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104 thoughts on “AmelyaHardyy online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Girl I can’t even get him to speak or call or text me back, but I was so angry earlier that I told him if he wasn’t going to reach out to lose/block my number and all forms of contact with me. He didn’t. And I definitely don’t plan on letting it slide. But he’s definitely making me wait on him and it’s frustrating

  2. Hang on go to your local city place ask them to guide you to help you with housing they will help where in California are you? I have family I can ask stay away from your sister she should have sltopped it so she is more guilty than your boyfriend online him don't do anything sleep in the living room tell him it's over and thank him for letting you stay there get out

  3. So now you know it’s not going to change and he’s not motivated. What are you going to do?

    No point being just sad about it.

    Time to decide if you can keep accepting it.

  4. Why are you surprised your controlling and abusive boyfriend is being…. controlling and abusive?

    Why is your self worth so low you thought buying a house with this abusive piece of shit was a smart decision?

    Leave before he kills you.

  5. Being a good mom comes before everything and everyone. Maybe you should try putting in and matching her energy as a father.

    You’ll always be dead last now that she has babies.

    She probably also doesn’t want to take the chance of getting pregnant again.

  6. I wouldn‘t like it if my man told me he had a sex dream of his ex tbh. It‘s not funny at all and if it wasn‘t funny to him, that‘s completely valid. I wouldn‘t have told him in the first place but I guess we have different opinions. All you can do is trying to communicate with him. Ask him about his feelings etc. and give space when needed.

  7. I'm exhausted just reading this post. It would be frustrating if it was a colleague or even a brother but why would you put up from this from you BOYFRIEND? There plenty of men out there who don't think like this

  8. You're your own worst enemy. I suggest some therapy and work on not using past life triggers on new relationships.

  9. I doubt it was a lie since it does usually go deeper during doggy. She probably was wishing for that depth during cowgirl. I would not dwell on this anymore really. If your concerned about not getting her off as much, prolong your foreplay and don't let her drink too much.

  10. 11 years is MASSIVE at this age bracket. 30 and 40 is fine, but 20 and 30? Hell no. It’s gross that you’re justifying it. And no, you shouldn’t be okay if their friends leave! Isolation is another abuse tactic and you’re justifying it. Disgusting.

  11. Basically i messed up in the beginning of the relationship and, I spent the past year trying to fix it but it just didn’t matter she was mentally gone

  12. Yes! He is my best friend! He's so funny and kind, couldn't ask for a better friend ever.

    The thing is, he's only one person, who has his own life and on top of that he lives far away. Id like to have a group of friends to socialise with where I live. We can't rely on just one person to be our entire social circle.

    I know many guys live don't just want that, I've been around. It's also why I ignored this guy after he made it clear. But I also know there are some that do! I've met a couple that are now my friends. I'm just hoping to meet some nearby.

  13. I feel just terrible for your wife; she's the one that made the mistake. You've likely already given her a terrible hang-up and made things way worse. Divorce and get yourself therapy or someone as shallow as yourself. This is so, so sad.

  14. Hello /u/OppositeAd9067,

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  15. What attitude is that, though? Since OP hasn't been a mature adult and spoken to his gf, all we have is the history. That, without context, leaves a lot to the imagination.

    The only concrete details we have are OP's actions, that is, privacy invading snooping on someone that he says was previously in an abusive relationship. He would rather ask internet strangers their opinion than be an adult. Lots of that history can have perfectly innocent explanations, but OP won't ever know if he doesn't talk with her about it.

  16. Giving gifts or not giving gifts is never wrong, it's optional. A teacher at school once said this in class many years ago and I recall some students being outraged about it lol.

  17. Yes I agree. I might suggest your idea of having 2 children but each has a different surname but I don’t think he’ll agree to it

  18. That means either one of you has to compromise (in your case you compromised everything but giving up your name) or you should find someone who shares your values. Like I said, giving up the name will likely make one of you resent the other.

  19. You guys are grown ups. If you want to quit school / change course to support your mom's medical bills, then I applaud you for it. It is really time for you to take charge of her medical expense. You are her daughter, it is your responsiblity.

    Your mom and dad has separated for 10+ years. Let them divorse for good and let him live the remainder of his life with the woman he loves.

