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12 thoughts on “Butterflyeffect7 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. He's a sociopath, which means he doesn't feel empathy. It doesn't mean he can't act good, but he won't do it because he empathizes with you. He didn't tell you because he didn't think about your feelings (because he is a sociopath).

    You can maybe still get an abortion. There is nothing wrong with that. There are no babies yet. You're not killing anyone. You're just making sure there aren't any more sociopaths born into this world. You don't have to tell anyone you got an abortion (except someone you trust for medical support). You can just tell them you had a miscarriage.

    I'm not saying sociopaths are inherently bad. But it's a lot harder, and it requires a lot of therapy. So is that really something you want for your children? And they will probably also make other people's lives worse if they are sociopaths.

    It will just suck a lot because you really wanted children and prepared for them. But it's the most ethical thing to do, imho.

  2. . She’s clearly a gold digger, who’s using my dad but he can’t see it.

    Oh, OP….you really think your dad is innocent? He's a 50 year old who went after a woman in her very early 20s, basically the same age as his daughter. He's a creep.

  3. I think there are two factors here 1) your goals or intentions in a conversation 2)how you articulate a position.

    The latter is an easy fix-oh really? I've never heard that, I always thought it was X. Maybe we should look it up because you have me curious now… Or – Actually I was researching this recently and I found out its Y. It softens the delivery. How we articulate points matter. I'm not trying you can't have a debate, but pay attention to their cues and be respectful of their views.

    In terms of your goals in a conversation that's going to require some soul searching- are you hoping to win, prove someone wrong and score a point? Or are you hoping to learn about someone, find out their opinions and generally connect. When you find yourself doing the know it all thing, ask yourself what your goal is and if your approach is helping you meet that goal.

    One other thing to do is ask a close and trusted friend if you do this and how you can address it. I bet they will give you more specific and tailored advice.

  4. i'm sorry, what is nd and nt? never saw these terms before. if it is something like neurodiverse and (nt being the opposite of neurodiverse) it's okay, no need to respond, i'm just guessing based on context

  5. Ya definitely feels like projection — she probably read/watched some things about grooming online and maybe internalized some of it and trying to project that shame elsewhere.

    There's been a couple other stories posted here on Reddit recently that those making allegations like this to people close to them are in fact being groomed themselves.

  6. She kept saying I was her friend at minimum over and over again… I don’t understand why lie if I wasn’t. She never checked on me like a friend, or came over like one, or called like one.

    I paid for dinner and told her it was expressly because I didn’t want her to feel like I (as a femme) was using her masculinity as reason to skip out on pulling my weight/compromising, as well as to display follow-through. She said she appreciated it because she was always the one funding everyone and everything, and even jokes that she’d have to stick around and “get used to this.” (I do have gainful employment so it was never an issue of me overextending to put on a facade.) I never bought anything extravagant so as to not run her off, but I did bring her back a couple small souvenirs from Christmas and got her a couple travel vials of cologne (that she asked for me to pick up when I went to the Bath and Body Works semi-annual sale lol). Everything I did was to be considerate and not being considered back once makes me feel awful.

  7. I can kind of relate – my ex didn't have a job during our entire over-a-year relationship, also due to some mental and physical health issues.

    It didn't affect me financially, as he had some funds he inherited when his dad passed away, and lives alone in his parents' paid-off house rent-free.

    I did find myself getting a little resentful at times (which I'd feel bad about, and didn't outwardly express), that he could just do whatever all day every day, while I held down my semi-stressful M-F 8-5 job.

    We broke up not specifically because of his lack of employment – that was more a symptom than a cause; he is very emotionally fragile and I'm not the most sensitive person even when I try my best.

    So it depends on how his unemployment is affecting you – you mention financial stress; could he qualify for disability to have some income? Do you foresee him ever being able to get and keep a job, and if not, is that something you can accept in the long-term? Do you feel resentment toward him? Is he overly dependent upon you, to where you feel like he's taking more than he's giving, or worse, taking advantage? Are you enabling him? They say love conquers all, but that's a lie.

    I think you should be honest with yourself as to whether this is something you can online with or not, and if not, don't feel guilty for making the decision to break it off. Talking it through with a therapist is not a bad idea either. Wish you well.

  8. My father's take was as long as I was safe and happy – he didn't really want to know. I could tell him whatever I needed to, if I needed his opinion or input, in any way. (I introduced him to all of my partners, though he probably didn't realize it.

    I like your standard of their being kind to their partners. That's really lovely.


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