Delicious-evva shows her charms for you

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22 thoughts on “Delicious-evva shows her charms for you

  1. Yesterday was my boyfriend and I’s 5 month anniversary. It took me two months to be able to tell him I love him. He was very eager to tell me that he loves me and we set boundaries and I explained I wasn’t comfortable about it. Since he was ready, he should wait until I’m ready. And the moment came. I totally understand issues with that because I (at first) was very scared of commitment. Is your boyfriend comfortable with you telling him you love him? If he is, and you truly think you’re ready, go for it

  2. My name is made up. Legit, my parents made it up. It’s long, has weird letters in it, and often times people don’t even try to say it. It is 100% disrespectful for anyone to continuously mispronounce or misspell your name. You shouldn’t waste your time dating and living with someone who doesn’t even respect you enough to learn how to spell your name. That is basic human respect that he doesn’t have for you.

  3. You can’t co-habit and date other people easily.

    How are you going to feel if you come home and she’s having adult fun time in her bedroom? How is your next gf going to feel if she’s watching TV with you and your Ex is glaring daggers at her. Most people don’t like their SO’s exes in their lives in any way let alone living together.

    Work out how to finance a split and get her to either buy you out or sell up and both move somewhere else. Make sure that you get visitation legally sorted out.

  4. I think she may already have somebody which is why she wants you gone. Or is at least interested in somebody. So I would get an attorney for custody and not trust her to be fair because at this point with everything I’ve experienced in my life and read on Reddit people are not fair under duress.

  5. Weird. Manipulative. Controlling. After my husband proposed we got an engagement ring some months later. Super cute, nothing fancy, not big on jewelery, so ~$150. The diamon fell out after a year, so I just wear my wedding band. Almost 15 years. Always wear my ring.

  6. You are a good person. Good people give some and good people return some.

    Thing is, good people are easy pickings for users.

    You see how much you are receiving back. Time to dial down your effort towards him to the amount of effort he puts in towards you.

    There absolutely will be an argument and there should be one!

  7. You are a good person. Good people give some and good people return some.

    Thing is, good people are easy pickings for users.

    You see how much you are receiving back. Time to dial down your effort towards him to the amount of effort he puts in towards you.

    There absolutely will be an argument and there should be one!

  8. So wait until Monday to find out.

    Just focus on another issue. Go do something to distract yourself.

  9. I don't see how that's relevant in any sense. I didn't knock up your wife, I wouldn't even sleep with married people in the first place.

    But yes I'd be responsible for my child. Doesn't mean your wife's child's father would though, so it's irrelevant.

  10. Drop him. First of all, he’s an inconsiderate asshole for making you wait in line all that time, it honestly sounds like he just didn’t want to hang out with you. But most of all he’s an asshole for getting mad that you stayed out longer and then accusing you of cheating. This is NOT normal relationship behavior and it’s not ok. He sounds jealous and insecure. My husband and I often go out either alone or one leaves earlier than the other. Do we ever fight about it? No, because we are secure and trust each other. Neither of us would ever insist the other go home when they are out having a good time.

  11. I think your boyfriend is being a little too sensitive. You weren't making a comment on his size or anything you were just being goofy. Not sure why he would take offense to that. The only thing I can think of is that he is insecure about his size already and he thought you were picking on him about it right after sex. He'll get over it. There's not much you can do that you haven't done already.

  12. Well, I didn't just come out and say “I'm feeling unloved” and left it there. I usually start with asking if he is in a headspace to talk about something, discuss what is going on and why I am feeling that way, and convey it thoroughly. I am often too communicative for him – I want to talk things out to work them out, and he would rather sit on them and never bring them up.

  13. She needs professional psychiatric help.

    She is displaying manic behaviors and emotional manipulation. This isn’t something you or her boyfriend can fix. It’s going to take a combination of medication and behavioral therapy.

  14. Him torturing her would require him to torture himself even more though by faking all of these OCD compulsions. Seems unlikely

  15. These idiots are not your friends. People this cruel don't deserve your attention. Find a better class of person to associate with.

  16. He is both an idiot and naive, like most 21 year olds are. I'm not a huge supporter of getting married before you prefrontal cortex is completely formed.

  17. I never said I was always mature? I'm sorry I struck a nerve. I admitted my comment was blunt, but you asked for feedback and that was my honest reaction to your post.

    I'm not caught up on anything. I just responded to your comment and explained what I meant. I'm not asking for nor expecting a full rundown of your family dynamics, you misunderstood me so I clarified. That's all. The cornerstone of my feedback was that you were expecting too much, which you seem to realize as well.


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