Anntonela live! sex cams for YOU!

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35 thoughts on “Anntonela live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. There is so many ways this could unfold but I’d be leaning towards the side of separating (not a divorce but he works abroad and you stay home) or moving with him. I was in your kids position when I was young. My dads job was well paid and he was able to support my special needs and my mom stayed home. Personally I believe my future was so prioritized by my parents that they both would make any sacrifice for me. I understand how you want to stay close to your family but I also don’t understand why you would choose staying with them over a potentially better life financially. In my experience I wasn’t with my grandparents/aunts/ etc a lot growing up but I still saw them as family, I’m also still very close to my cousins. I believe that if you are able to step out of your comfort zone and sacrifice a bit for your family the results would be worth it. In this case I believe your husband has more to give in terms of support. This would be the same as the situation my family was in. It may be lonely and scary at first, but my mom has meet so many friends and communities around the world that supported her. Now that I’m older me and my mom have moved back home and my dad stayed abroad, but honestly it’s not the same when he’s not around. My big family is cool but I’ll choose being with my parents over them anyday. Good luck!

  2. Ahh, yes… We can online together, have children .. but because there's no piece of paper, you understand why she's checked out? That's hilarious and depressing all rolled into one.

    She's a cheater, and a cake eater.. it's really that simple, and OP is left holding the bag.

    She does it because she can, and he accepts it. She knows which buttons to press, and he's allowing it by enabling her, by not reacting to her leaving FOR DAYS.. like wtf.

    This situation makes no sense, but OP has been living it so long it's been normalized.. much like the abuse that's been given.

    What a wild world.

  3. Been there, done that. You will never be able to convince her she did anything wrong. Divorce and (depending on state) that would be separate property for you, she wouldn't even get half.

  4. He won’t do it without push, so tell him to email her or text her about the inappropriateness of what she’s doing and show you the messages.

  5. He is neglecting to give proper care to a living being and not respecting the compromises you established together… don’t waste your time, he is not going to change and if you guys have kids together you won’t get any help whatsoever. Move on.

  6. Go back and get yourself a blanket sweetie. Don’t apologize to him. You did nothing wrong. Get a blanket and try to sleep. Tomorrow you can start planning to leave him

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  8. Yes we’ve both talk about her going to therapy but she’s she’s had poor experiences in therapy too and really doesn’t like going we also don’t have much of a way to afford it so we’re try to find ways without it if possible

  9. You are being gaslighted.

    He is blaming you for him screwing up the car, something he asked you to do, and he’s even got you agreeing it’s your fault.

    Take off the blinders and send him on his way.

  10. What advice do you want?

    He emotionally checked out years ago so you having an emotional reaction to this now is just going to annoy him because he cant feel it, nor does he probably care because like I said… he emotionally checked out from you.

    Youre allowed to feel angry, but that's just something that you need to take time for. Theres nothing you can really do that's going to make it go away really fast.

    So.. what's the advice you are seeking?

  11. I'd like to add that you can also get them from a lot of regular stores. Even if you can't find the alarm ones, a lot of furniture stores will have basic ones that are still better than nothing. And if you can't find one, anything is still better than nothing – hell, even jamming a broom behind a bit of furniture so it sticks out and blocks the door, or piling up some old bricks will at least make it very hot for anyone to get in without making a lot of noise.

    It's disgusting that this is even an issue of course, and I hope you can get out of there soon 🙁

  12. There are domestic abuse exceptions to lease agreements – I'm sure depending on the state. My friend was in a similar situation and ended up hiring a lawyer who helped her navigate breaking a lease, exiting a loan she had with her abuser, etc. The money she saved was worth it for the amount she paid the lawyer. A lot of attorneys will offer a free initial consult.

    I also think you should reach out to some old friends or reach out to a potential friend (like a co-worker). Tell them the truth: you're in an abusive relationship and it's isolated you from friendships, but you are reaching out because you need help.

  13. Imagine if the roles were reversed- a wife's husband takes pics without consent during a full Brazilian. Then shows all his male colleagues at work. Wtf. You don't even seem that bothered in your comments.

  14. I personally wouldn't accept this kind of behavior at all. I would sit him down and tell him point blank, no cheating is happening and if he can't trust you what's the point of even being together. I'd tell him couples counseling to address jealousy issues and get on the same page to respect and trust one another or I'm done. Also stop giving him the impression he has any right to constantly monitor you at all. Tell him this over the top suspicion bs stops or he can be single.

  15. I (f25) recently left a relationship with (m27) who was on Grindr sexting and arranging hookups for the entirety of our almost year long relationship. He turned incredibly mean and cruel at the end when the mask had finally come off. Aside from that, he was in contact with ex fwb’s, failed talking stages, and girls he had a thing for, for the entire relationship as well. So, I know what you’re going through, and I know that it’s very hot.

    I too attempted to stay and repair the relationship after I found out about the first bit of cheating, but it took a toll on my mental health, and as I discovered more infidelity, I found myself feeling suicidal.

    These people do not love, and you are far better off dumping the trash in the garbage where it belongs, trust me!

  16. “It's my money til we get married,” explain? Do y'all not share finances yet? Cause this comes off controlling and patriarchal dude.

  17. His frontal lobe isn’t even done developing yet my dude. Ya know, the area of the brain that focuses on decision making. Even at twenty he has a few years to go still! He hasn’t even gone through college and learned who he is and who he wants to be. I’m accusing you of being in a relationship with someone far too young for you developmentally, not pedophilia. It is interesting that was the first thing that came to your mind though.

  18. yea but i really enjoy having sex i just want it to be with a long term partner. those are very hot to fine.

  19. She can’t get an annulment, guy. They have been married, they have sex, everyone was of sound mind, and there weee no threats. Now she’s just lying.


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