Celine Ross online sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Celine Ross online sex chats for YOU!

  1. You can call her doctor and ask them if they have any advice or resources for partners in this situation.

    You can also consider doing an internet search for some books about pregnancy related anxiety and see if there’s books or chapters dedicated to what the partner can do to support the mom-to-be.

    You can ask her if she’d be interested in doing some easy yoga with you in the mornings or evenings. Or even to meditate with you with a guided meditation on an app. Things like that could help her brain slow down a bit.

    You can also ask her (when she’s in a good headspace) if there’s something specific you can do to help her. Ask her to be honest and that no request is too big or weird or crazy, but that you’re not a mind reader, so her telling you exactly what she needs would be helpful so you can help her. And if she truly doesn’t know, that’s ok! Perhaps then just ask her if you can offer a few different options for her to maybe pick from.

  2. giiiirl save yourself. You are better than this .You have a better value than this .This is the typical he cheated me with the girl he told me not to worry about .You need to be with a MAN that makes you a priority

  3. Opposite of what everyone else is saying…..

    I have a friend who takes long pauses and even closes her eyes during the pause, mid sentence, and you wait in silence for her to continue. It's ridiculous. Worse if she's drunk. You could fit a forklift in those pauses.

    Sometimes I interrupt the pauses but she'll be like, “I wasn't finished”…


  4. Is kinda sad to read here people basically saying you “deserve” to be cheated on because you don't go out climbing with him. Like??

    First, I find so disrespectful to hit on a man with a girlfriend. Stay in your f*cking lane, lady.

    Second, you don't have to have the same hobbies to be compatible, but you need to put the effort. For example, ok, you don't like rock climbing (and is a difficult hobbie), don't go. But going to the cinema with him for once it would be nice and shows him you're on board, you're willing to acompany him in something he likes.

    Also INFO: does he participate in YOUR hobbies or he's only interested on his and Sarah's common favorite hobbies?

    He's the one dating and he should respect boundaries. Also, you need to talk to him calmy and express that you don't want to control, you just want to know what's happening.

    I'm dating and me and my bf have way different hobbies and we can adult about it and just let one do his thing, and I'm gonna do my thing, and we can find different things to do TOGETHER.


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