Charlotte-Adams1 on-line webcams for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Charlotte-Adams1 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Hey! Not bisexual or married but in a year long relationship with a bisexual woman. So i've been in a relationship with a bisexual girl for about a year now. She “found out” she was bisexual a few weeks into our relationship but never has done something with another woman before or during our relationship. There was a time where she was obessessed with her sexual identity and would wear Pride clothing and accessory whenever she would hang out with me or on a night out with the girls to “assert her identity”. I am not a liar. This bugged me. Not the wearing bracelets or t-shirts or bags but that she felt she Had to do this to “make it clear” her words whenever she would go out with me or alone. Luckily we have wonderfull communication. I sat her down and voiced my concerns and talked with her if she needed to explore her sexuality, it would mean us breaking up, but i wasan't gonna keep her tied down in a relationship with me if that was not what she wanted. She expressed it was more of a curiosity than anything else and reassured me that i satisfy her and give her everything she needs inside and outside the bedroom. We sat down and voiced out that whatever would be considered cheating for us, would imply both sexes. She actually got mad at this, saying: “OFC! Cheating is cheating no matter what and i would never do that to you” this put a smile on my face 🙂 She, surprisingly, apologized for making everything about her identity without considering how i would feel about it. She still wears her “bisexual” bracelet (i didn't even knew that was a thing xD) and that's totally okay with me. We both now sometimes stare togheter at some woman's ass if it is as we say “model like material”. So i would say i'm lucky that my girlfriend is like this and that her being bisexual is not a red flag. She really wants to be with me and i love her regardless. I'm really sorry you have kids because i don't see a happy ending to your story, it seems she will cheat on you if given the chance. Goodluck OP

  2. women can opt out of parenthood when the fetus is concieved but men cant.

    Yeah, that's kinda the thing about bodily autonomy…women get pregnant and men don't. Not allowing the choice to abort violates that principle. There is no parallel for men simply because that's just how biology works.

    All of this doesn't have anything to do with child support. Child support is a purely financial responsibility that parents are responsible for whether they like it or not. Just like if you got in a car accident and had to pay a settlement to the person you hit. You didn't mean to hit the person, but you did and you're the one responsible, like it or not.

  3. And the worst is that he is still stuck living with her, and she is still insisting on “wooing him”, whatever that means.


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