  20. Okay woah, agreed that he needs to talk about what happened, but the level of intimacy is where the real question is. OP's been really careful to not explicitly say what cuddling means, so I think “cuddling” isn't the right word.

    Because like I've said, cuddling is totally neutral. I cuddle my kid, my cat and inanimate objects and don't have any kind of “oh did I cheat on my SO” reaction. Cuddling isn't the bad guy in the situation, cuddling rocks and we should honestly cuddle a lot more, but in this situation it's bad.

  21. Don’t make the decision for her. The guy is 29 she may tell him and he may be ecstatic/ a great guy and continue the relationship. Give love a chance too. The decision is hers but she should do what she’s comfortable doing after telling him

  22. You're in a LDR and are going to meet? You've been together for 6 years and have never met in person? soon would be the first time and you've been talking about marriage before meeting? or am I reading that wrong?

    Why? People through out the ages have had commitment issues. He wouldn't be the first and won't be the last.

    You? You haven't done anything wrong and it's unfair to you but… you can't stop him.

    What you can do is say “if you date someone else, there is no turning back. We'll be done for good. You don't get to fuck around with other people then decide to call me back like a well trained dog. I won't be waiting. Make your choice. You're an adult and you get to do that. You don't get to run from the consequences”.

    He gets to make that choice but you get to say “that's a final choice. I won't be waiting when you realize you've fucked up.”

  23. Even a lot of women who like sex don’t give their husbands / boyfriends sex as often as they’d necessarily like, let alone an asexual girlfriend. If you are going to want sex more than 1x per month you’ll never, ever, ever be happy with her

  24. Yeah, it’s one thing for your husband to spend time with friends without you and it’s a totally different thing for him to prioritize friends who are rude to you.

    I can’t tell exactly what you mean about his female friend, but he should have shut down naked his friend who called you ugly.

  25. Yes, your parents owe you. Fuck right off with that sentiment. They fucking made you. If they are wealthy like that, they owe you a similar lifestyle. Just because OPs parents were salty they didn't get a boy in the first try, they can't do this shit.

    In this case, OP was living like the child of lower middleclass neglectful parents, but her parents were stinking rich, I think that makes it even worse.

    But OP was most fucked over by apparently no relative in her life giving a second shit about her, because otherwise they would've tried to do something about her parents neglecting her.

  26. You sound more like a slave than a girlfriend. This is what control looks like in the confines of a relationship. You are your own person with autonomy. Just because he tells you to do/not do something doesn't mean you have to. If he's threatening/carrying out consequences if you do/don't do what he says, that's abuse. Fair to assume this is your first relationship? It won't get better, my dear, it's just going to get worse. Nothing you do will ever make him happy. Save yourself the trouble and find a better guy. You're still plenty young and there's a lot of good guys out there (and shitty ones too like your boyfriend so watch out).

  27. i didn't go through the whole day thinking that i dont want to do that. i considered it when i was out of other options, thought about it for roughly 4 seconds, then concluded she wouldn't want that.

    we definately aren't compatible when it comes to this topic, which is why im bringing this up. didnt hear something i didnt know already so far, but maybe there isnt much to be said anyway.

  28. What kind of effort did you put in for him? You shouldn’t expect anything from him, if you’re not able to do the same FOR him. It goes both ways, love. It’s ridiculous how it’s always the man’s responsibility to schedule and plan a date for Valentine’s Day. It should be a team effort. Please do better.

  29. Ovulation tracking is a way of avoiding pregnancy OR getting pregnant. You could try having an adult conversation about it.

  30. And you didn’t break it off right then and there… why?? If my SO did this to me, for any reason, I’d call for abuse

  31. Instead of hating biologically, you could try making wise choices.

    What does your priority of having babies matter? At 19 it usually isn’t a priority. So using your current feelings now is a terrible metric. But pretending it isn’t an issue you will face is ridiculous.

    You better know if that is something you want in the future and the type of partner you want to have with it. That impacts your choices and decisions you make.

  32. Exactly, it's like she walked up to him and kicked him square in the balls with that attack. Dirty pool there. She has officially lost her mind down this rabbit hole.

  33. Ugh. I can see how my situation can sound that way without all the little in between details. I mean i am aware of what I am walking into, but he knows I have some non negotiables and if all I'm doing it helping him get ahead, it's the least I could do. Truthfully his upfront honesty about all of this said a lot to me. He could have led me on for many more.months, moved me in and then told me ??‍♀️

  34. So this guy didn't hurt this girl for a year and he's gonna get dumped because Reddit told her it's too much of a risk.

