Dani Rouge shows her charms for you

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7 thoughts on “Dani Rouge shows her charms for you

  1. FWIW-My first love had a profound effect on my life, how I navigate relationships, and who I am. It ended kind of rough. We said we weren’t going to do long distance, but stayed close, then spent two months of the summer together. I suggested proposing but she said “that’d never work” so I didn’t.

    She started dating a guy. I didn’t d’arte and thought we’d probably get back together. Back in the early days of the internet when there wasn’t really social media. There was this thing called Online Journal which was basically an live journal/posting form that you could give access to specific people. I kept up with it, and the day I read something about her boyfriend and something about how amazing the afterglow was and it flipped a switch for me (we were most of each others firsts).

    I dated some people before meeting my wife. We’ve been together 16 years now. I still think about my ex sometimes. She’s not on social media because of her profession. I’ve looked her up from time to time. As far as I know she’s happily married. No kids. He seems like a nice enough guy. I think I’m happier with my life now than I would have been with my ex. But that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate that I had her in my life when I did. We were right for each other back then, but we aren’t right for the people we are now.

    She obviously hurt him a lot. He may miss what he felt then, but it doesn’t mean he wants to be with her now.

  2. You're right, strangers on the internet clearly know her better than you.

    Firstly your knowledge about food while on a cycle is incorrect. There are no foods that women cannot eat – pregnancy, yes, period no.

    Secondly if you're wanting help from strangers, try to tone back the obnoxious attitude.

  3. Don't confront her until you've cut her off from your finances and ready to serve her. “So, you never thought this would happen to you, eh?”

  4. Leave OP. Jesus wtf is with the audacity of partners in 2023.

    Like if u don't like tattoos… don't fucking date people who have tattoos!!!

    He does not get to tell you what u are “allowed” to do to your own body

    Do u realize how fuckng stupid tht is?

    He's not your parent and even then when you are an adult ur free to do whatever the hell u want!

    This dude thinks he can control what you do to something that he doesn't hve any goddamn authority over! And you shldnt give him any!

    If it was such an issue he shld go find a chick without any ink. Not think he can make stupid demands on you

  5. When you are assaulted, your brain makes a split second judgement call on how to keep you safe. Fight, flight, freeze/flop, fawn.

    Your brain chose freeze/flop and it was probably right. He could have become violent and started hitting you. Your actions saved you from worse damage.

    You are not “making yourself the victim” by reacting negatively to being raped. Literally hundreds of people in this thread are horrified by what he did to you.

  6. To be fair I wouldn't consider indefinite long distance for anything short of a rock solid marriage. Did it once and I'd rather do major surgery on myself than try that again.

  7. To be fair I wouldn't consider indefinite long distance for anything short of a rock solid marriage. Did it once and I'd rather do major surgery on myself than try that again.


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