Andrea Stones on-line sex cams for YOU!

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49 thoughts on “Andrea Stones on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Well… the OP and all their responses. All along the lines I'm inferring state I'm correct in my response. And not white knighting, just my opinion in the first post. Seems to be a correct assumption to me.

  2. You reciprocating his physically abusive nature tells me that you have a lot of unresolved trauma. He definitely does too.

    Recognize that healthy relationships can have little bits of play fighting but shoving is too aggressive. You’re supposed to be a team.

    Not saying you should break up, but seriously evaluate the state of your relationship. Become a little more introspective to how you react to anger and stress. This is a rough road you’re going down.

  3. Don't do that to yourself. You're looking for some way to better accept what's happened here. Sometimes it's as simple as two people just enjoying each other's company more.

  4. Great point!

    Social media is to blame for this. We are seeing the most attractive people possible on a daily basis online. Before the internet you’d be lucky to see someone as attractive in the span of an entire year. Now it’s in our faces all day, every day, and people are starting to believe that gorgeous people are only slightly above average in looks.

  5. Old lady here. Why in Tf was any of this shared with you? That would be a private discussion and consent between the two of them.

    Seems your friend isn’t a friend. Not because of the ex. But nothing good came out of him looping you into this. That was malicious.

    Sounds like your ex helped you sort out who you don’t want to date and who you don’t count as “friend”.

  6. Doesn't matter how you personally think he should feel about his ex, if it makes him uncomfortable then it makes him uncomfortable. He expressed his boundary. If his friend chooses to ignore it then he knowingly ended the friendship. He didn't care anyway, so why keep him around? I sure as shit have better friends than that.

    Also, what exactly is the point in keeping someone around after the dynamic of your friendship has drastically changed? You can just as easily find a new friend.

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  8. My first thought was that the bf is jealous because she's giving her love and attention to others as well. He wants all her attention all the time so he made up some lame excuse to get her to stop focusing on others.

    And it's really perfectly fine to want validation and praise for what you do for others. It's the reward for all your nude work. I would think that's pretty normal.

    I can't think of anyone wanting to spend an entire day cooking not to mention a pretty decent amount of money just for praise. That could be achieved a lot easier.

    That's why it's OP's love for cooking combined with compassion for a friend going through something super nude is her drive. The praise is a nice bonus that makes it not only worth it but also makes you want to keep doing it.

  9. Not that this makes it better, OP , but from the way you frame this story, I really think it was the terminology she was laughing at, not your issue specifically.

  10. Why are you even considering talking to him when he really needs to be locked away for the protection of everyone?

  11. I dont think you did anything wrong. I just think theres a huge mental difference between a 19 y o and a 24 year old.

  12. Don’t take this the wrong way but neither of you know what love is at 18/19. I thought I did but let that brain develop. If someone is making you feel bad there isn’t enough time in the world to put up with it. Find your tribe, life is too short to be in situationships with the hope of happiness one day.

  13. talk to a divorce lawyer, today.

    I hate that this is often the first response in this sub.

    But in this case, it's ABSOLUTELY the right answer.

  14. There is nothing in this situation for your benefit. Seriously. Financially, physically, etc. nothing.

    He gets a online in maid and fuck toy, while you carry the financial load so he can smoke weed and play video games.

    Where exactly is his compromise? He’s not giving up anything. A compromise involves both people giving up some of their “ideal” in order to both be mostly happy. He’s not compromising at all.

    It is absolutely ridiculous for him to expect you to just bounce around with your stuff while he takes over two rooms. Maybe he should make his workplace in the living room or dining room while you take one of the upstairs extra rooms.

  15. of course it is. hosting is incredibly important, it helps to keep people spending money and it's generally easier to spot potential troublemakers as well as easily solve conflicts if bartenders mess up for example. if you boyfriend makes his clients feel welcome and they become loyal customers he could be very successful. building a relationship with them is extremely valuable for any establishment.

    besides that, he has expressed how you calling it socialising makes him feel and it sounds like you insisted on it. you are undermining his effort and dismissing it as something less important than your time together. even if he sat there the whole night, it's still his job.

  16. It’s actually work. And socializing. People like rubbing shoulders with the owner. But. Only he really knows how much is work and if it’s an excuse to drink. What does your gut say? If the bars are struggling then it makes sense that he’s there often. If they are successful, he doesn’t need to be there every night. My entire family is sober. Finally. Are you concerned about his drinking? Why don’t you ever accompany him? I’ve dated a couple restaurant owners and I was included.

  17. Zero tolerance for bigotry of any sort. If you stay with him you're tolerating and therefore validating and endorsing homophobia. You can be part of the problem or part of the solution, not both. Do with that what you will.

  18. there’s plenty of people who wouldn’t even be with a person who has a kid

    He's literally one of them. You're shoving your kid off to be with him. You've picked a random guy instead of your own kid and you want to call yourself a parent?