    Then this guy could be the next black pilled, vindictive Tate follower and we wonder why those guys get such a massive following. I get being wary, but he literally didn't hurt this girl yet and he's being struck out. So I guess it's fuck this guy for life, huh? Kudos to his garbage friends btw for spreading around confided information.

  35. she said that she was not ready to date again, so we agreed to remain friends and see where it may lead in the future.

    This was a soft no thanks, that people give way too often. Your expectations aside, she should have been more honest with you and she obviously knew you would be upset when she told you.

    She has only ever treated you like a friend and the entire problem revolves around you wanting more. That you aren't getting what you want, isn't a good reason to dump a friend. It is however a good reason to dump a person you were looking for a romantic relationship with. I think that at some point you became not her friend and a suitor. The question should be, are you her friend or were you just looking to date her this whole time?

  36. Then stop playing with her. I don't know what else to say. You can only control yourself. You cant make her change any more than we can here on reddit. If you dont like the way she treats you when you do this activity together, then stop doing this activity together.

    When she demands to know why then explain (again) the way she treats you hurts your feelings and you dont want to be treated that way, so you arent going to do this activity together anymore. Its called setting a healthy boundary and sticking to it.

  37. Don't overthink it. People can be attracted to all kinds of body sizes. I like BBW and non-BBW pictures/videos.

  38. I know, to be honest I wasn't sure. I still don't fully understand why I did unlock it, or why I still feel so much for it. but i am trying to solve it. thank you

  39. Dude you are asking her to check in too often and you are asking for too much info. You’re kind of acting like a parent who can’t release the reigns at all and she is def going to want to break free from that eventually. You are too overbearing. Who she goes out with initially and a basic idea of the plan without her location being monitored is about all you really should need to know and then trust she will be fine.

    You say you are worried about her but I feel there is so much insecurity involved here and that’s why you are calling everyone and freaking out when you don’t hear from her. Anyone would begin to lose respect for someone who is imposing this level of control on them and she sounds like she is doing that. Losing respect I mean.

    You may have some issues you need to deal with as your level of concern is over the top and you should be dealing with that personally rather than expecting your partner to accommodate an unreasonable reaction from you. It’s toxic.

    Boundaries are iffy because some are healthy and some are not. A healthy boundary is saying I will not speak about a topic unless you are calm, or I don’t like to be called that name so please respect that. But yours borders on the type that is more about control rather than keeping things between you respectful and amicable.

    You want to keep tabs on her and that’s more of imposing an unhealthy demand rather than setting a healthy boundary. It makes sense you want to control the situation to a degree to ease your anxiety but I don’t think you are looking at it that way and I believe that is exactly what it is. Just some food for thought.

  40. It's at least 10 years old now but there was a novel-length article in the Atlantic that laid out a lot of studies and first hand experiences in a very readable way. My mom was never willing to be self-reflective or put in any work so it did fuck all for her but it helped me to understand a lot better.

  41. Your experience doesn’t define everyone else… I used to do acid and drinking in my younger years what you are saying isn’t my experience…

  42. Not sure I’m following. Isn’t it more like he’s trying to turn me into to her or make me like her because that’s what he misses?

  43. Actually you're wrong. I had a past relationship where sexually coercive behaviour traumatised me and he's aware of that. So even if he's acting disappointed twice per month that is enough to trigger a pressure cycle with me. He and I have sex at least 3 times per week and we explore each others fantasies.

    Thanks for your perspective, though!

  44. Also, being on fixed incomes are all your funds shared? Or do you just share an expenses account and she used that? Because using half your money for your (shared) birthday gift which she would enjoy more than you would is pretty shitty.

  45. He wanted things to be more casual before asking someone out on a date. Sex is more casual than lunch for OP.

  46. That's ironic.

    I am a computer engineering myself.

    During my program I was def in the minority.

    Stop paying attention to race, the less you will see it. Start focusing on the people instead.

  47. Sounds like a first class douchebag. Any normal Loving significant other would have been up out of bed in that emergency helping.

  48. Ouch.. that's bad OP.

    Yeah he holds himself up as single and it wouldn't surprise me he is lying until he gets blue when he talks to someone over that account.

