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20 thoughts on “CelesteVixen live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It doesn’t sound like you’re creating a budget together. Gas, hair & nails should all be budgeted line items. It sounds like you think hair & nails are “mad money” while she views them as necessities.

    Your jumping off point for the budget should be where money is actually being spent every month, not where YOU THINK money SHOULD be spent every month. It looks like she needs about $500 more per month to meet her spending “goals.” This is pretty consistent.

    It sounds like you are trying to control her spending rather than collaborating on financial goals. You think she’s disregarding your feelings every month, but she’s really just rebelling against your attempted choke-hold on the finances.

    That she is willing to walk out & leave her wedding ring means that she’s WAY more upset about this than you realize. For whatever reason, she hasn’t felt able to express herself to you. I imagine you shut her down in every financial conversation, telling her her spending is unnecessary and the financial plan you’ve laid out is the right one, and if only she were responsible, she’d see that you’re right.

    You need to apologize and back off. Ask her to create a budget that she thinks is reasonable, and use that as a jumping off point.

    It also might be helpful to hire a financial planner for a one-off to help you both better understand your best financial moves.

  2. I don't have rank. He does E3 I believe. I feel like he has the mindset of ” I love her so why not marry sooner and get BAH.

  3. Four years and you want her to sign a contract? I would break up with you over that, that’s lunatic behavior. She is asking you to do something to her and presumably you would stop if she asked you to when she woke up if she wasn’t into it, what is the problem here? Do you not have any trust after 4 years together?

  4. If he believes you can’t have healthy children over 30, there is no saving this relationship no matter how nude you try. Your age isn’t going to change and even though millions of women over 30 have healthy babies, you won’t convince him. You have to accept that although he is important to you, you aren’t important to him. Having him tell you to your face won’t make it hurt less.

  5. They still should talk. Find out what happened. I know I would look for a answer He went to her apartment could there have been a jealous neighbor that lied. Or did he see something he was not suppose to..

    Or maybe he has a health issue.

  6. Very true, I am being so selfish… I'm sad I cant go with him. And also sad I won't see him for 10 days. I'm very emotionally attached to him.

  7. Except legality has everything to do with it and your own personal morality actually has nothing to do with it.

  8. When people stay quiet, the cheaters win.

    So what?

    When people tell their kids all the nasty details of awful marriages and divorces, it fucks them up. Care more about your kids than about “winning”.

  9. What is bringing it back up going to do? Why are you making every interaction with you seem… demanding and exhausting.

    She knows how you feel. Treat her with decency but please do not make every interaction you trying to get with her.

    She said she'd get back to you. Let her. It may oray not happen but the vibes I get off this post… Slow your roll please.

  10. I've read your updates and as a single mum myself who is also not being paid any maintenance from my child's father, this sounds sketchy AF. You took on a lot of financial responsibility early on in the relationship which I think is a red flag (I would never ask for, expect or accept that from a new partner and it makes me uneasy that she did). I get that some people move fast and you might be totally OK with that but you will not longer be expected to pay her any money if you break up, unless you have a child together or you adopt the one she already has.

    I think you need to think carefully about why and how you've been made to feel like you're responsible for her and her child like this. In a long-term relationship where you online together, yes it's fine to provide for her and her child but the speed at which you took responsibility for this and her seemingly manipulating you into feeling responsible for her finances if you separate is what concerns me.

  11. man can get sexual assault, not everything have to be an ‘hehehe this is going to show double standards!!’. it not an oblivious fake troll

  12. Hey, OP. So here is the thing: When I read the post, I originally was somewhat understanding of your partner. As someone who has consumed a lot of hentai in her teenage years, bukkake is something I always associated as misogynistic, as it was usually shown as something done to women to humiliate them/”mark them”/treat them as objects and not as a part of any sort of loving sexual (group) encounter. So while I find sex jokes super funny normally, this one would have disturbed me a bit. This was why originally, I wanted to comment something about sitting down with your partner and talking to him about what associations he has with that word, based on his porn consumption.

    But then I read your comments.

    Now he says that if I love him I’ll make an effort to change, but I have changed. Somedays I don’t even feel like myself.

    Before he wouldn’t tell me that he expected me to change because I loved him, he would say that he expected me to respect him more. Now he openly says to me that he did expect a change and that I’m the reason he’s so bitter all the time.

    I used to be happy before I met him, I was on cloud nine, I did my makeup and hair and felt good about myself. These days I hide in a hoodie and sometimes I don’t even brush my hair. I try not to talk to anyone because I don’t want people to know how anxious I am or to tell whether or not I’ve been crying. It’s nude to be around others.

    OP, you are in an abusive relationship. This is zero percent about a joke, tasteless or not. This man isn't in love with you, as you are. At best, he is seeing you as a project; as a doll he wants to change to his liking; not a partner who is his equal, but someone he has to change to suit him.

    But I am certain that this isn't the best case. If it would be the best case, he wouldn't talk about you “disrespecting” him and you wouldn't feel like someone who has to hide under a hoodie. You are hiding your body, you are supposed to hide your personality and change it to whatever he pleases and you hide your tears from others.

    This man doesn't want a partner. A partner is a teammate – someone whose happiness, needs and desires are as important to you as your own, because you are equals and if your partner is unhappy, so are you. But he doesn't want that. He wants someone who acts like he wants to – a tool, a marionette, a shell. Someone who “respects” him, and I suspect that the reason why he tells you that you don't do that is because to him “respect” means “obedience”. By still having a personality, by expressing yourself, by not acting within the parameters he wants you to act, you aren't obedient. Not a puppet, but still a person.

    OP, you wrote in your comments that you are miserable. That's because you aren't free anymore. You are a captive, in an abusive relationship, forced and manipulated to dim your light to please this man.

    I read what you wrote about him manipulating you by saying that “if [you] want to throw the towel “on our love” that he won’t feel sorry for [you]”. Don't you realize what this is? This is manipulation – he doesn't want to sit down with you and talk it out, he straight up goes to manipulating you, wanting you to grovel before him and apologizing for being “inconsiderate, selfish and rude” and beg him to stay with you. This is a manipulation tactic – he wants you to feel so bad that you don't just obey more from now on and change more to suit him, but that you also believe that you're all those bad things and thus are so grateful that he is staying with you, never believing that another man would look at “rude, selfish, inconsierate” you.

    You are in a very bad relationship there and you need to realize that. He might have been charming the first year, but that was a facade. Now that he feels he has you trapped, he can be himself. This is the man he really is – a horrible person. Please think about what you would tell a friend or daughter if she would tell you what you wrote about. Would you really tell her to stay? Or would you tell her to run?

    OP, please run. Please see this man for the horrible person he is. This isn't about a joke. This is about you getting dragged down deeper and deeper into a very bad place, until he has sapped all your confidence and strength and you don't feel like you can escape anymore. Please get out.

  13. Is he seeing a therapist for his mental health issues? Because he needs to.

    If he won’t then it’s probably best you stay broken up as he will be taking his shot out on you for the rest of your life.

    He sounds to unstable and self absorbed to be dating tbh.


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