CANDY-SISUK20 live webcams for YOU!

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54 thoughts on “CANDY-SISUK20 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think you should be able to ask at one of your local gym's about clubs like Yoga, Zumba and of course a gym team to join. As for others I think Facebook should have a lot of communities, I think that would be a good place to start. We have a sort of hub in the city I on-line in where they have a bunch flyers for a bunch of clubs that the locals organize, maybe you have something similar where you live!? You can always also search up on google about any local activities/clubs that might be near you especially if you have something specific in mind

  2. You ended it. You can't get mad at her for doing her own thing. It'll eat you up but you'll need to just get over it. A break is a breakup If you're telling her you can't commit. She shouldn't of lied but she also didn't have to tell you anything that happened.

  3. The job of a parent is to love you – and let you go . They seem to be struggling with the letting go bit . You are not a piece of property or an investment that they will get a return on – you are a young adult . Face the fact that you may be unable up change their perceptions and seek friendships and alliances outside the family to help build your independence . Sometimes “disappointing” our parents is a necessary part of growing up – and growing away .

  4. Or he found out that that friend you told him nothing to be worried about was unexpectedly in a little closer

  5. I need you to realise that your child sees what he does to you.

    It doesn't matter how well you and your shitty husband think you're hiding it. Your kid sees it.

    He is an abuser and she will model her view of relationships by watching you.

    Would you be happy for your child if she ended up with a partner like your husband? Would you not bother trying to help her out of that abuse?

    Because by staying you are showing her that this is what a relationship should look like, what she should be prepared to accept and on-line with.

    If you can't leave for yourself, at least leave for your goddamn kid because this man will not change.

  6. Go to AA meetings or support groups for Bipolar people Venting is usually a big part of these, it'll be a proper outlet for these things

  7. I absolutely respect a decision to not get married and don’t think it’s a reflection to of the seriousness of a relationship.

    However, marriage is also a short-cut to a lot of legal things that protect the interests of the people in the relationship. Marriage isn’t necessary the only way to do these things, just the quickest and easiest. And I think that if you plan on having a house and children without being married, it’s only fair to both of you to address these issues throughly. At the end of the day commitment is having eachother’s back, and unfortunately the legal system is necessary to contend with in order to do that.

    For instance, it one of you is in the hospital you want the other one to have the right to visit. If one of you owns a bigger share of the house but the other does most of the childcare and cleaning, you want domestic labor to be considered as some sort of added-value when you split up the assets. That last one in particular is how a lot of women get shafted in LTRs since many sacrifice a higher income to contribute more to homemaking. You can offer her commitment, rights and security without marrying her, and maybe that will satisfy her. But you’ll need to talk to a lawyer or two to do that.

  8. It's scary because like I said, I've never lived alone. When I was 18 I was living at home taking care of my dying mother. Then when she died, I tried unaliving myself and had to on-line with my aunt at that point. About a year and a half later I met him (this was also after I underwent my 6th heart surgery) and we moved in together around our 3rd date. So I'm 28 years old and never lived on my own ? that's so sad saying

  9. Wait, the guy has a tattoo??? A tattoo??? Isn't it considered a “dirthy thing”? Haram? You are not allowed to pray unless in a state of purity in Islam. So basically he never prays?

    I mean he has a tattoo. It is permanent. It's not something he can say (that's in the past, mb, i son't do it anymore”. Nope, still there.

    I don't understand how it's possible for him to get a tattoo and be that narrowminded 'because of his religion'. Stupid backward logic.

  10. Your boyfriend is a controlling hypocrite. He leans on his religion to tell you what to do while ignoring his religion when it comes to what he wants to do.

    Anything he tells you to do bc of Islam is just a means to guilt you. In reality, he just wants control over you.

    He's also forced you into having no friends.

    This will only get worse.

  11. Sounds like he said he agreed, but doesn't actually respect your decision. You've told him to chill, he won't. I'd say tell him in no uncertain terms he needs to cut out the sexual shit or he's going to lose you as a friend.

  12. I woukd end it. Her explanation is pathetic. The way to shut him up was leaving. Or better, not getting in bed w him in the first place. I mean, is she going to leave her job? No. So she is going to work with a guy she cheated on you with now? Fuck that dude.

  13. You might want to hone your understanding on READING COMPREHENSION. Maybe then you wouldn’t talk out of ur ass if you actually took time to read at least like I don’t know 2-3 top comments EXPLAINING exactly why this is a toxic problem.

