Chrystalmills online sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Chrystalmills online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Reinforce the desired behavior by complimenting her when she does things you prefer.

    Set boundaries. Tell her you will grant her 3 requests, so she should choose wisely. Any more than 3 and she has to wait until tomorrow.

  2. If she hit you once a month into the relationship, I’d bet money she’d try to hit you again in the future if you went back. Are you ok with risking getting hit again?

  3. Oh she’s absolutely conflicted. Obviously this is a tough position for you, but this is likely even more difficult for her. The confusion in a position like that is overwhelming. It might even be worth her having her own solo therapy sessions.

  4. I would buy my family and friends things I would think would help them and it be completely about them

    I think this cements in my head that the OP is a fantasy flex. The way you frame it here feels natural and intuitive, totally at odds with the way it feels in OP's writing.

  5. Dude told you he sees nothing sexually attractive about you. Stop wasting your time and move on. Btw I don’t think he’s str8

  6. Maybe. Maybe not. You have to understand how bad you fucked up and how badly it hurts him. You can’t use the booze as an excuse.

    Now for the good news. You are 21. Chances are good there will be more drama with your ex in the future. You are both so young and with time he may reopen communication. Maybe.

    Will you have moved on by then? Probably.

  7. Seriously? You don’t even like her. A lot of people are pretty and can cook. Plus. Stellar remark about her thriving career.

  8. It’s emotional cheating if he is not okay with it and you do it anyways. You know it would hurt him. Being in a relationship means you consider the feelings of your partner and cut ties or have boundaries with certain people. You should discuss and mutually decide the boundaries of your relationship to determine what constitutes cheating.

  9. Everything in life is a lesson. Take the good that came from this, keep those happy memories with a smile on your face, and start moving towards the next thing.

  10. I mean the easiest way to drop a lot of weight and solve this problem is divorce him. He does not sound like a good partner at all. You're not the one in the wrong here. He's an unsupportive selfish partner.

  11. Just take him to doctor. Re examine his vasectomy definitely that shows his vasectomy is failure. Then your husband understand it's an medical fault.

    Doctor guidance is important.

  12. She knows I am interested in planning a date to take her on

    Well what are you waiting for? If you want to take her on a date then ask her. Plan something to do, a place to meet, and a day/time. Then ask her to go. If she says she’s busy without suggesting a new time, she’s probably not interested and is keeping you around for attention.

    She also works so I know she has a bit of a busy schedule but if she was interested she’d make time right?

    Yes. Nobody is so busy that they don’t have time for a free meal once within 3 months. If she was truly somehow that busy, then she shouldn’t be trying to date somebody.

  13. It may be a genuinely innocuous and random thing. They started a discussion maybe in the past and maybe your partner told you about what was pertinent in the real world, and so you didn’t get roped into the chat-while still being included in all activities. So now your fiancée is treated by your friends as your representative.

  14. Should have transitioned before the ring was transferred, then. It goes to your eldest daughter next. That’s how it’s always been.

  15. It sounds like she has some sort of anxious attachment issues and you/she might need skilled help to overcome it. Certainly more than the average Redditor can provide.


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