Been there. If he gets defensive or changes the subject, he’s cheating. Make sure you ask him in person. And make sure you take the rest of the condoms with you if you leave (hehe). Im sorry love. It’s up to you to confront him and forgive him and move on. Wishing you the best!
Yeah, when a partner asks you to open the relationship, they're either already cheating with someone else or they want to and they're trying to alleviate the guilt. Plus they're keeping you on hand as a backup in case the affair doesn't work.
I'm sorry you went through this but you're way better off without her.
Been there. If he gets defensive or changes the subject, he’s cheating. Make sure you ask him in person. And make sure you take the rest of the condoms with you if you leave (hehe). Im sorry love. It’s up to you to confront him and forgive him and move on. Wishing you the best!
Yeah, when a partner asks you to open the relationship, they're either already cheating with someone else or they want to and they're trying to alleviate the guilt. Plus they're keeping you on hand as a backup in case the affair doesn't work.
I'm sorry you went through this but you're way better off without her.