Dayis-Blue online webcams for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Dayis-Blue online webcams for YOU!

  1. I realize your SO may not find this situation ideal and maybe can’t stand your sister for various reasons, but it’s what you do for someone you love. You love them through various life stages and support the people they love. I can see if your sister were taking advantage of your generosity and your gf may not want to see you get hurt. But this doesn’t seem to be the case unless there’s something we don’t know about. I would never want someone I’ve been with for that long to feel like they have to choose between me and their only sibling, because I’d want to collaborate to where they can choose both. I’d talk to them more and definitely state how you feel like you’re in that place. And if it comes to that…it’s really your own choice on who you’d choose. If it were me I’d have to choose my sibling.

  2. I'm french, so maybe it wasn't clear. She didn't told him “I don't speak to you because of my friend”, she told him “I don't speak to you because I can't, my friend doesn't want me to speak to you and I don't want to create a conflit with her”. She put it in a way that it's not because she respects me that she doesn't speak to him, it's because she doesn't want me to be mad about it, so even if she wants to, she can't. Do you understand what I mean?

  3. You supervise this woman, this is INCREDIBLY inappropriate already, the amount of time and emotional investment you already have. You could lose your job if someone complains, and given the potential for conflict of interest, someone easily might. Completely unprofessional behaviour.

  4. I don't know if this is because you are American but the way you are talking about this sounds fucking pathetic for someone out of Europe, especially someone who is from a Mediterranean country where it's hot all the time and the weird thing would be to NOT be half-naked all the time.

    As far as I'm concerned if the guy isn't hanging crumpet there is nothing weird at all about their dressing arrangements.

  5. Massive red flag. He is throwing a temper tantrum over you being responsible and him not getting his way. And he wants you to do something that will hurt you academically so he can have some fun. You should think very seriously if you want him to be your bf. Not husband material.


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