Elenabliss on-line sex cams for YOU!

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35 thoughts on “Elenabliss on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. he's told you multiple times that he doesn't want to be married. stop pressuring him, find someone whose views match your own and stop making yourself wait around on “i don't know”s.

  2. As an accountant, that house situation doesn’t make sense. You can back out any point before closing. You may lose your earnest money (deposit essentially). But really, who looks at that and says “lose $5k oooor be stuck in a house with my ex I just left, hmmm?” and chooses the option with the ex?! It’s outrageous. I’d take losing the earnest money as your stupid tax and a payment for your freedom from having to deal with that person ever again.

    There are people that really are that dumb, but it still smells hinky. You think someone dedicated to you as a partner would be calling and complaining to you about this rotten deal before the closing (or after) – that she thinks she’s stuck buying a house with her ex, right?

    Even if she’s dumb and naive, she isn’t exhibiting god partner vibes. 1) She didn’t communicate with you, 2) her go-to response was to ghost you and lie by omission, 3) she’s living in a house with her current/previous romantic partner for no good reason. From the sounds of it she didn’t have to move in with him. Stay in your apartment or get one you can afford for Pete’s sake.

    Right now, if she needed to get out of a mortgage, she’d have to keep dealing with this joker. Both of them have to agree to a refinance, and what if he doesn’t and never agrees to it. (Advice to everyone: NEVER buy a house with someone who is only legally your roommate and not your legal spouse. In terms of Judge Judy, there are no laws for “almost marrieds.”)

    You can consider a second chance, but don’t talk to her until she’s ready to be completely single. Tell her to come back when she’s ready, and you can start over and see how you feel about each other then. Meaning living on her own and off this mortgage and deed. She also needs to be completely honest from now on.

  3. Hello /u/Easy_Link5270,

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  4. Well you can work on it or you can not work on it. If someone is easy angry he can work on it or stay like this and Ait for someone that don't mind that part of him.

    It's all about you and yourself if you feel that this part of you is you and important, keep it. And don't hesitate to state it when meeting girl. If you think it's something that don't feel like you and is more something that make not happy, work on it, not for this girl ut for yourself to feel happier with yoursel

  5. Sleep deprivation is literal torture.

    Tell her to stop it. Don't let her give excuses.

    If she doesn't stop, leave.

  6. Moral of the story:

    He’s changed soooo much from what we had when we first met and things were a mess

    Break up. And never again start a relationship with a person that is a mess and you don't like them.

    Start a relationship with people you are compatible with and don't have issues right away.

  7. And that’s why you don’t have sex on the first date. She saw it as a commitment. You saw it as a one night stand. Now she is a fatal attraction. You just have to tell her that you need to slow things down. It’s just been one day. Tell her you have other things you have to do and can’t spend all your time with her. Go to your dorm room and lock the door if you have to but put the brakes on it now. You can’t feel guilty over someone you just met.

  8. Info: you said that gender equity is a big part of your work. How would HR or your higher ups react to the accusation that he's at the beginning stages of creating a hostile environment based on his treatment of female colleagues? Would it raise a giant ruckus or would they earnestly try to address it quietly but effectively? Also, is this dude still on probation?

  9. Both women need to get a job immediately. That will get both out of the house for the majority of the day and interacting with others rather than them just being in this fishbowl of misery. You two offered to let this child stay so you can handle it until Lily is ready to move back home or into an apartment.

  10. He's been manipulating you for months, to keep you insecure to keep you jealous and needy. Do not stay with this toxic man.

  11. Sorry I didn't mean to imply that.

    I think you really need to show her the numbers. You're coming to the decision that you need 2 incomes, but you've seen all the numbers. I think you need to show her your monthly budget and your spending against each category, based on your other posts, she sounds pretty hands off currently. Maybe she'll come to the same decision as you, or maybe she will want to cut back spending.

  12. If you want to be less nervous then you'll need to accept the fact that she might say no but that it wouldn't be the end of the world if she did.

    That's what I meant when I said I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket.

    But if she does like me, then she'll be my main priority.

  13. Voice Activated Recorder hidden where you think she’s cheating next time you go away and you will have your truth.

  14. Don’t marry until you’re ready but if she wants that then maybe she’s not the one and you should let her go. No use stating together if you’re on different timelines. You’ve been together since you were 18-20. That’s insanely young. It’s ok to break up Ava gain life experience apart.

  15. Do you believe he might have a mental illness of some kind? Or perhaps that he is neurodivergent?

    This level of commitment to a specific cause is not necessarily pathological, but the extreme disrespect for the impact on you of how he tries to achieve his goal suggest it is something he is not equipped to control even if he wanted to.

    Do you think he would rather divorce you than talk about this issue in a calm and respectful manner?

  16. My view is a bit different to others – her behaviour is out of line and your partner has been open with you. I think you should meet with Kate and firmly (and kindly) explain how her behaviour is affecting you and Dec. You do have some jealousy towards her and some insecurity which is yours to deal with, but her behaviour also needs addressing. It's quite possible she is desperate for attention and affirmation and is misdirecting it.

    She needs to cut it out and to do that she needs to understand the impact on you and Dec.

  17. My cousins 6 so she doesn’t really tell us anything lol. But we knew how he died but my mom was too upset to hear all the details right away. And after telling us about his death she stopped talking to us. We didn’t even find out what day he died till my grandmother cornered her at the funeral.

  18. Thank you for this input. Yup he said he feels Mexico is very unsafe and my decision impacts “us”. I said I don’t want to on-line in fear , I’m not going to a cartel land. I’m not going to party on my own. I’m doing a good deed with a group of volunteers at one location. He wants me to get with him first. While I get that , I don’t feel like I need to even ask for permission. I want someone that is proud of what I do and who I am.

  19. Babes, you were 21 and he was 33? You gotta get out. That’s not a healthy, wholehearted, emotionally mature and well self-regulated man.

  20. Pf. Waste of time. Not even 3 to 5 business days. He isn't worth a single one of your tears.

    If you told him about being a virgin, this may have made him pressure even more. To be “the first one”.

    A nasty guy. Rehome your handkerchiefs (put them, where he lives: in the garbage can) and move on.

  21. Those are reasons it will never change. You not wanting to be stuck isn’t his motivation but yours.

    You should not marry yet. You should take more time to work out these issues and is not then you can decide if you can accept never leaving. Your youth makes it unwise to marry as well. There is no rush but rushing has consequences.

  22. That's basically what I was thinking… Man doesn't have to do any work, he just lays back and gets blowjobs. Why would he want to go the doctor and try to “fix” things when from his perspective nothing is broken? He has a perfectly satisfying sex life where he gets to orgasm every time.

  23. I get that you are nervous. The obvious and only true answer is to ask her. Whenever I've been considering big life changes you have to ask yourself, “Is it better I hear the answer now or in 1 year”. She may say no, but at least you saved yourself years of being in a relationship that isn't going anywhere.

  24. What an ignorant response to someone giving thoughtful advice. Sorry to see that's your main takeaway.

  25. Are you absolutely sure that you DO want to marry this man? I mean you said he screamed at you and said some awful things so maybe all of this is a sign that you're not meant to be with him. Also, I am so sorry about your baby and all the drama that you had to go through, no one should have to endure that. Take care of yourself first and think long and nude as to staying with this guy.

  26. Not to mention the gaslighting when he confronts her – her “depression” is probably as fake as her SA. OP – this should be a nude line. Let the other guy have her.


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