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21 thoughts on “Charly-shock on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. She hasn't specifically stated that she would use self harm if I did, however I'm extremely worried that she would as she used it as a coping mechanism during stressful times eg exams. I just don't want to be responsible for it happening again as it took me a good amount of time to convince her to stop in the first place, she hasn't taken my advice to see a counselor or therapist about it, rather she asks me for my advice in situations and I feel utterly helpless and guilty when I can't give the right answers

  2. You can’t hide this, or should you, plus the longer you leave it then she has to come to terms with the lay off AND the deception. Be honest with her, you’re supposed to be there for each other through thick and thin, if anything this is a great opportunity to see how strong the relationship is.

    It sucks but this sort of thing happens, relationships are easy when everything is plain sailing (plane sailing?), real life has this sort of drama, not the high school/ Ross & Rachel “will they won’t they” sort of crap, lol

    If she leaves you over this I’d say the relationship was doomed the second the next crisis came up anyway, if you stay together over it, it might even make you both stronger 🙂

    Good Luck 🙂

  3. The amount of pregnancy hormone at a given gestational age can vary between pregnancy. There is no way of knowing for sure unless you do a DNA test

  4. You’re talking about looking at the situation in the most greedy, self serving way possible. It’s not generous in the slightest. Just because you can fuck people over doesn’t mean that you should, especially when they are your literal parents that have paid for everything for you, including the university where OP learned to invest.

    Solely focusing on the fact that his name is on the account and not that the money was 95% his parents, they gave him what seems to be their life savings, he took on no risk in this investment, and admits he pressured his mom into the 50/50 agreement. Jesus.

  5. I don't really… care about being a good person? I specifically asked for insight on dating a sibling of someone you dated before, not weird pearl clutchy loserish moral judgement.

  6. Go see YOUR PARENTS YOURSELF and husband can stay home and worry about HIS daughter. Just pack and leave without him. If he calls you, tell him he has to stay home to make sure nothing happens to HIS daughter as you aren't her biological parent and can't be bothered. It is HIS responsibility therefore he gets to stay home.

    have a good time with your parents, cool off and when you get home, don't apologize and go about your daily agenda. HE can do what needs to be done with HIS daughter. You go to work, cook yourself dinner, do YOUR laundry until he admits he is an ass and PROVES he was wrong. Dirt bag.

  7. It sounds like a conditioned anxiety response. She needs to talk to a therapist about this. I feel for her but Comforting her every time this happens will just I force it. It is not healthy. Explain to her she needs to talk to someone about this and that you are not going to be able to comfort her when it happens but that you love and care for her and don’t want it to happen to her. Also don’t get angry at her when it happens, just give her space. You can say something along the lines of ‘I’m going to give you space, I hope you feel better soon’

  8. …Continued:

    Another important aspect I must mention: after my first year of college, there was a shift in dynamics. I did not have as much work and I was able to be a better gf. We started spending quality time together and work related issues faded. What remained however were the other insecurities. My boyfriend still couldn’t fully digest when I would party or go out or hang out with friends. Not that he would object every single time but every now and then there would be a tantrum. And hence whenever I did not wish to deal with these I would hide or lie. Certainly this is unacceptable behaviour in a relationship, but clearly, I had developed a habit. I do not think I hid anything too bad though, before any of you start thinking that I cheated or something. The biggest lie I told was that I went on a day trip with friends that I never told him about. Other than this a couple lunches with friends or hiding how much I drank would be my lies. Not trying to be defensive here, just explaining the extent of lies. My boyfriend always knew my friends, always knew when I’m out at night etc. If I may take the liberty to put it this way, none of these lies were meant to disrespect our relationship, in my head I was only protecting my peace because I wanted to have fun and enjoy my freedom. Of course this doesn’t justify what I have done and I feel like a terrible person. There is no excuse for this and I should have done better.

    Please advise on what I should do and how I should tell the truth and apologise to my boyfriend.

    Ps. We are otherwise perfectly happy together and have our plans in place now that I’m back at home. Things are a lot less complicated when we are face to face and our old peace returns. So I don’t wish to break up, I just want to close this chapter of our lives and move on peacefully and more importantly with an honest resolution of the past.

    Could really use some advice!!


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