Bambita-superstar live! webcams for YOU!

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  1. u/lospersonals, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Why are you letting this guy treat you this way? He is obviously a mooch looking for a free ride. Cut him loose now.

  3. Your last point of him wanting another and being more intimate because he's jealous is CRAZY, girl.

    You need to do a pat test and prove he is the dad and PLEASE do not have another kid with him unless he trusts you and you trust him and think you can raise healthy kids, he is being horrible and manipulative.

  4. We used to have separate cars, my car broke down a while ago and we have not prioritized fixing it. I don’t really drive it a lot of places but we drive to and from work together.

    Thank you, that’s a good point.. I’m literally so worried that if his band mates were to kick him out he’d resent me for it.

  5. So she has brought this up before and asked “What do you expect me to do? How can I punish him?” He's the only one in the house that doesn't work and contributes nothing and so on top of all of that he is doing this weird stuff but I don't really have a good solution to provide. Like what can I offer as a punishment to a grown ass man doing this kind of perverted weird behavior?

  6. Good for you for kicking him out, but don't do this and expect good results:

    He said i taunted him during the last argument a while ago that I would go on apps if things didn’t change

  7. Why? You were broken up. Say she fucked another dude..would you want to know? Get tested to make sure you’re clean, and if you are, get back together. It’s not a secret you’re keeping from her and you have nothing to feel regret about.

  8. The op made it clear the “past lover” was just a high school infatuation and then also a friend into adult years… this isn’t about that

    I agree if that was the case it would be a big problem, but this more nuanced than that and as such I don’t think “split up” should be the go to first line of thought

  9. This is who she is. She works, she puts herself together, and…that’s it. She’s not interesting in groceries or cooking or cleaning or taxes or exercise or saving money. She’s not going to get interested in those things, either.

    So, if you like her just the way she is, keep dating her. If her disinterest in adulting is a dealbreaker for you, move on.

  10. For real.

    Actually arguing that he is stunting her emotional growth by helping her escape from an abusive home situation. Lmao.

  11. Dude, that’s such a huge generalization. I have Xanax in baggies because I sometimes need to take it on a plane with me and then forget to put it back in the bottle. I have also never assaulted anyone. This is not a rare exception. That’s an intense leap to make.

  12. OP My fiancée is a wonderful man. Kind, funny, loyal, sweet, generous, clever…..he also has shit luck with friends.

    He’s neurodivergent and was horrendously bullied as a kid, and those two things make it hard for him to make and keep friends as he a) can’t trust people easily and b) they’ve actually done studies on this and neurotypical people can, on a subconscious level, ‘tell’ when someone is neurodivergent and like them less.

    Like your husband, my fiancée found great friendships in groups of people who felt like misfits. Almost all our friends are a flavour of queer, ND, etc. Some people unfortunately just struggle even when it seems unfair.

    Your husband sounds like a real catch. It can be distressing when people don’t recognise the greatness you see in your partner. He deserves a good group of friends same as anyone and I hope he finds it!

  13. Time for an intervention! 32 with a wife is not the time to give up and turn into a hobo; he's lost track of his responsibilities and gone sour.

    You didn't mention kids, hope not, because that would be worse. But he needs to wake up and get back on track. If you have to leave him behind for that to happen, so be it.

    I'm sorry but 32 is still way young, there's no reason not to get the shit together, clean up and get back into the game. When I lost my job I held down 5 side gigs until I got back on my feet. Landscaping, painting, DJing, even the Dominos shirt of shame. You couldn't stop me. I never let it slip away. A guy who's ready to hustle can make it happen. He's coasting, riding on your efforts.

    You're not the shallowest person in the world. He's not keeping the implied agreement of marriage – working toward the success of the couple together. Losing a job shouldn't affect mental health, that's a cop out.

  14. Thank you so much, your comment is so well written and I think this is exactly what I needed to hear. Realistically I think I knew deep down that this is the case, he chose this, but part of me did not want to believe it.

    In the end I guess it is better that he had this talk with me early on, before we were in to deep.

  15. I never had any trust issues up until that one incident and all my friends love him as my boyfriend which is why it is a bit hard to stick to my decision. But thank you for your wise words ?❤️

  16. Google is going to be a good resource. Then from there, start by reading Google reviews and reviews of the particular provider you are looking at. When I was looking for my current therapist I googled “therapist near me” and then sorted by closet and started looking through reviews from there.

    If you have insurance another option is to contact them and ask for a list of providers near you. My first therapist I found through a list my insurance sent me when I called about crisis counseling. The list of providers I already knew was approved was helpful and from there I could check reviews through Google or psychology today for the particular providers.

    If you and your wife are okay with it, talking with local friends and family is a great way to find recommendations. I've been given referrals previously which was a great starting point to read through reviews and determine if a provider is going to be a good fit for me.

    Finding a good therapist can be time consuming but it's worth it. I think taking the time to read about the provider, their specialties, and what their philosophy is is going to be really important. Even if I was familiar with the area you're in, I could know the best therapist in the world for me that could be a horrible fit for your wife.

  17. My dad had a rare talent for not being polite to my mum’s friends so they felt unwelcome and my mum felt embarrassed.

    It ended up with my mum and us non being able to invite friends round or having to make sure they were gone by the time dad finished work. It meant my mum’s social life became limited.

    Apologise to your wife, work out what you’d do in a similar situation next time and don’t be like my dad.

  18. You are excusing his behavior by staying with him. Do you know what being an enabler means? I really don’t believe that you do.

  19. It sounds like she is having second thoughts. Be frank and ask what is going on.

    It is quite common when people decide to get married that they realise that they did not want to get married.

    So relax – and think this through. If the relationship has cooled – it is the time to be frank.

  20. Probably not. Just because he originally forgave you, doesn’t mean he can’t reflect and realize he doesn’t want to be friends with people who speak ill of him.

  21. No, you owe him his privacy because whether or not you would do it now, you did it then. It was so severe that you were forced to see a therapist. No one can stop you, but if you have truly worked in yourself, you will stop yourself.

  22. I have social anxiety and I get burned out quick. I can’t imagine spending 24/7 with people even if I know them well, I need time to myself to just decompress and not make small talk, stuff like that

    I was on a business trip with about 6 other people. After all of the traveling I went into my room and sat there quietly on my phone, I wanted to go to bed early. Everybody thought I was mad at them and probably thought I was a bitch for not staying up with everyone.. anyways that’s what I would assume is happening here


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