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23 thoughts on “Barbara Soto live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Hes telling you what you want to hear because you found out.. “it was my friend that really wanted to go” “I didnt tell you because I was embarrased” he didnt seem overly embarrased texting his OTHER mate who wasnt even there.

    Ask to see his bank statement for that night and see what other transactions are on there or how many other cash withdrawals were made.

  2. Your boyfriend wants you to abort your pregnancy against your will?

    I want you to abort your shitty boyfriend against his will.

  3. Maybe your husband doesn't do anything with you because he's screwing behind your back. And he just doesn't want to touch you anymore.

    You're dealing with 2 men that really do not want to be emotionally with you.

    Time for you to get rid of both men. See a therapist and work on you

  4. Right? Like, that's no. The sayings “Zero fucks to give” and “Many fuck gifts” is just too funny not to appreciate.

  5. I dont love my wife, i love my girl but my daughter is 18 nearly 19 and her mother is sometimes hostile and rude and my daughter doesnt like her much, i cant leaver her with her can i? I have to stay until my daughter leaves and is settled in a career first

  6. Nothing! This is NOT your fault! You did nothing wrong! This is all on him. This is also why you need therapy. You are trying to take responsibility for something that is not yours. He DID this! He made the choice to do this! You didn't push him to it. He's just a pos who doesn't deserve you!

  7. Except that they can't reason with someone that leaves and refuses to communicate. That automatically makes it a black and white situation. They can't exactly ask their spouse to talk about thier feelings when that spouse refuses to come home

  8. I'm a woman, and I feel your attitude was inappropriate. Your husband is understandably hurt. You could have deleted the picture straight away, or you could have refused to receive a picture of your ex's abs. Not even sure how your conversation went that deep. Next time, respect your marriage (and your husband) and kindly refuse body pictures from other men. You can encourage Tom, wish him to grow, but this kind of flirty attitude (even if Tom's wife was around) should be dedicated to your husband.

    His reaction may be a bit intense, but it's as intense as the level of the pain he's certainly going through.

  9. She said she wasn’t feeling well. From how you describe her actions, it sounds like she really wasn’t feeling well. When people feel sick, they act differently because holding conversations, dressing up, etc is really difficult. The fact she tried to even talk for 30 min is impressive.

    You sound very young. You’ve got to learn some empathy if you want this relationship to work. Be supportive of her when she tells you she is feeling sick.

  10. I wonder if the issue is that for her it's actually fully by design, and there's no “problem.”

    Could she have been so in love with the idea of being a mother and starting a family, that she just used logic, thought “well, I don't love this guy, but he's right there, seems stable, makes decent money, and would be a good partner logistically.”

    So she was able to use that motivation and excitement of starting a new family to fake love enough to get married and get the baby. After that, she didn't need to fake that anymore, and didn't have it in her since she got what she wanted, she had nothing else to “work” for anymore.

    So for her, of COURSE they don't date, they don't spend time together. Why would she want to? She never liked him in the first place, she just tolerated him enough to get her child.

    Other possibility is a form of post partum depression (I think theres a new broader term for that now) that's long been untreated. The worst part about depression or other mood disorders is the person with them doesn't feel like there's something wrong, like you do with a cold or flu. It just feels like that's what “normal” even if normal really sucks.

  11. Living together and always being together can get annoying if you and him don't have a personal space to just relax and mentally get away and recharge. Talk to him about creating two spaces in the apartment/house to make for you and him…can be anything you want it to be…add plants, decor to journal or yoga or anything else.

  12. Good luck with this chick as your wife. She sounds like the typical entitled wife who raises AH kids who are just as entitled.

    Peace be with you! You seem like you need it if you stay with this ungrateful girl.

  13. Yeah you have no right to react this way because you did not ever have a relationship with her aside from friendship. You need to cut her out of your life if you can’t move past it.

  14. From what you’ve shared this definitely sounds highly suspicious. Unfortunately I don’t think you have any options left beyond giving him some time to let his guard down and then doing some snooping.

    I know it feels bad, and make no mistake: if you do find something and confront him he will try to turn it around on you because of the snooping. I’ve been there. But you can’t be sure any other way, and you know you’re not doing it regularly or without reason.

  15. You have to learn to let go. You’re not responsible for her feelings. You aren’t being petty. You are setting boundaries.

  16. Thank you. This is what I've recommended and she's not really into it. We tried it a few times and she sort of did the dishes after, I still had some cleanup to do (like spices left in random places all over the kitchen, non-disposable scraps in the sink, etc.), but it was better. Unfortunately it hasn't really translated to a change in habits.

  17. As long as your bf is on the same page as you, the next priority relationship is your bf and his brother. Let your bf decide how and when to deal with it.


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