ve not shown any signs of having health problems, but ofcourse that can still change. So we will keep an eye out for that and they will be monitored by our doctor.
We will be adopting them, not just fostering. I’m not from America, so the government will help either way. We also have socialized healthcare, so we can put them on ours. Until they are 18 we won’t pay for them, only our own risk is we use healthcare at all. So we are very lucky with that. We are also looking into putting funds away to safe for college etc. We don’t want them to go into to much debt. As soon as possible we will also move to a bigger house, closer to our friends and other relatives so we will have a closer and more stable circle around us. Because at some point I will have to go back to work.
When the twins are born, my mom will be staying with us and we are looking for a nanny to help with the youngest and house work.
Something very similar happened to me a long time ago and I decided to stay quiet, but they didn't, which led to me getting ostracized from the group. Don't let them paint their own narrative first if you really care about these friends.
Thank you so much for taking the time to type all of this.
According to CPS, My sister got clean long enough during pregnancies. It’s was like a trigger to stop. But as soon as they were out she would start again. So far as is known the kids are clean. For now they’ve not shown any signs of having health problems, but ofcourse that can still change. So we will keep an eye out for that and they will be monitored by our doctor.
We will be adopting them, not just fostering. I’m not from America, so the government will help either way. We also have socialized healthcare, so we can put them on ours. Until they are 18 we won’t pay for them, only our own risk is we use healthcare at all. So we are very lucky with that. We are also looking into putting funds away to safe for college etc. We don’t want them to go into to much debt. As soon as possible we will also move to a bigger house, closer to our friends and other relatives so we will have a closer and more stable circle around us. Because at some point I will have to go back to work.
When the twins are born, my mom will be staying with us and we are looking for a nanny to help with the youngest and house work.
Something very similar happened to me a long time ago and I decided to stay quiet, but they didn't, which led to me getting ostracized from the group. Don't let them paint their own narrative first if you really care about these friends.
thank you, it’s my first relationship and i will take note of that 🙂