Big-titty-elf live webcams for YOU!

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32 thoughts on “Big-titty-elf live webcams for YOU!

  1. I mean there’s not one answer?

    I would tell you (as a female in her 30s) that you shouldn’t worry about your looks too much. Yes I did when I was 20, because appearance was a (or so I thought) a huge deal… it’s not. I would much rather be with someone who is “unattractive” then someone who is hard but an ah Or aggressive or just not a good fit. Look for a guy who supports you and all you do! If you want to have kids, look for someone who views the domestic sphere as a 50/50 split and has similar views on the ideological spectrum- especially when it comes to raising kids. All of those things matter- their face does not.

    That said, you are young and will realize this at some point! I hope it’s sooner vs later- I know it would have saved me a lot of heartbreak.

  2. That’s because you are incredibly weak and have her a second chance. She already had gotten used to humiliating, emasculating, and disrespecting you, and by not kicking her to the curb, you reinforced it. She now knows she married a doormat beta that will cry and yell but will get back in line and do what they are told.

  3. None of this sound in your favour. It's just unhealthy all the way around. I hope you have the financial means to leave.

  4. He was about to marry someone else less than a year ago! And a month after that happens, he latched onto you and proposes in less than a year.

    I would be alarmed. How about yall slow down and really think about what you want in life?

  5. I'm going to assume that the guy who went into his girlfriends phone and looked through her texts to her friends because he thought she as cheating on him, probably is just overly insecure and it probably wasnt anything she did besides *Checks notes* messaging her friends and making a joke about a celebrity and a flute.

  6. I think I’d still want the surgery. I mean I already did before I met him. The issue is just more prominent now that I’m in a relationship with a guy who’s very sexually attracted to Kylie Jenners body lol. I am definitely struggling in this relationship due to my appearance but I don’t think that calls for a breakup.. thank you for the link tho!

  7. You’re right, she should be able to do whatever she wants. I don’t think I am viewing the relationship in a transactional manner though. I’m not really hung up about the specific instances, I just thought it would be helpful to give examples. I am hung up on the overall fact that the “no”’s feel more abundant on her side, and It makes me feel like things are one sided and that she doesn’t make me feel special.

  8. The alternative is more likely. If you trust him he could learn to be more open with you.

    Make it clear that the boundaries are there for a reason and you’re learning to give trust so it’s a process and you need him to be fully on board with you for it to work.

  9. I’m kind of shocked at the responses here. If I were 25, fully functioning adult, and I wrote on Reddit “my dad won’t pay for my car repair even though he subsidizes my expenses as an adult. He chooses to continue to online his life despite my last minute demand that he cancel all vacations, why is he such a jerk” would people really be telling the author that she’s right AT TWENTY FIVE to expect her dad drop everything to fund something she should have had emergency savings for? What about “I told my dad I wanted an expensive computer for Christmas but he didn’t buy me that and what he got for his other children (cheaper) as well. Is he the AH”

  10. Remember that just because he has a reason to be a poor partner, doesn't mean you should stay in a relationship with him.

    Sometimes people are not mentally healthy enough to be in a healthy relationship. That's ok. It doesn't make either of you a bad person to need to end a relationship because someone isn't able to be an active, healthy participant in it.

  11. Oh yeah, go to Martinique or Guadeloupe, that way you're officially in France which is part of Europe!

    (and they're absolutely wonderful places to go too)

  12. You know it will be unfair that one of you asked the other to bite it and the his/ her' plan.

    It is sad but you are not compatible. Somewhere there is some women who are.

  13. Seems like you dodged a bullet and were lucky enough to find out how she is as a person pretty early on. Have fun on your trip with your best friend that you fully deserve, dude. Don’t let this shit ruin it for you.

    Again, have so much fun, dude!

  14. I'm betting their parents probably also got married way too young and hate each other but “stayed together for the kids” and boy what an impression that makes on the youngins

  15. I saw those links – I’m home from work and I’ll be reading them a little later.

    It’s hard to explain that you don’t realize this stuff is happening or that it’s bad or whatever. It’s hard to put the whole thing into words so other people understand.

    I’m just glad I will learn and be able to be more aware if anything happens in the future. I wasn’t even aware of what a narcissist was until a friend (Bee) of mine was telling me about his ex husband.. who ghosted him. My “friend” had been drilling into my head that I was a narcissist & I told him that I’m a narcissist, my friend tells me all the time. Bee said, “I’ve known you for over a decade and a half.. you are far from a narcissist. A little self centred, but far from a narcissist.” That’s when I found out what a narcissist is, what they do.. etc etc which put more insight into what was going on with this person and their behaviour.

    Thank you again!!

  16. I would highly recommend to first tell him to delete all your nudes from his phone and PC.

    Make 100% sure he has deleted every thing. Once you are comfortable enough that he has done it.

    You should look him in the eyes and ask him if he has ever shared any nudes or pictures to anyone or on any website.

    You should consider breaking up with him. Your safety is at risk with a guy who is part of a group that share nudes of women.

    Safety, I meam that your nudes might be exposed already and he might do revenge porn.

    Once you have broken up with him, just remind him it is illegal to share nudes of women without their consent.

  17. Dogs actually NEED structure and rules. It makes them happy.

    If they have rules and the humans are in charge, then they know how to be a “good dog,” which is what they want to be, and they don't have to be so worried and micromanage the household.

  18. Eeeeesh. Dated a guy that was still living with his ex. After seeing each other for 6 months, he told me he still loves her and wants to try and make it work with her. it hurt.

    Sharing a bed??? Heellll naw. Dont stand for that.

  19. Sis, actions speak louder than words.

    He can SAY anything he wants, but he is SHOWING you that he wants multiple partners.

    You will never be enough for him. That is not on you.

    You are 22 – you have a whole big beautiful life in front of you. Do not compromise your values here just because some dude wants you to. You are monogomous – hold that as your firm standard and don't let ANYONE pressure you otherwise. It is okay to have firm boundaries and this should be one.

  20. Once she is sorted their won’t be any need for you to take care of her.

    But your attitude f*ing sucks.

  21. Either you are just a place holder or she'll always have a weakness for at least his dick, if not looking for others.

    I guess you could ask what you can do to be a better dick. Though I'd probably just roll out.

  22. Stop going through peoples shit. Every other post on here is “I broke their privacy but I found xyz.” Take responsibility for your own failures before pointing fingers at someone else.

  23. What do you mean shouldn’t be allowed? I want the mere concept of creationism to be smashed into the same pocket of your minds that you keep the flat earth in. All of you.

    I want you to be disgusted at the very notion of calling a being which is threatening hellfire to what it claims to be it’s children, a “loving father” and to condemn it harshly wherever someone claims to believe it.

    I want you to feel uneasy about Christian’s in positions of leadership because you understand they believe this worlds resources are theirs to take and that they have a duty to spread their hateful, judgmental, and abusive religion about the land and seek to raise children in the cult before they’ve even had a chance for their brains to develop. Also because you know they view this world as a testing ground before damnation or paradise, rather than the only home we’ll ever have as it should be treated. To the same level that atheists struggle to take office or adopt because of Christian’s views on their atheism. I do think Sunday School should be banned, it’s highly inappropriate to scar children with cult ideology during their developmental period. The entire faith should be relegated to the edges of society and pushed over the cliff with education. I want the last Christian’s to die of old age looking across an entire generation that does not fear their filthy genocidal war god or the hell it stole from pagans, and an entire population living in a society not constructed around coddling Christian ideology in any way, shape, or form.


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