E L L A A on-line sex chats for YOU!

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38 thoughts on “E L L A A on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. This relationship is too new for the angst. I would move on and try to find someone local who has similar communication styles. You aren't being unreasonable.

  2. With my ex of 5 years I always had feelings of doubt but then we had really good days and it would mask those doubts. Fast forward I did leave. Now My current partner he's 1000% the one. and It was literally like you said “you just knew” I knew when I met my current BF he was the one. I couldn't imagine my life with out him. and i'm sure everyone has that feeling at some point with their partner. but this feeling is almost like unexplained..it's just so weird and simple. Like you just know. for me it's not even words “he's the one” it's the feeling that came with knowing he was the one. Everyone thought my ex would of been the “one” I married but I never ever had that he's the one feeling 100% because well there were just to many inconsistencies and unsure moments. Even on my worst day with my bf (which is rare) he's still the one.

  3. It sounds like he never wanted to, and still doesn't, ever want to be a parent, and that's absolutely okay. I know it's easier said than done, but you need to stop asking yourself why he'd have a kid with someone he didn't want to be with 12yrs ago, etc. because it's NOT about that. It's as simple as he does not want to have kids with anyone. There are so many reasons unrelated to you that he had the first kid — 12years is a long time, maybe at a younger age he felt too much pressure or maybe the ex wanted the baby and he respected the fact it was her body, not his — you'll drive yourself crazy.

    If you want to keep the baby, then you will need to come up with a realistic plan of how you'll be able to do that, as well as multiple back-up plans, and you'll need to be prepared to do it on your own.

  4. Thank you for the kind words. I would like to work on communication a bit more before we break up, although I have already expressed on multiple occasions my sexual assault history and my triggers, which he either doesn’t listen or doesn’t seem to care apparently. Fortunately I own the house, I bought it myself when I turned 20, so if I want to breakup he would be the one to leave.

  5. You're right, I get it. But me self harming has been a coping mechanism to panic attacks unfortunately:( but ofc fights with him aggravate it. I like to believe he's also brought out the best in me at times but clearly he also brings out the absolute worst.

  6. You are absolutely not a sex addict and you're just noticing a lack of sexual intimacy with your partners. Your “expectations” are totally healthy. It sounds like your current partner and ex just struggle with connecting to their own sexual desire, and it sometimes that would definitely require some self-reflection and communication between you and your partner at the moment. Therapy is usually easier to tackle this but you could also potentially handle it on your own.

  7. Hello /u/melsz333,

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  8. I honestly think that many women can’t handle a man crying because just as you’ve been taught not to do it, we’ve never seen it. So it catches a lot of women off guard. I know how to respond when a female friend cries, I wrap her in a big hug for as long as she needs. I hugged a guy friend who cried and he got more upset. It was like neither of us had the tools for the situation. I didn’t know how to comfort him in a way that worked for him and he felt like he fucked up crying at all.

  9. An emotional affair would imply that you both admitted you had feelings for each other and continued to have that kind of relationship.

    Based on what you said, you had already broken up before admitting those feelings to each other.

    Unless you left out details I don't see how you did anything wrong besides staying in a relationship you weren't invested in.

  10. Hm, I’ve only been disappointed when taking back a cheater. Also, having such a huge issue within the first few months would make me think that it’s not worth my time and effort to invest even more into this. But you are not me and he isn’t the guys I dated.

    Maybe have a look at the sub r/AsOneAfterInfidelity. You’ll find lots of resources on what is important for reconciliation there. Plus lots of people who are actively going through the process or have done so in the past/are considering it.

    What’s definitely important to know is why he did it in the first place. Without that knowledge, who’s to say it won’t happen again? I’d also request to have an open device policy for both of you. Absolute transparency about who you both are spending time with and so on.. Also very important, if you decide on reconciliation you both need patience, especially him. Building trust back up properly takes a long time, so he needs to be understanding of occasional doubts or insecurities you may have.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!

  11. She’s twenty my dude. That’s a stage in live where a lot of likes and dislikes shift. Especially when finding friends and partners in game you gotta realise that’s a possibility. You basically only spend so much time cause you were addicted to the same stuff.

  12. Forget the mom what did your gf do when this took place? The words that should have come out of her mouth should have been something like “excuse my mom but I have a boyfriend” if nothing remotely close to this came out of your gf’s mouth then I would question my relationship with her.

