DaliaFadel live! webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “DaliaFadel live! webcams for YOU!

  1. As much as the rejection stings, it sounds like you recognize some truth in what he said. He was trying to be nice about it, but you pressed for the truth and got it. Simply put, he doesn't see you as compatible with him and that's his prerogative.

  2. He doesn't view you or your relationship as valuable.

    Get rid of him and maintain your dignity. Quick, it's only been 5 months. You can still come back from this.

  3. If it would be difficult to buy one home in their current city how can they afford two in separate states? Or afford to fly family in all the time? Most of these compromises would only work with specific circumstances that don’t fit OP’s situation. Plus if gf refuses to move from her friends then somewhere in the middle is out, plus that would make expenses higher if they’re traveling to multiple states to visit different groups. He wants to go back, she doesn’t. Their future plans are not compatible

  4. Hello /u/NeedleworkerOwn3144,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  5. well it looks like you obviously didn’t read it cause the second line is literally me saying i’m a male in my early twenties. those ages were for the title

  6. I've already said it a bunch of times. Everyone you're turning to is misleading you…. Some scammer misled you and you thought you were going to get some goodies from that.. marriage counseling is going to lead you to believe you need to be there for her more and pick up more chores or whatever. Whatever… Religion is just got to keep you from understanding your own emotions and how to live a normal life. Prayer is going to lead you to believe that someone else is going to fix your problems.

    If I were you, I'd realize that there's a certain part of my time that I'm very bored, and I want a little more excitement. Or that I want to leave where I am and do something different. If I were you sometimes I feel like I missed out on things.

    But if I were you, I'd remember how much better I felt when I didn't have to hide and lie and sneak and snoop around and just not be a good person. This is only going to get worse. In 5 years do you want to have some of that trust back to lift you and your family spirits?

    Or do you want to be living by yourself? Because you couldn't get the fuck off Facebook?!? All you have to do is put down the phone and literally walk away. There are so many other things you could do with your dime. Teaching your kids every single thing you know so they don't grow up to become a sucker is one. Getting a hobby that focuses on you, getting a hobby that you do with other people. Just know that there is so much other things you could do with that time that you spend on the phone talking to random fucking people like me.

    Minute by minute start spending more time away from this phone. Literally get a life. It's not going to happen overnight and no one's going to answer your prayers.. You got to do it break by brick homie.

  7. You were not. Reading your other replies, he is very judgemental and is definitely manipulating you. No 26-year-old wants to be with an 18-year-old for purely innocent reasons—especially not when meeting from the internet, where he could easily find someone closer to his age. There is no love there. You need to leave him.

  8. She is 24, time for her to put her big girl pants on and act like an adult. The dad's punishment may be bad, but imagine still having to pick up your twentyFOUR year old kid. Take a fucking bus or find an uber or something. Relying on co-workers or her parents is dumb at that point in life for something as basic as transportation. Here kids learn to take the bus and what not at primary school, so yeah. Time to grow up.

  9. Tick tock is the worst thing that ever happened to the internet. I thought Facebook was bad but it's even worse. It sets up scenarios like this and you can tell the stuff on there is just so painfully fake.

  10. Got three kids under 10 at some point we had to plan for sex… Romantic is what you make of it not the setup.

  11. you said you think he friends have similar beliefs to him though, right? why do you think they recommend him? because he echoes and validates what they already think. i promised it will be harmful for you to go to this therapist. how do you think he would respond if you said, “i don’t feel comfortable going to this person, but i found (therapist of YOUR choice) instead and would like to make an appointment” ?

  12. Hunny, you're barely old enough to buy alcohol. There's a big world out there full of good men who are able to keep their azzes clean. Why are you putting up with this??

  13. Am I being gas lit here? Because currently my brain understands her logic of I should have told everything truthfully from the beginning and she would be understanding, rather than finding out later that I was lying the whole time.

  14. So he doesn’t have any friends to hang out with? Like it’s not crazy to vibe with everyone. Like I can fake being nice for work etc but I’m not going to ask most of them to hang out outside of work/whatever. But I do have my friend group. Not as big as I probably would like, but I have them.

    So no friends at all is weird. At 30 he should have found some people beyond you.

    Do you have a friend that is known for telling the truth that’s met him?

  15. I didn’t ask him anything. I don’t except anything for my birthday. I was sharing my jealousy about his friend


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