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32 thoughts on “Eemmiily online sex chats for YOU!

  1. 100%. This has nothing to with insecurities or anything of that nature. You don’t go on a date then sleep around for casual sex. This is regardless of it being a first date. You have zero respect for yourself.

  2. I stopped for awhile, but was surprised once when my wife got to a door and stopped. Apparently I had started again and had been doing it for the last couple years without realizing.

    I don't think it matters either way, but I do it still 12 years in just as a little show of affection.

  3. You’ve dodged a bullet. He was deliberately choosing to be somewhere he had an excuse to be angry (possibly so he could see how much anger you’d tolerate him taking out on you). He’s unreasonable, manipulative, has anger issues, and doesn’t respect your boundaries (as shown by him turning up at your door). You should be so proud of yourself that stood up for yourself and got yourself out of a situation that could have turned incredibly nasty. I’m so pleased for you!

  4. Admittedly, I (44F) am a bit confused.

    In my world, you aren’t exclusive until you agree to be so and date other people up til that point. And then at that point, you agree that you’re a couple.

    Being older, I’m not going to call my partner my “boyfriend” because it sounds juvenile. But at 6 mos when we agreed to be exclusive, we certainly agreed that we were a couple.

    Seems to me that she maybe needs to see a therapist to deal with whatever perceived trauma she has.

    At this point, you two are exclusively dating and as such, are a couple. You can call it whatever you want: boyfriend/girlfriend, partner, significant other…..but you’re coupled right? You’re not just exclusive FWBs.

    I don’t think that your suggestion of opening things back up is reasonable. It’s manipulative and immature. But if you need/want a label and she won’t explore that with you, maybe you simply break up and she can go deal with her issues with a professional.

  5. It sounds cliche, but if you are meant to end up together, you will.

    My husband and I broke up while I was in law school and he was building his business. We ended up back together obviously when the timing was right. I saw this happen with a few other people in school. It’s not really fair, but being in all-encompassing program like that is not conducive to a serious relationship for a lot of people. Focus on yourself and your future!

  6. It is sad to see people treating marriage as a prize they get for being a good girlfriend/boyfriend. There are no relationships without some issues. The other person is always different from you and thinks and acts differently. Learning to be together despite those issues is the whole point of a relationship. Changing each other is usually a bad idea. Adults can't be changed, or be happy if they are forced to.

    Marriages aren't something final. People divorce all the time. There is no point in long trial relationships, especially when those seem to last more than many marriages. Except that because your goal is marriage, you aren't simply enjoying life while in those relationships.

    Anyway, it seems like you have serious problem, and one of them mught be that you started this relationship with him while being very young. Have you had any other meaningful relationships? Perhaps the best thing for you would be to break up with him and find someone who is willing to be with you as you are, not as he wishes you to be.

  7. You wanted her to take care of just you instead? God, you're an absolute heartless man child!

    One wonders what would happen if it were the other way around. Would you just let your mother rot in a hospital or home while you lived your life.

    You want relationship advice? You're not made for relationships. You're barely human. Your poor wife…

  8. This is 2022 – we should be well past the point of needing a man's approval. And her safety should be more important than his ego.

    I couldn't agree more with you. However we don't online in a perfect world and not everyone has the mentality that you described and it's sensible and intelligent to act cautiously to avoid this kind of situation. And in this case, just a nice heads up was all that was needed.

  9. Hello /u/Mama-Hip-Hop-Po2013,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and

    request advice in real situations involving two or more people

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    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:

    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  10. Your point is understood. But I work with teens regarding dating abuse. For every 15 year old that becomes paranoid because someone on Reddit said an adult shouldn't be talking to them, there are many others who are at risk of being groomed.

    “Children between the ages of 12 and 15 are especially susceptible to be groomed or manipulated by adults they meet online. According to the F.B.I., over 50 percent of the victims [in the US] of live! sexual exploitation are between the ages of 12 and 15.”

