EllieFord on-line webcams for YOU!

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46 thoughts on “EllieFord on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. So youre as bad as him and youre sad that your friends wont stand for you being an asshole?

    Have you tried, stay with me here, not being an asshole?

  2. You aren't intelligent or deep for saying this world isn't black or white, most people understand that. You can still have firm values and boundaries while understanding that people are shades of grey.

  3. Cause we've only got one toilet and I generally work from home. She'll usually use the toilet in the morning and leave before I'm up. Unfortunately I'm left with the choice of either fix it myself or hold it all day…

  4. did you read the part where she said she is the breadwinner? the question is, does her boyfriend do most of the housework at home?

  5. I could be way off base here, but it sounds to me that your boyfriend might categorize romance and sex differently? That you were enjoying a romantic, bonding evening, and then he felt you were changing the tone to sex? That he wants/feels that he needs to be in a very specific mood for it.

    Perhaps you should try a conversation about what sex feels like and means to one another. Just a thought!

  6. Do not initiate contact for at least 7 days. Are you living together? It sounds like you are not and I'm sad to say it also sounds like he may have someone else. Just go cold turkey for a week. Give yourself space, even tell him you cant talk for a week and not to message you about anything. I think you will learn a lot in that 7 days.

  7. Why are you enabling her abuse. Why would you entertain people sending you revenge porn? It’s illegal and disgusting. You are trying to shame and judge her for being a victim of abuse.

  8. This sounds severely abusive. First off, long labia is normal. Mass portion of people have long labia, Second…its clear he uses this to hurt you and manipulate you.

  9. Just like you might be able to find many men attractive but want to be with just one, being bi doesn’t mean you get a male and female partner. He committed to monogamy with you and if he wants to change the terms, you’re not obligated to be ok with that. He’s also exploring emotional fulfillment with this guy so it seems outside of what you agreed upon.

  10. Block your ex. Tell your current boyfriend your ex contacted you and That you blocked him but his reaching out has stirred up some anxiety because being reminded how you were blindsided when he dumped you. And get yourself some therapy To deal with the anxiety.

  11. He's literally told you he'd rather get an abortion or give the baby away for adoption. He doesn't want a child at 21 you need to stop convincing yourself otherwise. Listen to the words that are coming out of his mouth.

  12. Full honesty, your husband's brother needs an evaluation for autism and ADHD and related mental disorders. Between the extreme emotional regulation issues, the impulsivity, and the inability to understand social norms(your very reasonable boundaries), there's definitely more going on inside his head than just “he's a guy who never learned how to control himself”.

    You should suggest that your husband pass on the idea of getting a psychological evaluation. If there is something else going on, BIL can get proper treatment once he has the diagnosis.

  13. Seems like you’ve already made the right choice in ending it even though you still care for him. Good for you! Not so many people would be strong enough to do that

  14. Actually they do

    5 years ago my husband and I were flying from Seattle to San Francisco

    We had a few hours so went to a steakhouse where I had 2 glasses of wine with my steak

    Got to the airport and had another hour to kill and security line up was short so we had another glass of wine at the bar

    Walking through security I looked at my husband and said,”OMG, I’m drunk ‘ Then I remember nothing until we landed

    Turns out the glasses I drank were 9ozs glasses which we don’t have often in Canada

    I woke up when the plane landed and felt fine while being ashamed about my condition, my husband asked me what I had eaten that day and I had eaten almost nothing to the steak house

  15. Check this shit out bro she got a government phone for no reason. Activated it and all on top of that she signs out of her Facebook when she's not using it.

  16. The intent doesn’t matter. You need to take accountability to stand a chance of regaining her trust. You are talking like a child that says I didn’t break the dish mommy because they didn’t want to get in trouble. Just being honest with you.

  17. Friendships are nude sometimes. Can you ask them both if you've done something to offend them? That's where I would start. Here's what I would say,

    “Hey F1 and F2, I really miss you guy and know you've been in town recently. I really wanted to see you. Have I done something to offend you? If so, what can I do to make it right?”

