Apriilstarr live sex cams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Apriilstarr live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think the sooner better, I think that protects both your feelings the most incase it doesn't workout in an ideal way, if you're certainly back together and he reacts poorly you would be going through another possibly tough breakup.

  2. Those girls talk shit about me and always would tell her to leave me etc.

    We were on and off so I met this girl who was really beautiful and we had this spark and amazing sex… I continued to lie to her and was having relations still with the new girl.

    So, just to clarify, her sorority sisters were right in their assessment to “talk shit” about you and that she should leave you because, in fact, you are a cheater and not worth staying with.

    I dont reach out or speak to her since she told me she slept with someone else in the summer and felt regret and hated it… I have had flings with women since her that wanted to date me but its weird cause its not her.

    So, you cheated on her, but you cannot handle the fact she was seeing other people AFTER you broke up, even though you've been hooking up with other people since breaking up, as well.

    (I worked on myself the whole summer by focusing on me and really upgrading my life post graduation)…Wtf am i doing or do i expect. I have learned from my mistake and wont ever do it again.

    Newsflash: you didn't do as much work on yourself as you think you did based on this entire post.

    It’s not even that I see you as a friend I could see you and be intimate with you and be okay with that you know I love you I just know we wouldn’t work out dating again…She told me she loves me but she knows we wont work out dating.

    So, you went there for an extended bootycall? She's told you that she won't get back together with you. Your plan is what, to manipulate her into giving you another chance?

    You cheated. She told you there is no future with her. Believe her.

  3. Break up with him if it's that much of a big deal to you. Gotta love Reddit who have already decided he's an abusive pervert who wants nothing but youth. Clearly evidenced by the fact he broke up with you once he found out your age.

  4. And you two are in a good marriage? I guess that would be so much more forgivable if I wasn’t name called and criticized constantly. But now I don’t have to forgive any of it and be with him and that’s a relief. In other words, I’m working toward forgiving him once I am divorced.

  5. This exactly. And not just him but their shared friends etc. She said in a comment that all of her friends are their friends and I imagine they might try to contact/find her for him….

  6. Of all the comments this is the most logical, we don't talk about many things and definitely not our feelings but that's just us. I have my down time and he respects it, we spend time apart and enjoy the time we spend together.

    He's not brought anything up to me to suggest hes not happy with any aspect of our relationship so I'd like to think we're doing ok. I have brought this up but it's only been at times during intimacy and after when he's cum and tells me to sort myself out. I've never actually said to him this is frustrating to me just as it would be to him if I stopped halfway through his orgasm.

    The fear I have Is not of being alone for the rest of my life but preferring it, I live! alone right now and I enjoy my life. I always thought I would never be able to online without sex but after years being single from a guy who was great in bed but terrible being faithful I got used to it. Now I just think I'd be better on my own, I can have much better sex and be happy.

    I think I've made up my mind, guys like this don't change they just say they'll be different and it never materialises.

  7. All this freedom you crave and all you can do is give yourself to others for what you want in the moment. To hide with random men from your choices and responsibilities. Poor kids.

    Your life is all transaction and emptiness.

  8. I thought the same thing when reading this post. It can be very hot for these people to read social cues. I just found out my daughter is neurodivergent.

  9. Whether or not it’s an addiction for him (it likely is), his wishy washy view of his porn use is triggering your past trauma and affecting your ability to support him and fully trust him.

  10. I going with “gotta be angry at someone because this can't be my fault” despite knowing it is obviously his fault

    Glad you got out of there OP I hope he at least holds up his end of the bills and custody if he even gets any. You got this ??


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