Id recommend to hop over to r/raisedbynarcissicts because it definitely sounds like similar behaviors so you can see how people can act, why and what you can do
The one thing I want to say in his defense is that this is only true of his dad, which isn't something I can fault him for partly for cultural reasons and mostly because his dad in particular was extremely controlling. Obviously you only have the information that I gave in the post, but I just feel bad not correcting this.
But the rest of your advice I do appreciate, thank you.
How about having a clear understand on what’s going on because it appears that you both have a different viewpoint
Id recommend to hop over to r/raisedbynarcissicts because it definitely sounds like similar behaviors so you can see how people can act, why and what you can do
He's a predator. Stop talking to him.
he is easily influenced by the opinion of others.
The one thing I want to say in his defense is that this is only true of his dad, which isn't something I can fault him for partly for cultural reasons and mostly because his dad in particular was extremely controlling. Obviously you only have the information that I gave in the post, but I just feel bad not correcting this.
But the rest of your advice I do appreciate, thank you.