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3 thoughts on “AveryDaylight on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. > heard that guys don’t like hand jobs,

    Please (PLEASE!) understand this. Each guy is different. Saying “all guys don't like X” will just shut down potential sexual activities. Try it, if you or him don't like it, then don't do it again. If it's liked, do it again.

  2. Your girlfriend made some very, very poor choices in that whole scenario. First, she's hanging out with a guy who's pressured women sexually. Second, that same guy is someone she had (stills has?) a crush on. Third, she spent at least a couple of hours alone with that guy. Fourth, she smoked pot while she was alone with that guy. Fifth, she did it because she couldn't say no (to him, at least). Sixth, she stayed out late with him. Seventh, did all of that with him, but feels unsafe doing that with you. And lastly, she said she'd still hang out with him.

    OP, nothing about this is good. You know that. That's why this is so hard for you to come to grips with. Did she do all of this because she really wanted to? Did she do it because she was pressured to? And the real kicker is, is she lying about “nothing happened?” With all of what I wrote above, anyone would have a nude time believing nothing happened. That they didn't talk inappropriately, make out, go down on each other, or even just outright have sex. I mean, a guy who likes to put sexual pressure on women, didn't make a move on a stoned woman he was alone with for hours?

    As I said, the really troubling thing that's floating over all of this, is that if anything happened, was it consentual, or did he force himself on her? While I know you want to give her the benefit of the doubt, this is could go either way. That whole setup just screams that something went on and she's not telling you. And in your heart of hearts, you're thinking the same thing.

    Talk to her. She may have willingly cheated, or she may have been sexually assaulted. She did break down crying and said that she felt like she cheated on you, which could be taken as a partial admittance that something did indeed happen. And the only way to find out is to talk with her instead of trying to sweep it away and pretend everything's fine. Because from what I've read in your post, things aren't fine.

  3. Girl. Stop doing very hot drugs. If he gets you to use drugs, he doesn’t care about you. He might like you but he wants someone to be down at his level in his addiction with him. He might be struggling but he was struggling before you and you won’t be the one to get him clean, he will. You said already that he’s going to ruin your life and he will! You are 18 and have your whole life ahead of you. Do you want to become an addict yourself and take the huge risk of overdosing and dying? Is that what you want? Take a step back and think about what you would do if one of your family members was you and was ruining their life like this. You will become an addict if you stay with him. That’s a guarantee.


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