    Sorry to hear it

  49. He’s so noble, he parks it on the street between houses so the kids think it belongs to the neighbor

  50. I don’t want kids and we aren’t having any. That being said, I don’t think it’s “just hormones”. You’ve just split yourself in two to have his child and instead of being grateful and understanding and pulling his weight he has: -Complained and put you down for not wanting to experience that agony again -Told you how much he has given up which is what? Sex, freedom, sleep? (Hey idiot, that’s what having kids is like) -is now in the other room acting like a child because you pointed out that he’s acting like an idiot From your answers to other comments it sounds like he hasn’t yet been inconvenienced in your marriage, and he never intended to be. It sure is easy to say you want a bunch of kids when you’re not responsible for carrying, birthing and caring for them. I’m guessing he thought he was going to go to work and come home to a warm meal with his little family, and afterward go play ball with little Timmy in the back yard with his golden retriever and his white picket fence. All the while you’ll OF COURSE be working full time, carting the children to and from daycare or school, taking time off for their appointments or special activities, and making sure there’s that hard meal on the table. If this man doesn’t come out of his little tantrum and come to you and apologize and tell you exactly why he’s sorry and a total jackass, id think about a trial separation at the very least. What a frickin nightmare. I’m so sorry.

  51. Not all men have high sex drives and not all women have low sex drives. Yes, sexual compatibility is hugely important in a relationship. Next time, I suggest being up front with a potential SO about your low sex drive and find someone else that has a low sex drive. You will not find happiness with someone who has a high sex drive.

    Also, you show outright disdane for sex. People who enjoy and desire sex are not lesser than you. You might want to consider that you are demi or asexual and date accordingly.

  52. Thats pretty rough dude. I would have some heavy resentment for her after putting you in this position… at least that anger may help you with moving on.

    There's no magic fix here. You deal with reality, avoid each other as much as possible and get out of there as soon as possible. If you can afford it you might be able to buy yourself out of the lease at some point. Really it should be her doing that, but there's a fat chance of her doing anything for your sake.

    It might help you to take a trip and have some alone time to grieve the loss of the relationship so you can move forward undeterred.

  53. You're making excuses for him.

    If it's not a yes. It's a no. Don't sell yourself short of being loved the way you deserve.

    You said he would be a dream partner wth a contingency. That means he isn't a dream partner.

    Love yourself and respect yourself more than him.

    You dont deserve to feel how you feel.

    I was in a relationship where unwashed cheated on and was in it way more than she was. I made all kinds of excuses while I was gutted, depressed, and sad.

  54. You are not compatible, just break up. Also his reaction tells you a great deal of what you can expect in the future if you stay together.

  55. One child is probably all you will end up getting. Granted she might end up loving your child, or she might end up not loving it and resenting you.

    If having loving family with multiple children, I don't think she will give it to you.

  56. Mickey Mouse is getting the naked action whenever you leave the house. Your bedroom is mostly dead. Have you tried any counseling? Your wife might have a porn addiction.

  57. Don't read the emails. Delete them and block her email address. They won't help you. They were written for her benefit, not yours. I've written a bunch of letters addressed to my ex, but I'd never send them (I can't now, but that's not the point). They were entirely to get my pain out of my head, not for her to feel worse than she already does. It won't help my ex to see how she hurt me, and I don't want her to hurt anymore than when I dumped her. Nothing in those letters will make you feel better.

    If it helps, in a weird fucked up way, if she really cared about you at all, she wouldn't want you to read them. Neither of you can heal if you keep the wounds open.

  58. I read it the same way.

    I also find it odd that after 10 years, you aren't living together. Has that topic come up, has either of you expressed a desire to live together?

    If you want to see her more, for god sake make plans with her, or you are just cruising along into oblivion.

    Yes you only have your mum, but do you have a plan to leave, mile stones?

    You can't complain your GF isn't making you a priority when you don't sound like you even go to see her reguarly

  59. I’m definitely not going to budge on this. I love to do things myself. I grew up with all sisters. My dad didn’t have sons, he made us learn. And I love him for it. I love doing it and I even do my own mechanical work.. Shit I can post pics since everyone thinks it’s fake.