    I'm usually the one saying that making categorical statements is wrong, but in this case, I'd let it be.

  11. It's reasonable for him to spend part of the day with you, bring you things you might need, and generally support you. Asking him to sleep there is unreasonable. It's uncomfortable and he won't get any decent rest. He should go home at night. He was there a lot. Don't be upset with him because everyone else let you down. He showed up.

  12. You break up with him. You either sell the house and split profit or one of you refinances the house and buys out the other. Whoever takes care of the cats and the cats are attached to keeps the cats. Might need to be roommates for a while though.

  13. Your friends are wise. Listen to them. R had his shot and missed. No rematches with the champ (that's you).

    Why do you even care what R thinks now? You have moved on, right? If you haven't… then why did you start seeing M? That's not fair to M if you haven't moved on.

    R is manipulating you. You shouldn't forgive him. You should leave him in the past. You don't owe him any kind of relationship or explanation. You should give your relationship with M a real chance, and the best way to do that is to leave R in the past and cease all contact.

  14. Your post lacks a question. As per Rule 2, all posts must feature a question that you want specifically answering. We don't host, rants, vents, letters to other people, poetry, journal entries, hypotheticals or 'what would you do' posts, or reflections on past experiences to give other people lessons.

    We are here for you to ask specific relationship issue with a current relationship you have right now, in this moment.

  15. Hey u/onedayatatime08 . I just want to thank you for taking the time to respond to me, I seriously appreciate your words and believe you may be spot on. He has always wanted me to act like a leader, to not question myself, and to simply “get it done.” I am learning though, and definitely going through the motions to get where I want to be. Not to excuse myself, but I have suffered from much rejection and emotional distress in my life and have trouble breaking out of my shell. I have lost a lot of my confidence in the last few years – but I work on it every day and see myself blossoming with the help of this individual. There is no doubt I want our relationship to work out… It's just a matter of mustering up the courage to elevate myself in the way we both need. Sounds dumb but it is indeed very intimidating.

    You've really helped me out here, friend. Thank you again.

  16. Or just tell him to contact you when he's actually divorced. It just happens all the time where the dude never leaves the wife and just has a side chick.

  17. no. your daughter should know that you picked your husband over her. you dont get to online happy and have a secret like this. you're a piece of shit.

  18. Honestly?

    I don't think I could ever get over the resentment. You'll be so much happier without him.

  19. If it bothers so much , you stop doing what she likes it move on. Selfish people has to taught a lesson

  20. Yup. My boss hasn't eaten meat in like 20+ years and was a strict vegan for most of that time.

    When his family comes to his barbecues he'll cook their meat, prepare dishes for them etc. he won't buy it generally, but is totally compatible with meat eaters.

    Good friends/customers will sometimes bring us in food and will bring him meat dishes even though they've known him for years because they never realized he has a plant based diet

  21. You did the right thing. I literally cannot stress enough how much you did the right thing. Fuck drunk drivers, they kill people and ruin entire families. Your ex is a shitty person and so are the people defending him

  22. Are you even allowed to move with your kids? Unless their father is dead or terminated his rights, you typically can’t take your kids with you without his consent.

    When we had to move due to my husband’s job from MI to NoVA, we had to leave the kids behind and only got to see them summer and holidays or whenever we could make the 13 hour drive back home that year before they moved with us. And we were on the hook for all transport costs and had to pay more in CS than when it was 50/50. This was during the last recession and he’d been out of work for more than a year so…he had to take a job.

    I dunno. I think you’d be smarter to stay put. You two are in different life stages and you have support where you are but won’t there.

  23. Welp, that's too bad but here we are. You both made serious mistakes, so time to address them.

    If he has to move back home? Then he has a place to stay. He won't be on the street. Since he has had no problem spending your money, he can spend his parent's money. Or maybe figure out how to support himself like a grown-ass man of 25.

    Stop worrying about the fallout for him, and start worrying about YOU.


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