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36 thoughts on “Cocksuckingslut live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I would just let it go and would probably reconsider the engagement party (or still do it if you want to!).

    As someone who recently got engaged picking wedding parties is an absolute nightmare. There’s so many different reasons why someone may be picked over someone else and I agonized over my choices for like, a month. And still question a bit if I should have included some I didn’t but I didn’t want my party size to get totally out of control. As others pointed out it’s possible that for you it was an entirely distance based decision for the couple since you live so far away. It’s not a testament to your relationship.

    I’ve had friends not have me in their party that I invited to mine. I also have plenty of very close friends that I’m inviting to the Bach and other events but aren’t bridesmaids. And I’ve been to plenty of Bach parties for folks I wasn’t a bridesmaid for.

    It’s okay to feel hurt but even if you don’t receive an invitation it doesn’t change your relationship or mean they’re less close to you. Who knows what their situation is.

  2. I partially agree with this, but there are plenty of cultures where older generations help raise their grandchildren, and that is accepted.

  3. You need to run my friend. This is not your responsibility and don’t let anyone, including your parents, to pressure you into raising another mans child.

  4. I believe it's limited to spouse and dependents. To apply, you need their SSN and date of birth, but not necessarily their signature. To file an actual claim, you need their medical records. So a stranger can't just take a policy out on you and file a claim 🙂

    But even then what if they did that and it was actually fraudulent

    I'm not sure what you mean. Like, if OP faked the injury and the wife filed a claim not realizing it was fake? They require medical records, so that would be naked to do.

  5. Easy Peasy….

    Just continue to be the selfish, self-centered ass that you seem to be

    and the other person will leave You.

    Problem solved.

  6. So lemme get this straight, just so we’re all on the same page. Your wife cheated on you. With her friend. While you were literally in the next room. And her biggest fear is that you won’t want her to stay friends with this person? Screw that. Marriage over, and that’s her choice by her actions. Time to lawyer up.

  7. I'd feel the same way. I couldn't be around the dog anymore. Also, the dog could potentially attack one of you, or any visitor, young or old. The dog has behaved dangerously and erratically. I don't know the requirements for putting a dog down, but to me he seems like a candidate. That was a totally unprovoked attack toward a being he's been familiar with for years.

  8. Hello /u/Just-Studio892,

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  9. She is not interested in you but doesn't want to make a definite statement. She is not taking care of her mother 24/7 and if she was she would be even more interested in talking to you to relax. She only sees you as a friend move on.

  10. You can’t really blame him for the first point because as I said, he has a disability which makes it really naked for him to seek medical help among other things. I went into the relationship knowing that he would need help on certain topics, or at least some mental support to deal with all that.

    Both « breaks » and i put it in quotes because we really didn’t change much during these, were either for his or my mental health. As I mentioned I struggled a lot in the past and he helped me through it, I’d feel like a shitty person (and probably would be one) for dumping him because of his struggles when he supported me this whole time.

    I don’t know if these informations change anything here. I’ll also add that I am not interested in fooling around with anyone as I had plenty of time to do that prior to being with him

  11. It’s a tough one, I’ll say that. As someone who’s good friends with an ex (which was my first long term relationship and will still forever love and care for, just not in the same way I used to), I understand how that can be weird to some extent. He deserves a great life and wonderful relationships, and I will be here to support him all the way. And, for a moment, I thought I might marry him. But long story short, he had to move across the world and he wasn’t gonna let that happen. And our break up hurt me for a long, long time. I basically refused to date anyone, did not give a shit about dating because I was still getting over my ex. Then, all of a sudden, I met someone who came into my world like a tornado. And I love him. My ex was a good fit for who I was when I dated him, which have never would have worked out now. And vice Versa. I didn’t need someone super emotional when I got together with him, and I needed someone who wears emotion out on his sleeve for my next bf. I also know my bf is fighting to try and get one of his friend (who’s had a very intense crush on him for years now, and it’s been a struggle warming up to her presence) Sorry, this is long. But listen to your heart, it tells you what you need. ❤️You know what’s best between you and your bf.

  12. Screenshot all the evidence you can before she erases it, and talk to a lawyer. Get a paternity test too. You don't 100% know anymore

  13. He's interested in the kids more than who's having them. He will love bomb and likely rush down the altar(if necessary) or try to baby trap.

    Red flag.

  14. You’re churchy so let me explain this to you that way. Jesus said if your right eye is causing you to sin pluck it out. Now, that should not be taken literally but it should be taken seriously. He says things that cause us to sin should be removed from our lives. Teresa is causing you to sin or going to cause you to sin.

    But I’m not interested in Teresa, you say. And I believe that you are not sexually drawn to Teresa. But you sure do like her attention. You like her gifts and flirty texts. You like that she seeks you out. You like that a younger woman thinks you’re special.

    And while you get all those happy little ego boosts from the wanna be girlfriend, you are dragging your actual girlfriend. She’s irrationally jealous; she has issues; it’s insulting she doesn’t trust you even though you’ve done nothing to distance yourself from a “friend” who wants to break up your relationship.

    You want a godly relationship with your girlfriend? Start building a foundation of trust. Pluck out the “friendship” with Teresa. Dedicate yourself to the person you supposedly love. Because if you can’t do that cheating is not a question of if but when.

  15. Just talk to them individually and put the fear of God in them. It's not petty mean behavior that instills respect, it's actually the realization of “Holy shit this person is smarter than me” that does it. Just say I know about the bet. Don't flirt with me this is your only warning.

  16. My boyfriend and I met for the first time ever on a Monday, and we went on our second date the literal next day. 72 hours is absolute BS. If you're feeling a vibe, you're feeling a vibe! Good luck, my dude!

  17. Why not do both? If you don't want the conflict I just block them and ignore him but if you don't mind the conflict I do both because most men don't get the message.

  18. MY advice is to NOT get talked into having a baby when you have doubts. It is an 18 year commitment to care for it, and an extreme drag if you don't really want to, and simply devastating for the child to have a parent that does not really want them as a child.

  19. 12 years and no ring. She doesn’t give a fuck anymore. If you won’t commit then might as well have fun

  20. I gave him the benefit of the doubt but after seeing new information, I’m glad you found this all out before the day came to saying yes. This isn’t the type of guy any woman should have to deal with.

  21. Wait, I’m confused by who said what. Did you hear about this directly from her? On the surface it sounds like the sort of lie she might make up to manipulate you into breaking up with her son. Did he corroborate any of the details?

  22. I spent 4 days in Las Vegas with my friends, my Husband was at home cheering me on, taking care of our kids. Find a better boyfriend!! Seriously. There’s nothing to fix except adding X to boyfriend.

  23. ‘Sexy garden gnome’ ! You really put him in his place OP. Good luck on digging yourself out of that one. ❤️

  24. Stop giving him your phone. He can buy a new one, and a phone case, with his own money when he decides he needs to have a phone. He gets mad, walk out of the room. If he’s always mad, break up


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