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19 thoughts on “Demonasweet live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I would definitely ask to see the messages again. If only to gauge her reaction. If she hands it to you again without hesitation then it’s less likely that something is going on, though as others have said she has had time to sanitise the communication if she needed to.

    If she is still open about it then I’d ask her to help you understand the situation. Tell her that what you don’t understand is that she claims to not want contact with this guy but at the same time is liking all his posts. The two things seem contradictory and it would help if she explained it to you.

    Then lastly if you were satisfied with her explanations I’d tell her you’d be more comfortable if she blocked him altogether and stopped reacting to any of his social media.

    Now as to your relationship in general. As others have written, getting engaged to someone after only 6 months is too soon. Even if you’ve known her for 7 years as a friend, that’s different to being in a relationship. By all means move in together if you haven’t already done so. Share the living expenses. But wait 3, 4, 5 or more years before marriage.

    Do not buy a house with her. Do not make any big financial transaction with her until you are married. Until then share one account to cover shared expenses that you both put money into, if it makes things easier. But do not combine your finances until you are married. Even then I’d recommend keeping at least one individual account.

    I hope it all works out and things are as innocent as she claims them to be. Good luck.

  2. No, because it's not really. That attention semi constantly is hurtful, as someone who's been on the recieving end of similar it's like the other person doesn't actually care about or want you in a romantic setting and is just after your body 24/7 it's draining at best. I would say it is pressuring because if he doesn't want it and she's constantly asking it's causing it to eat away at him, like if grandparents constantly try feeding you, eventually you give in and eat the chocolate but that doesn't mean you really wanted it you just want to appease the other person.

    If you haven't been in that situation then fair enough for you not understanding why it's hurtful but it feels as though that's the only reason you're wanted by your partner and it slowly eats you up.

  3. Want to fuck. Why do you have such difficulty saying it? Do you think perhaps that difficulty might relate to your problem?

    Guys tend to respond to women they are in to are sexy, where sexy can trivially be defined as wanting to fuck. You are not expressing this clearly to us, are you to him?

  4. Hello /u/callmegoodgirl04,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  5. Don't – stick to your age dude. 30 year old women and older are looking to settle down (as in get married & have kids). They don't want to waste time with a 20 something year old who can be a gamble and may waste years of their life that they simply cannot afford to waste.

    30-35 years old is a critical time to find someone, settle down, and have kids. Most women still don't want to have children after 35 because of risks of genetic defects and disabilities. The biological clock is ticking BADLY in this age range.

  6. I think first thing to do is to stop drinking for à while, while you figure it out and have a couple of discussions about it. Would be a good idea to go see a therapist to maybe unlock the memories or get a nany cam.

  7. Agreements aside, it's a known thing if you are a professional at anything to not be the person who teaches your kid how to do it.

    It rarely goes well.

  8. Don’t marry him or have kids, he is lazy and selfish and it won’t get better, it will only get worse.

    Is there a way to rehome the dog?

  9. This guy is throwing some red flags here.

    You express distress at him taking up communication with someone who likes him romantically: he calls you crazy. This is not okay.

    Then you offer to cave on this matter that bothers you, and he offers an extreme that makes the whole thing ridiculous.

    This is really poor communication, the name calling and the extremity.

    Please take care of yourself and make sure that you have lots of emotional support outside of this relationship. I would distrust him based on those flags of insulting you and diminishing your feelings plus hyperbole in trying to seek resolution.

  10. Yeah, it’s a bit like “I hear someone say you were an asshole, but I stood up for you, and I can’t tell you who it is”

  11. I also think that he cheated but never got caught. My intuition was slapping me but i was just so stupid that time because of love. Thank you so much, i already blocked him. ❤

  12. EVERYONE thinks they are “the exception to the rule, a special one, “i can fix him”, “he chose me” when in reality all you have in your hands is worlds biggest asshole who just got dumped and is manipulative as f to be posting pictures with you so little after his last break up.

    You are not that special. The other girls were special too and look what he did to them.

  13. I’m hoping that we develop our relationship to where we can maturely discuss these topics. It is frustrating though when it feels I’m the one forced into therapy and he won’t do it himself


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