  14. This doesn’t sound healthy for either of you. I suggest that you contact some mates to stay with you for you own safety and then ask him to leave.

    You can organise time when your friends are home for him to pack boxes.

    If you are worried about his mental health, reach out to his friends and family. It is time to think of yourself and your own well-being. He is only thinking of himself.

  15. You’ll have to be strong and cut contact , it might be naked at the beginning but you’ll get used to it .

  16. Two intelligent people seeking therapy together and making good decisions. I wish your girlfriend a complete recovery and both of you a wonderful future together! You both deserve it!

  17. Easy let your wedding planner know and inform them if anyone that doesn’t meet the dress code please kick them out.

  18. This is not a situation where you can “agree to disagree”. This is going to keep happening unless he does something about it.

    I'd also worry that this is a sign of future issues with his mom. Does he generally have trouble setting boundaries with his mom? Does he tend to prioritize his mom over you?

  19. Neither me nor this guy need help for watching porn.

    There it is. This ain't about you, and also you shouldn't be allowed around teenage girls.

  20. But that doesn't explain her hiding it.

    If it is an everyday occurrence, and she responds to each one that she's in s relationship amd blocks them, then there is nothing to hide.

  21. I see, i just don't like the concept of using instagram, the same place where we send each others memes and unrelated things, where you can search specific people and see everything from them… it's just annoying that he HAS to do that.

    His choice i guess

  22. Actually, she lets most people (friends, coworkers) walk all over her.

    With people older than us (like her parents, bosses, anyone in authority) she is more avoidant, and will go of her way to avoid them.

  23. She's obese. From my experience, it is extremely difficult to get in home help for a person who isn't A) an elder, B) developmentally disabled or C) needing medical equipment to live(trach, gtube etc.). In the adult disability community there is already a dearth of services & caregivers so people who can have control over their disability aren't exactly prioritized (rightly so, imo, though I do feel very badly for the husband.)

  24. On the off chance you are in the state of CO, send me a message. I have some pretty good knowledge on home care resources here.

  25. You aren't mature enough for a relationship yet if 25 pounds makes that big of a difference to you

  26. They think he doesn't treat me well, I'm a single mom basically, I need to write down and tell him everything, or couples therapy. But I feel like I do say I need help but unless I have exactly what to do he won't know and even then feels like he just doesn't do it or stops doing it. Some people say he talks so greatly about me. I'm just worried, especially with a kid, that I'm overreacting and he's trying/doing enough.

  27. You make sure you have your ducks in order and then you jump ship. Why are you even wasting your time? You’re losing sleep, you’re neurotically checking his phone and location. No amount of reassurance from him will help you at this point, because you will always suspect him of contacting or being with Laura. I wouldn’t waste another second of sanity on this relationship.

  28. Continue to ignore her calls and texts. You heard loud and clear. Don’t blow it off. You’ve moved forward and she chooses to remain in toxicity. You’ve grown apart and the friendship is over.

  29. I think you should definitely review that guy and say how super fun it is when he “pranks” the groom by telling him he fucked the bride. So fun! Bet he gets ALLLLLLL the gigs after that!

  30. Wait what? As in he has also said he has feelings for you?

    Seriously cut this dude out of your life entirely. I would never speak to him again.

    And its been a year since the photographers mom died. You were kinder than I would have been to wait. But post the review now and burn him to the ground.

    I would talk to your venue/wedding planner if applicable as well and tell them what happened. Get the word around the wedding community as well how unprofessional the photographer is.

  31. Ffs ASK HIM!!! Then report back, I feel like I just watched a rom com movie that cut out at the end!

  32. Confront him calmly and let him know you're cool with him being permanently available to go to free dinners. If he wants to be with her, cut him loose.

    Demand meeting his friends btw. It's like he's embarrassed to bring you around or doesn't want the hassle. Either is incredibly disrespectful of you

  33. Maybe your bf is the problem. For example maybe he has desensitized his Penny’s through too much masterbation

  34. That’s my thought. I’m tired after my full day of work and other obligations. I don’t want to go out to fancy dinners or anything do anything big on a weeknight. Just relax a bit with the person I love. And again it’s not like we have to hang out every night or something. And we only on-line 5 min from each other.

  35. The problem was he didn’t tell his gf at all. He didn’t even tell her he was going out that night. Communication is key in these types of situations


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