Angela live! webcams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Angela live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/pandanmilkbread,

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  2. Hello /u/transburneracct,

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  3. Thinking you'd be stepping on your male friend's toes is the same as trying to make a decision for your female friend. Let her be the one to determine if she's interested in either of you that way. It's possible she feels the same way about you. It's possible she doesn't think you like her that way, so would only know if you tell her. It's also possible she likes your other friend. It's also possible she doesn't like either of you that way.

    If you are turned down, it doesn't mean it would harm your friendship with her. Many people stay friend's with others who express romantic feelings that are not reciprocated.

    If your male friend has a problem with it, he needs a reality check. There is no calling dibs on romantic interests.

    Let her know how you feel!

  4. ((HUGS)) It's ok if you keep your money hidden and only share a % in the future.

    The right person will understand and not push you. A 2nd level of protection on your accounts, something like LifeLock, may give you some extra security.

    Your ex is an AH and took advantage. As this may sound naked, at least it was only 20K, in 10 years it could have been 10 times that. He is a thief, and you fell for his BS. The saying love is blind may fit, but that is ok, you learned a hot lesson and now can be able to find ways to protect yourself and take your time with someone new in the future.

    Take time to heal and protect yourself. ((HUGS))

  5. YEA – 19 year old mistakes, I really thought I knew best and like I was living the dream. Taking a break from dating – yep therapist said that too.

  6. Girl pack his stuff. Maybe just throw it in a bag. Put it outside and let him know he can take it with him because you are done. Don’t tolerate that.

  7. Parties come and go, weddings are just a day and they pass quickly. What doesn't change is when your spouse doesn't trust you. You're currently fixated on this one social obligation but you have to view marriage as a lifetime endeavor. Try some marriage counseling to see if she can learn to trust you. Because if she never gets there this is going to come up again and again and again (and might someday doom your marriage entirely).

  8. You're not compatible really, are you? It's obviously something he needs and something you don't want to do. Neither of you is wrong. You can't expect him to go without sex and he can't expect you to do something you're so uncomfortable with. It's not a skipping off into the sunset scenario.

  9. If your fiancé is not actively enforcing relationship boundaries, he is not respecting your relationship. Ashley is trying to make moves on him.

  10. Take the kid and go. Leave her to her own devices, but cut the cancer out of your life. She's already checked out of the relationship, why are you still going things will change.

    She might actually learn to appreciate the free ride after she can't spend your money anymore.

  11. You need to talk to your sister. Tell her that when you invite her – or anyone else – that this is a personal invitation that doesn't extend to other people. Not girlfriends or grandparents or anyone since you have to budget your money. If she invites other people she'll have to pay for them on her own.

    I'm a bit taken aback about the whole behaviour since it's common behaviour to not extend your own invitation to someone else when you're not explicitly told that you can do so. Haven't your parents taught her that?

  12. Why would he level up when no one expects him to? He has his mommy take care of him at home and you take care of him at your home. He is benefiting greatly all the way around. Maybe stop doing so much until you see some effort on his part. If he’s not willing to put in any effort then he’s just into doing what’s best for him. Partnerships are supposed to be more or less equal, not one person reaping all the benefits while the other does all the work.

  13. Hahahaha hearing about that racist asshole crying and apologizing absolutely made my day.

    Your bf is a hero

  14. Tell him in person. Show him any proof you have. Make sure he has time that day, to be able to calm down a bit and process it before going back home.

    I would also suggest to him to contact a lawyer before confronting her, to know his options. I would also suggest he gets tested and gets a paternity test for the kid.

    Document any and all proof. If your state is one-party consent state for recording, tell him to record the confrontation when it happens. It might be helpful later for custody negotiations. He should also make sure she can't drain their shared bank accounts. He can up the security so that no big withdrawals can be made without both of them present. The lawyer will be able to guide him on such matters.

  15. ….omg dude. I gotta leave this post you're so dullwitted. YOU CANT HAVE BOTH. Yes solve the core problem but there is absolutely no way to work on this without cutting off the woman your wife perceives you emotionally and probably in her mind especially now physically cheating on her with. The root problem is you lie and don't like you wife and I bet you she knows.

    Stop prioritizing your bf OVER your wife. You messed it up, welcome to the consequences of your actions. Personally I'd look for a new job even if you actually care about your wife even a little.

  16. why am I making this such a big deal when he has always showered me with love all the time.

    No. Just no. He has NOT showered you with love, he has given you what he wanted to give you. He has not, at any time, considered what you actually want.

    This is a man who sees himself as the main character, and you are his background sidekick. You don't get equal rights – you don't even get a say. HIS opinion is the one that matters.

    Please tell me, WHY are you marrying someone who treats you like a nonentity? You do realise that this will get worse after you get married, don't you?

  17. As a veteran and a man, I can confirm military men are usually trash. This guy is a piece of work. Document everything, take it to the police, and get a restraining order.

  18. If your hear asking this question you know what the answer already is. Your afraid that your cheating past is coming back to bite you and you don't want to ruin your relationship with your husband that you cheated on?

  19. The wedding is in May of 2024, I told him he needs to do it right this time and no bs. I mean my grandmother gave him the first ring and now I have to send it back because it ment nothing. We always made a packed to if one of us were unhappy with the relationship we would go our separate ways but he said he wasn't unhappy. We have 2 kids together and 1 he took on the father role. I just don't understand how someone can throw everything they wanted and needed away just like that

  20. Well as I mentioned to someone else here in the thread, I suggested we go together and watch it when it came out (it was 2 months ago since I first brought it up) but she said no because video game stuff and animated films aren't her cup of tea. So then i told her that I'll go watch it with my friends when ir came out and she agreed with that. Fast forward to this day, I told her I was going to watch it this weekend with my friends and she was cool with the idea of that. But then I was like “but hey if it's actually good, I'd like to go see it again with you” (teasing her because I know she doesn't like that stuff) and that's when she said like “i don't want to go see it, you don't need to watch it a second time just so I can be with you” and then I told her that it was more as a joke than asking her to come with me. I only go to the movies once, I don't go twice to see a movie I've already seen unless someone invites me or it's really that good.


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