  19. Idk but I feel like its nude to bond with people nowadays. If youre different and don't follow the trend/what everyone else is doing then you will be excluded. Its harder to make friends. It was the same for me during university, most kids used social media all the time whereas I didnt use it much, they went to parties/clubs but I didnt enjoy it, they drank alcohol, smoke weed or other drugs but I dont enjoy that. I didn't have much in common with people so I understand why I couldn't make any friends. Only people I could befriend were weirdos and gays because they are more “open minded” so it was easier to hang out with them and just talk about anything. Its just my experience though.

    Its possible that your bf is awkward or other men just dont consider him “man enough” to hang out with him.

  20. She actually wants us to keep talking within the 3 weeks. She just doesn’t want us to see each other and she wants me to change before we can continue. I don’t really understand, she’s asking me to give her more space and then she will see if she wants us to continue. She completely stopped showing me affection, and told me she won’t show me until she is sure I changed. I am trying to but I feel like i’m being rejected everyday. I always asked her if she didn’t find me annoying because I really love her, and she always told me that she never needed space from me. I am really blaming myself because I’m thinking it is because I said mean things for 2 days and made her cry. It is a short term relationship, but we were really close from the start. I don’t know what to do, but I can’t seem to break it off with her because I blame myself.

  21. and oh yeah i don't want u to do any prep work because i want to get shit all over my dick”

    how vile of you to say. You shouldn't kink shame anyone

  22. I actually agree! I’m COMPLETELY content with being single, as it gives me a chance to find myself, I just thought it would be nice to date around and see what I really like and what’s out there. But you actually might be right! Thank you for your advice 🙂

  23. She's a garbage spouse and you don't need her. Use an attorney if need be; just get the hell away from her and don't fall for any of the manipulation or intimidation tactics she's about to use on you to try to force you to stay. She's doing it because she is weak and you are strong. Again; she needs you; you don't need her. You have all the power here.

    You can and will be mostly free by the end of this day if you choose.

  24. I’m really sorry, that’s a terrible feeling. Did she give a reason? You may not find comfort in this just yet but I promise you deserve a better fit in your relationship and it is out there for you! This woman clearly wasn’t compatible if she is going to dip after one emotional incident without even attempting to discuss things with you.

    I hope you take some time to think about everyone’s advice since you did come to this sub for it. You owe it to yourself to find an outlet for those negative emotions so that this situation doesn’t repeat itself the next time your trauma is triggered.

  25. My brother hits every single one of these. He’s not 18 yet but he checks every box. Obviously, as you said, he can’t be diagnosed yet but all of his therapists, social/case workers, psychiatrists, etc says he shows and overwhelming lack of remorse/empathy. His girlfriend thinks she’s the exception too. I worry for her. If he’s willing to assault his mother and siblings he won’t stop there.

  26. In a social landscape where “fat acceptance” is being drummed into her your wife probably doesn't feel she should have to adapt her wardrobe to her new size. But she's 56 not 25 and not everyone can carry that extra weight like Lizzo. So maybe appeal to her sense of dignity in being a mature woman. To be fair, even a super fit 56 y.o. woman shouldn't be wearing a belly shirt. If you can stress an age appropriate wardrobe rather than going after her over her weight maybe it'll have an impact.

  27. Wow. Somewhere, there are a lot of nude sheep wanting their wool back from this massive wad you've got pulled over your eyes.

  28. Your bf doesn't suck and is free to not associate with you if he doesn't want a gf that makes apologies for abusers

  29. Jesus Christ… ‘I won’t contact her again… I’m thinking of emailing her in a couple weeks.’ Dude. It’s over and you’re reaching stalking levels.

  30. I’m hoping tomorrow he will be sorry or at least show some remorse. It was just how he said “leave me them I don’t care” and shouting things about my family out where they could obviously hear him. But yeah it is the first time so it could be a one off

  31. You are literally you are jumping through hoops to somehow blame yourself. Almost every human in the history of human can identify the dangers of standing on a Wooden board with wheels on it. She got on the board. She did this herself. Anyone with half a brain knows you can hurt yourself on a skateboard. She did not need a warning from you.

  32. Exactly, if they'd mention it. I think I would of just been honest and said last time I was over I noticed it on the side and I felt like I could save it. So I wanted to up cycle it?!

  33. Thank you, my SO didn’t feel it was for him to do study nursing, which hey, university isn’t for everyone and that’s not a bad thing. He now earns quite a lot, more than I do and I have a masters degree haha! He doesn’t drink all the time but when he does he can drink heavily.

    I agree that they’re trying to control me, and unfortunately they’re also trying to control them. My mother mainly, rather than my dad. I just don’t know how to get them to see if from my point of view without being told I’m being disrespectful


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