    This is putting all the onus on you not them and hopefully they'll come clean if something happened.

  18. Maybe she thought you didn't self-quarantine long enough after Covid?

    Your suggestion of a one week break seems reasonable, but nobody here can tell you what comes next, because that's up to her. Play it by ear.

    If by any chance she's writing in to this sub to ask our advice, we'd all be telling her: “breaking up does not require mutual consent. If you're through with him, just block him everywhere and never see him again. He doesn't have to “allow” the breakup.”

  19. I hate to say this, but it's honestly a natural reaction. Men do it a lot when their wives don't bounce back after pregnancy, and women do it a lot when a guy goes from buff to dad bod. Does it hurt? Hell the fuck yes. But, in this case, I thinks you should forgive her. She's not just asking you to change and then leaving you alone to do it. She's actively being a part of that change. That alone shows you how much she loves you. She's also trying to get healthier and look better for and with you. That says a lot about any partner. Many really would leave their partners to do it themselves. Also, having been in a similar situation, it's not something that can't be changed. You both are already working together to change that. And that's an awesome thing.

  20. It kinda makes one wonder… if hes choosing to not have sex with her for 6 months… is he finding it somewhere else?

  21. Quick private investigator to document some bad actions while she’s away? Or hire a buddy for 1k to fly to Vegas also and spy? Sorry bro.

  22. How was sex before hand? How did he view sex and your pleasure? Those are all things you (and more importantly he) need(s) to explore.

    No need to answer here.

  23. Er no she doesn't!

    Fil will bleed them dry I'd op doesn't stay vigilant. The wife needs to 'man up' and tell her father no.

    If wife's debt is ops debt because they are married, he has every right to tell her not to take out loans. Every right!

    If she does op walk away and find someone you can trust with your life, not someone who'd see you broke to please anyone else.

  24. Someone who is willing to dangle your whole relationship over your head isn't someone you want to be having sex with.

    Cut it off and find someone who respects you enough to let you take your time. He isn't good enough, and his behaviour sure as shit isn't either.

  25. You deserve so much better than that. Someone who says you look great, sexy, beautiful, nude, whatever it is. I’ve been in that relationship, it’s awful and it took way to long for me to figure it out. There is someone out there that will tell you all of those things and mean it, I found it and it’s amazing. Gained 15lbs and I’m still all those things according to him lol.

    Be kind to yourself and loose the 180lb man child, you won’t regret it.

  26. You deserve so much better than that. Someone who says you look great, sexy, beautiful, nude, whatever it is. I’ve been in that relationship, it’s awful and it took way to long for me to figure it out. There is someone out there that will tell you all of those things and mean it, I found it and it’s amazing. Gained 15lbs and I’m still all those things according to him lol.

    Be kind to yourself and lose the 180lb man child, you won’t regret it.

  27. It is understandable to miss your child when they move away, especially when they move far away. You say you do not want to control him, but you want him to think about you and take you into consideration. So that means you DO want to control what he does.

    I get that cultures are different, but the fact he moved so far away and is not telling you about his life leads me to believe this is a case of “missing missing reasons”. It kind of reads like you have always been someone who wanted to control him and keep you as his top priority when that is just not realistic.

    He has a family and a kid on the way. You are not his top priority and have not been for a while it seems like. I understand it is upsetting, especially seeing those around you with all their family, but you wanting him to change his job choice or place to online because of you is not reasonable.

    What about looking into moving closer to him?

  28. You are a kind and generous person who paid dearly for your faith in humanity. Your boyfriends ignorance is appalling and proves that he lacks real empathy. My vote is to end the relationship.

  29. Shitty of her. And selfish. He’s your dad. You want to show him respect. That’s your justification.

  30. Thanks for the advice. Im going to bring this up with my therapist. Should I just see where chips fall? Im just so sad I ruined something good.

  31. Except for the fact he doesn’t quote exactly what she said and considering OP has proven to be an unreliable narrator, I wouldn’t put it past him to have summarises it in a way which further paints her in a bad light and him to be the hopeless victim.


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