Batgirll-Roxy on-line webcams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Batgirll-Roxy on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/Business-Time-8091,

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  2. The two of you were not in a monogamous relationship. Both of you were free to do what/who you wanted. She utilized her opportunity to explore other options. In the end she chose you. Sounds like she felt differently about you than she did the other guy because she took time building a connection with you.

  3. If you didn’t feel some sort of guilt and pain while separating from someone you have this much time invested in, you’d need your head checked! It’s fine to feel that way/be sad, even if you’re the one that ended things.

    You’ve given him a golden opportunity to follow his dreams and he won’t even pay his phone bill on time. I’m willing to be you’ve never had the opportunity to sit on your ass and do very little as an adult. Why should he?

    Imagine your child came to you with this same laundry list of shitty behaviors they’ve encountered with their partner. Would you encourage them to tough it out? Of course not. You don’t need to either. It’s okay to leave when you’re not happy and being taken advantage of.

  4. I feel like I’m the odd one out here but I don’t see anything wrong with what she did. It’s not uncommon to be seeing a few different people at one time before you decide to settle down with one. When she said that she wasn’t dating anyone else, she meant she wasn’t in a committed relationship. I think you are reading way too far into this. It’s been 5 years and you are still together, so clearly you are meant for each other.

  5. That's just not very realistic with PE especially severe PE. At best, he could make her cum first with hands/toys and then have his turn. Timing cumming at the same time probably would work maybe 1 out of 100 tries in this case.

  6. What about her? If she has just had a C section getting Covid as well would not be pleasant. And ask ICU nurses about babies with Covid. As a parent I wouldn’t want to take that chance.

  7. I'm 31 and struggling to unlearn this. All those dopey magazines I read growing up described guys as dumb, simple, sex-crazed maniacs who only care about getting laid and will say yes to anything with any woman. Turns out, men can have as complicated and choosey thoughts about sex as women do.

  8. there's no point of moving out anymore cus I wanna move out just so that I can hook up with people

    Know what greatly facilitates hookups? Having your own place A great truth of adulting: if you want to do it, you make time for it.

    Trust me, you can work, go to school, and still have sex. People have been doing it for a long, long time.

  9. Well, I always thought that my face would kill the mood even more. But based on the comments I may be wrong.

  10. I confronted her with that tickle down method and she promised she did not do it on purpose.

    She definitely regrets that a situation has come this far, that another person took the initiative and kissed her. But I am not sure if I am willing to end it because of this one incident.

    I think I need some time to gain trust again, we maybe talk to a therapist or something about the situation. Idk, would be a shame to let something this good go, I would probably never forgive myself if I would not at least try.

  11. The whole BMI thing your wife has is crazy.

    But I’d like to just focus on your wife’s worry of your child having to confront death. That’s a sad thought but it’s simply reality. If we worried about that, NO kids would have relationships with grandparents. We are all going to die. Grandparents are going to die, very often while grandkids are still young.

    Is your wife going to prohibit pets? Will she ban any family or friends once they pass age 65 or so?

    Keeping someone out of a child’s life based on some perceived health issue is unreasonable.

  12. I had a crush on my supervisor. I'll never know if it was mutual, but based on our interactions, I've always wondered.

    The thing is, like you, he was newly married. I was not about to wreck his marriage (or mine) to try and pursue anything.

    The thing is to accept you have a crush, and that he's married. Crushes are fine, and normal but they don't need to go anywhere. Take a few breaths when things feel challenging and try to focus on your work.

  13. Yes, it was miscellaneous talk. Honestly think it could have waited till the following morning. It was industry/work related.

  14. Yeah he seems like he’s not upset and he said sorry. He was trying to talk more but I felt like I pressured him, so I’ve been responding slowly.

  15. See, that's the problem right there. I am actually well versed in the gender argument and trans rights. This isn't ignorance this is stating the other side of the debate only to be dismissed as ignorant.

    I accept there are people who find there own sex sexually attractive I accept there are even people who feel they have been born into the wrong body AND I accept that sometimes there are humans born with both sets of genitalia but these people are anomalies.

    Anything else is an artificial construct either legally or medically. I would also point out that there are people who have undergone gender reassignment and regret it only to transition back.

    I am not ignorant or intolerant but I do agree there are only two sexes.

  16. I’d like to know why the boyfriend kept the notebooks and was able to bring them home for OP to read. You just take shit from other peoples homes and keep them? Why did he even feel comfortable enough to open them. This just seems like BS. Not buying it.

  17. Probably no hope. When a guy finds taking direction from a woman “emasculating” and is so insecure that being “emasculated” leads him to fall out of love, he’s probably not good relationship material. Chances are, you’re smarter than he is, he knows it, and he can’t get past it because the idea that a woman could be smarter than a man blows his little mind and softens his tinky winky.

  18. Adhd doesn't translate to micromanaging another human being and foisting blame onto someone else instead of taking responsibility to the point that they no longer are in love with you. Dont try to hide behind a diagnosis; that still doesn't make it acceptable to behave the way you apparently do toward your partner. Your behavior has hurt him! Adhd or otherwise, your “nature” is hurting someone you claim to love. Get therapy or counseling or medication or SOMETHING.


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