EliseFast on-line sex cams for YOU!

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6 thoughts on “EliseFast on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Your a flex but not a beauty flex (no offense I don’t know what you look like) but a “I have a gf/side piece/girl who likes me” flex

  2. I’m not being funny but if he’s got a good job and he doesn’t want kids why hasn’t he had a vasectomy?

    I know you’re in the UK but I am too, and I know our private healthcare isn’t that expensive if you go to the right place. It’s better than you having to dump artificial hormones into your body that can cause a shit ton of side effects, and for what? So he can hit it raw with no consequences?

    And now you have to have an invasive procedure which will also have horrible side effects, and counselling after. Because he wants to be selfish.

    Men who expect their female partners to do this so they don’t have to make any effort or take any responsibility shouldn’t be married.

  3. Two of my kids are the result of failed BC. I am grateful to have had the chance to be their mom and have zero regrets, but that’s ME and not necessarily everyone else. Condoms are a great backup and they also help keep the pH in your vag healthier. Not to mention less chance of a really gnarly wet spot.

  4. Sorry if this is long, and I know a lot of people don't just want to hear “break up” but just some food for thought while you're going through this tough time.

    It sucks when the person you're dating just gives up on you but its more common than you think.. I mean who wouldn't love all of this effort being put into them and it seems to be completely wasted.

    Instead of desperately trying to please the unpleasable. What have you done for yourself recently. Have you thought about things that make you happy or excited to do?

    What about your fiancé. Would she support you in these things. Pay attention to them? Does it feel like if given the opportunity she would barely commit to a gift or care about your interests at all.

    Its time to Put yourself first man. You need a very hot sit down with yourself to figure out, is this the kind of support i'm looking for for the rest of my life. Or do I need to cut my losses at such a young age and try again.

    If you told her how sad you were and how it feels that her actions are making you depressed. How would she genuinely react. Remorseful and worried. Or angry and insulted.

    I came from this. I've been stomped on when I tried to be heard. I put mountains of effort into a deep abyss of a person. I know what its like to stop bringing up my problems to save a fight, or worried it might get turned back on me just for being unhappy.

    If you want to stay, you need to sit her down and tell her what's important to you and what you want out of a relationship. If this gets a bad reaction or she thinks she can't live up to your bare minimum happiness, its ok to end things.

  5. Probably not. There are so many red flags and OP thinks this dude is checking in on her because she was upset…tf does tht make sense.

    He's a grown man acting like a child i wldve been done with him when he started saying my reasoning for not immediately answering his calls like he's my sire are little games.

    Fuck tht shit.


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