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23 thoughts on “Dianef online sex cams for YOU!

  1. See I wish we were like that. She doesn’t really have friends and if she did have a male friend before I wouldn’t care I would trust her.

  2. Also what kind of advice is that? Why should he sell is ticket or let the friend sell hers to give it to the gf. I'm sorry but at some point, one has to deal with their insecurities themselves. You can't expect everyone in your life to shape their life's around your insecurities. It's not an ex, it's a friend and They are not going alone together but with his brother. I think you have to trust your partner on this to have a fun evening without doing anything stupid. Also couples don't have to do everything together.

  3. As a man. Let me tell you how much of a red flag this is. When I am angry/upset with my wife, I tell her that I need a minute to think/calm down so I don’t SAY something disrespectful. If he cannot remain in control then one day, he is either going to hit you or become venomous with his words. When I excuse myself, I go sit down on my bed and breathe. It’s about a constant show of respect to your spouse, even in the face of disappointment. If you are always doing the right thing and decide to leave, then you know you did your best. Best of luck to you.

  4. It’s weird to see this comment, because we get a lot of comments from women who complain that their bf watches porn with women that DON’T look like them.

    Your boyfriend is attracted to women with physical features like yours. This is not an indication that he’s necessarily fetishizing them. People tend to have a physical type they’re attracted to. You happen to be his type. It shouldn’t be surprising that he’s watching porn that has women who look like you.

  5. Have you talked to him? Why does he say he doesn’t want to get married? Have you told him why it’s important to you? You’ll have to decide if this is enough. He doesn’t want to marry you. You want to marry him. Can you live the rest of your life like this? And what’s the “ he discovered he loved me not the way he thought”? Is he just staying cause things are ok and he’s got no one else? What happens if he finds someone he loves “that way”? You two should have some serious conversations and figure out if you’re on the same page.

  6. Get your son tested and then present the proof and remind him. That he is not an expert on biology or genetics. CONSTANTLY REMIND HIM!

    If he ever expresses an opinion on the subject again. Tell him if he has an opinion. You will tell him what it is!

  7. Honestly I don't see the point. Would the younger couple even appreciate that? I bet they would prefer if he just gave them that money to have their own trip.

    Or, if he specifically wants to spend time with his son they 2 could go so that you don't keep them behind in the boys' fun.

  8. He's making people think of you as being a willing affair partner when you're nothing of the sort. How much damage are you willing to accept on your reputation when you've done nothing wrong. This needs to be blatantly nipped in the bud so that people know it absolutely isn't true. He should be ashamed of himself for putting you in this position

  9. She’s commenting on his photos, they follow each other. She’s a fellow traveler, an influencer wanna-be with only 2k of followers. She’s showing her ass because she likes it, maybe to get more followers. It’s not an insta model, my bf would never follow that crap.

  10. (He was spreading it around you without coughing, the coughing isn't a factor, N95s need to be used to avoid this stuff, not covering with your hand)

  11. The kids will not thank you if you stay in this relationship for the next six years.

    Six years of working yourself to the bone Six years of trying to hide your emotions from the kids Six years of trying to get your husband to contribute, both with finances and emotional labour Six years of figuring out how to manage your anger/frustration Six years of building resentment.

    Six years is a jail sentence term, not a prospective relationship time limit.

    Do ALL of you a favour, and keep yourself whole. Six years of this will shred you, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

    Make an exit plan. Now. Show your children that strong women, good women, stand up for themselves – that they respect themselves. Letting your husband abuse your hard work isn't doing anyone any favours.

  12. he expects me to move to canada to be a four hour drive away and leave everything behind in my home but doesnt want to marry me to be with me in the states

  13. Not dig through her phone, just look at her notifications to see if she’s still talking to him. Again, I really don’t think it’s ridiculous to not want my girlfriend talking to her exes. I don’t talk to mine because it’s messy and they’re in my past.

  14. Rather than confront her, I would have a more general conversation. If you attack her friendship with this guy she’s just going to get defensive. Instead, talk about how you both should handle feelings for other people; would you want her to tell you if she has a crush on someone? Would she like to know if you do? At what point does it cross the line from harmless crush to desire to move forward with another relationship?

    I have had small crushes on coworkers and my boyfriend knew about my “work husband” back when I was a server. That guy was the bartender and we got close and always helped each other out. There was nothing actually going on (kissing, hand holding, sex, etc.) we were both just flirty people who worked well together. I never in a million years would have considered leaving my boyfriend for this guy and I made that clear so my bf wasn’t jealous or anything.

    But if I ever felt like I wanted to go on a date with someone else or I thought about someone seriously as a potential partner, that would be the time to sit down and talk with my bf.

    All of this is personal preference. You may have just read that and gone “oh my god that is insane and I would have an aneurism if my gf did that.” So that’s why you and your gf need to have a heart to heart about this. Plus keep in mind that she’s your high school girlfriend and it may not last forever. It’s ok if you realize you want different things or have different values.


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