  13. Don’t do it. London is the worst place to live on a single income and one of the most expensive places in the UK to go to University. I would honestly not even be sure how you would be keeping a roof over your heads, Nevermind “living as a student” has she even costed this out at all?

    Let her go to Uni and move in together afterwards. Though given her attitude towards your objections, you might want to consider that a bit more.

  14. I was actually talking about something like this the other night.

    Some people, while they LOVE to do something…are not “good” at it. Might never be. Couldn't make money off of it.

    If it was a friend of yours, I'd say IF they asked what you thought, you could be very honest (though gentle) and tell them what's wrong with what they're doing. Because it's your boyfriend, you kinda have to be even MORE gentle with him because of the whole love/relationship thing. Has he ASKED for your help/opinion? If not, I'd let him be, since you're not having to support him in any way. If he has asked, I'd SUPER-EASILY suggest something to the effect of “Maybe you should just keep this as a hobby, and try something else?”

  15. Your new partner is ? correct. It would be best to ease your ex into the responsibility of taking on bills now. I would not be comfortable entering a committed relationship with a man who is still half married to his former wife.

  16. Well, one thing is that it took far too much and too long to get there.

    As far as what you can do, I think I gave you a very concrete idea. Go shopping together.

    I do realize that all of these potential solutions will be complicated and require persuasion – that is why my very first thought is that you two should not be dating.

    I do want to take a moment to reinforce this point: There is nothing the least little bit wrong with you expecting your boyfriend to give you gifts on your birthday and Christmas. Be sure to add a Valentine's gift and an anniversary celebration as well. Those are reasonable things.

  17. That was what I looked out your most recent post to say. First get him medical help. This sounds like it could be medical. when people act so out of the ordinary it can mean any number things.

  18. One thing that is really important here – I did not comment about her body in a sexual way. She was wearing a very revealing top (doesn’t consent to comments) and all I said was “wow! I want mine to look like that in those tops!”. I want to be very clear I would never specialize another woman. Although I can’t think of the correct phrases, my comments were purely out of admiration (?) and also acknowledging she looked great!

    I will say that perhaps my main point has been missed here. While you’re correct that my boyfriend doesn’t necessarily open conversations but makes statements. I’m seeking help on how to address these topics on how to address them in a mature manner, or be told overall that maybe I’m overreacting!

    I understand your frustration from the point of the bartender and I agree with you. Just a different understanding of the point I was trying to share

  19. How was he supposed to respond to you? You were just talking and he told you he's getting over a break up, did you think he would push to still meet up with you after what you said? I wouldn't take it as confirmation that all those things you thought being true, just that he understands you are done.

  20. Leave.

    He has more red flags than the factory that makes em.

    You are not fighting for your marriage, you are fighting for a long dead past. You cannot close your eyes and hide after you discover your house is on fire. You either die or get out.

  21. The message wasn’t to both of them. It was to her and referenced him.

    All I’m saying is that you can’t say one lie is wrong and the other isn’t. I personally think they’re both in the wrong and should just call it out, call it a wash, move forward, and be better in the future.

  22. NTA. It's a perfectly valid reason to breakup. If she's unwilling to undergo diagnosis and treatment to manage this then she's signing you up for a life of dealing with unmedicated severe mental health issues that even trained professionals struggle to manage. That's an unreasonably big ask. It's nothing like leaving someone because they have cancer. It's like leaving someone with severe lactose intolerance who refuses to find out they're even lactose intolerant, won't change their eating habits to stop being sick all the time and can't even know a dairy pill could make them feel better. Thats a person refusing to get better

  23. What the hell does it matter how it's framed. They went on a ski trip together, and you just stood idly by and watched it happen. It's time to grow a pair and kick her to the curb. Sell the house and move on to a better, more fulfilling relationship with someone who can respect you, and you can respect them.

  24. Yeah It was a slupup since that's what I used to call her because o past abuse. I call her mom now but you never know. Its true she can, but respect is common sense, but not for everyone ig.

  25. I feel like this is fake but just in case it isn’t: If your cat is microchipped you’re in luck. You can call local shelters even far away shelters and give them your microchip number to see if anyone’s come in with that number or you can just take this current cat to the vet and see if it’s microchipped.

    If your cat isn’t microchipped the best thing I could say is call local shelters see if anyone has been dropped off that looks like your cat and go to them and check out the cats. Might even be worth going to shelters that are a bit of a drive.

  26. I would not be in that situation. I would have addressed the issue before it fell off this particular cliff


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