  60. I have know this situation. I had time to analyze it.

    she had a black and white point of view about cheating. if you cheat , that is because you want to cheat. she never fully understand that it is an emotional phenomena where logic as very few to do.

    she saw at first glance when it begin in your case, before you, and probably before something start at all. but she never consider SHE could be in the same path. it was just pleasant. And one day you asks her if she is cheating. Of Course no ! she thinks. but then you are factual and you point the features that she have herself pointed to you in the past. it is a cognitive dissonance. she cannot believe she is able to cheat but the clues are there and you stopped her before she did misconduct.

    As I said, i have know that situation. I had to spit my venom on her friend who give her advise on alimony and open relationship. I hit her naked, for her to understand that if she mess with my familial relations i can mess with her familial relations. my partner received from her all the fear and contempt and sadness and anger and mistrust that she dodged from me.

    she talked to her shrink and her friends. I don't know what she heard . probably YTA. but her behavior changed brutally from there. she is now really close and attentive to me. and she see far less her colleague.

  61. i mean this is a similar reaction my mom gives me when i invite da bois over for night stay at my house suddenly, from suddenly i mean i go out with em for dinner at 10 and we just decide it there itself in a span of 15 mins, and i force the decision onto my mom and she has no choice but to accept it lol, but tbh we dont drink smoke or do drugs, we da obedient bunch(we are all 18), i just wanted to tell this because i like to type stuff

  62. 1) clearly your best friend is an inconsiderate and self-serving cock that sees no problem with cheating (as long as you are the one doing it).

    2) he considers the chance of having sex with you as important enough to break up your relationship, make you behave immorally and (realistically) throw away your friendship.

    3) doesnt matter that you want to remain friends with him (though clearly you need better standards) because your friend is making it 1000% apparent that he aint in it for your friendship.

    so what on earth are you trying to hold onto with this friend?

  63. I’m really really glad that I’ll probably never meet you in person. Try growing up and having some empathy. And maybe learning to text like a normal person especially if you’re busy because it takes .2 seconds to type a text and a lot longer to call someone. Which, to answer your repetitive question, is probably why she had a naked time picking up and saying hey. Or maybe she just hates phone calls. Real curious how her not texting you for days is clingy. Seems like you were just butthurt you didn’t get exactly what you wanted. Sometimes I think I want to start dating again and then I see some shit like this and am reminded how disgusting the general male population is within that context.

  64. I would just give him your number. He can't make the first move due to his being an employee there and not alienating the customers. Balls in your court.

  65. The relationship is not salvageable at this point. Your partner has a lot of stuff she needs to deal with when it comes to her sexuality. It’s clear she wasn’t sober due to these issues and probably has a lot of self hate that she hasn’t processed or gotten over. Her being with you right now isn’t good for either of you. Instead of dealing with her issues she will redirect that self hate to you and you will be on the receiving end of her hatred and disgust.

  66. My guess is that he won’t ever pull the trigger on the divorce threat. He just likes the feeling of power over you and control.

    I also understand that it’s super easy for outsiders to scream divorce without understanding the nuances of lives interconnected by years of marriage.

    However, walking on eggshells and divorce are not the only options. From now on, when he threatens divorce, shrug it off. Just say “Okay” and keep living your best life. Make a conscious decision to not engage in passive aggressive bullshit. Do a reasonable amount of chores around the house but do not go above and beyond to take care of him. For example, don’t cook meals for all the nights you’re going to be traveling, don’t do his laundry, etc. Basically, treat him like an adult. (Your son should also be able to handle feeding himself and washing his own clothes btw.) Don’t apologize for existing and having needs. Meanwhile, make sure you are prepared if he does go through with the divorce. Keep an account with money in just your name. Make sure you know the details of your family finances.

    Your husband’s insecurities are something he has to deal with. If you try to dim your light so he can feel brighter, you will become resentful and depressed. That’s not a solution. Your husband needs to decide if he wants to stay married to the person you are, chasing a version of you that doesn’t exist isn’t an option.

  67. She thinks so little of you or is so insecure that she legit thinks you would just be cuddled up in your bed with another woman for her to come home and find.

    She isn't going to admit she was wrong. It's probably a lot easier to paint it as all your fault than to own what she did wrong here and work on her issues.

    I also think by you apologizing to her and taking responsibility, she thinks you are owning the issue, and that her reaction was justified.


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