Angelsweeteyes live webcams for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “Angelsweeteyes live webcams for YOU!

  1. The sponge is silly, but that's unimportant. What is important is this part:

    I told him he could stop making me feel bad and then he yelled “can you just shut the fuck up already and stop feeling sorry for yourself”. I ate in silence and cried a bit. I was in a very abusive relationship not too long ago and I don’t do well with being yelled at.

    In no world is that behavior from him acceptable. He needs to be gone asap.

  2. He keeps adding more and more to the story, eventually you will hear the truth. Keep in mind before I say anything else this is a man in his 40s, not some random 19 year old boy that is easily influenced. He should be held to a higher standard of both decision making and reliability. The problems I see are:

    1) What kind of fool gets in a cab with someone not knowing where the cab is going? He “assumed” they were sharing a ride to get home. That's a poor attempt to cover it up. he knew where he was going.

    2) The story keeps changing. First he waited on him before finally going in to bring him out…now he went inside and fell asleep on a bed waiting. Sorry, a brother isn't going to let you use their beds as a free hotel when a girl could be making money on that bed.

    3) So he is liquored up, surrounded by brother workers most likely in very revealing clothing, but fell asleep anyways? c'mon, that's stupid to even say.

    4) The card story is just ridiculous. He took the cash off of it so there wouldn't be any evidence of a transaction. he might have even paid for his friend, which is why he mentioned the friend is paying him back but not for what he claims.

    I'll stop as I see you just made an edit and wisely kicked him out. You did the right thing, he will probably once again try to change his story and reveal a little more.

  3. To be fair, a lot of men go to sex workers in the hope of having sex but unable to perform because of intoxication, drug use, emotional issues. Sex workers often say a large majority of the work doesn’t involve sex

  4. we've been together for about 6 months now. i think im gonna try one last time to get my point across and see if she can understand me atleast. if not, yeah im definitely heading out

  5. Being dramatic and saying extreme things instead of being realistic and listening to advice about your situation is what teenagers do. You’re a middle aged woman. Act like an adult. You’re allowed to cry and struggle and feel all your feelings, but who are you doing this self pity act for?

  6. It's way more cruel to have him travel all the way to you for you to break up with him. When it comes to long distance relationship, those relationships are actually the ones where its okay to break up in a phone call.

    Or you go to him before he comes for visit, and break up with him there. But break up ASAP so he can make some plans with his friends to celebrate the new year's eve with instead. (And yes it's always time to cancel the trip as long as he is not on the train or plane yet. Just pay the ticket for him or something).

  7. Please get separate therapy for yourself. You will be able to work through your own feelings separate of his and either be able to find your way back to him or you will be able to come to terms of not wanting to stay with what he has broken and be able to realize that if you end it and eventually find someone new one of the things you'll want in your new partner is someone that loves this child like their own. I promise you not all stepfathers love their bio kids more and I'm sorry you have seen that in your own stepfather.

  8. How can I get her to see that I'm deadass serious about these boundaries?

    You've already had more than one serious conversation with her about it and she hasn't changed. The only way to get her to understand is to break up with her. She had her chance to respect your boundaries and has repeatedly chosen not to do that. Your needs and boundaries are valid and you have the right to fight for them. She made her choice, and this is a hill you should die on. You deserve a partner who loves and respects you— this isn't it.

    I had a somewhat similar issue with my husband. He used to threaten to leave when we had a fight, even over silly things. After the first few times, I finally told him that if he ever threatened to leave me again, then I'd be the one leaving and I wouldn't be coming back. I told him I'm not going to live! my life afraid that he'll leave me at any moment and if he can't respect that then we're done. He has not threatened it since, and that was over 4 years ago.

    Likewise, my family is verbally abusive and aggressive in how we talk to each other (lots of teasing and shit talking, very negative). I grew up with it so I'm used to it and have always been like that. My husband did not grow up like that and is very sensitive, and was finally fed up with how I talked to him. He said he wouldn't put up with that either. His comments made me realize how not nice I can sound. So I've done the work to change how I speak not only to him, but to people in general, because I love and respect him.

    Neither of us are perfect but we're both committed and have mutual love and respect for each other. When we say “hey, this thing bothers me” we work on correcting that and figuring out how to prevent it in the future. Your girlfriend does no such thing, nor does she care to. Have some self respect and learn when it's time to move on.

  9. Your boyfriend needs to get over it and tell them to show you some respect (and show some himself). At the very least, he needs to set a boundary to move forward with, even if he doesn’t admonish them for past (poor) behaviour. By this I mean, he could simply take advantage of the 2023 thing and say ‘OP would like people to start using their birth name this year, I support this, and think it would be respectful if everyone else is, too. It’s xyz, pronounced xyz. Try it with me now’ and then make sure they get it. I married into stiff upper lip Brits and know how powerful the awkward can be, but feel that setting a ‘from now on’ boundary without admonishing them for past rudeness is a good compromise between his comfort and yours.

  10. Usually an allowance is contractual. An allowance for a service. Kids do chores, get an allowance.

    How would you benefit from giving her this allowance? Especially if she already has a salary? Wake up.

  11. And even if he and his family were very close knit and he was the apple of their eye and vice versa, I am not a big fan or comfortable with who is grieving the most contests. I lost a boyfriend to a car accident (he and his father both killed on impact) when I was 16. It was very naked on me and I was a big mess. His family was devastated too. I think with grief, rather than the whose grieving more argument it’s better to look at it as all those close to him are grieving, but different types of grief for the different types of relationships had.


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