AnyaVolkov live sex cams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “AnyaVolkov live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Three years is when a relationship officially loses all “newness” and native, organic chemistry. It becomes work. It’s a labor. It requires effort and nourishment from both people. It’s when you really start to know if it’s a longterm thing or not. It’s when very little is easy and fun, unless you’re putting in the work.

    Very few couples continue having sex like they did in the beginning 3 years later. For all of those reasons and more. Sex is often the first thing to go. Real life gets in the way. Small issues add up. And when you’re tired, bored or disinterested, sex is hard.

    First, you need to find a lube she’s not allergic to. Obviously. When I say work and effort, I mean not ignoring it when she says there’s a clear issue. But actively finding a solution.

    And she should make an appointment with her doctor about the pain during sex. Yes, this absolutely can start any time, it’s very common, and there are a number of medical issues that could cause it. Or, It could be more simple – she could not be aroused enough to be having sex.

    How much effort do you put into initiating sex? Like, true, romantic, foreplay-heavy, intentional effort? In the bedroom, but also outside of it? Are you doing fun things together, spending quality time doing things you both enjoy, sharing and listening openly, supporting and encouraging each other in daily life?

    I would start working there. Just because she was naked and ready when you started dating doesn’t mean it’ll be that easy forever, with her, or with almost any woman on the planet.

  2. I disagree. As someone who doesn’t find any valid and justifyable reason to cheat, revenge is a better “reason” than “I don’t respect my wife or care about her feelings”, which is OP’s husband’s reason. Lol.

  3. Don’t fret – you’re not over the hill yet! Im in the position that everyone I meet already has kids with someone else when this is a deal breaker for me


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