Amber-morgan1 live! webcams for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Amber-morgan1 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Hi, I remember your post! It sounds like you handled yourself really well, really maturely and I’m proud of you for mustering up the courage to talk about it like this with your ex – his reaction totally proves that you made the right call in dumping him. He doesn’t sound like someone who can handle firmness or criticism – not someone you’d want to grow old with anyways. Good for you! And it’s so sweet you got to meet the baby and his parents!

  2. She isn’t sleeping with but plans on occasionally doing some intimate stuff with the other girl. I told her to not tell me any details but just let me know when she plans on hanging out with the girl. I am straight so I wouldn’t be with another male and tbh not even a woman. We recently got back together and she wanted to make sure I was ok with this before we started again. I see your point in me getting hurt but I feel if there is solid communication and I have priority over the girl, we should be fine!

  3. Ok. I won't opine on your relationship with eachother. You asked about your renting situation.

    You're both on the lease yes. But unless you both signed individual lease agreements the landlord doesn't care who is the one paying rent as long as one of the tenants is the one paying. If she leaves and isn't living there anymore at your behest, she could choose not to pay you at all. You WILL be on the hook for rent. You could take her to small claims court to try and get reimbursed, but if you told her to leave she has a case that she was forced to leave and won't have to pay you anything.

    You can ask her to remove herself from the lease and you can take it over 100%. (Get your new roommate) Otherwise you legally can't really have her do Jack shit she doesn't want to.

    Personally I'm not so big an asshole that I would tell someone that even if they left they would have to pay me to stay there. She likely isn't aware of her ability to do relinquish her rights as a tenant so is tantamount to taking advantage of her. Only an idiot would put in writing that they would pay rent at a location they have no intention of living at. Are you going to let her keep the keys? She can return at any time she wishes so long as she's on the lease…her being on the lease gives her right to online there. Doesn't matter if you find a new roommate or not. You cannot keep her from entering.

    “Sounds like” isn't definite… Ask her what her plans are.

  4. So your love language is gift giving and his is not. Which means that he probably doesn't even appreciate the gifts that you do give him. You're dating so you should be able to have a conversation and set a budget or range for gifts… maybe $100 or $150. That's it. Don't go over.

    And if you really do love gift giving, why not sponsor a family in need for xmas or give extra to family?

  5. Don't say nothing yet! Go slow dance ? on a dude and record it and post it make sure the ones u want to see it see it…Then wait and see if they say anything…Then drop the bomb! ? ? ?

  6. You’re literally jumping to conclusions and inserting things he never said or insinuated. He just sounds curious. Sounds like YOU wanna go sleep with the other guy or other people in general if this small question has you overthinking and jumping to conclusions like this.

  7. Any man that asks you to commit a crime (buying a gun for someone else is a crime btw) for them does NOT love you.

  8. No he never tells me any of his troubles and has a very consistent temperament. His work is seasonal so he only works during the summer and lives off unemployment the rest of the year. He’s never acted miserable around me.

  9. You're still friends with a guy who turned you down and had a crush on. It's risky

    How would you feel if he had a homegirl who he wanted but she wasn't interested and they were now close friends. He's still finds her attractive but the relationship is platonic.

    You cool with them hanging out one on one?

  10. You need to have a talk with your BF. He needs to stay out of your relationship with your mom. You need to establish boundaries with him in regard to this. He needs to understand that your relationship with your mom has been built over your entire life. He can't come in after a few years of dating and expect to understand the complexities or the background involved in your relationship. He needs to butt out.

    You only get one mom. You might have several BFs and a few husbands in your life. A mother daughter bond is special.

  11. Was married for 11 years to my ex-wife. Out of those 11 years, her mom lived in our house for 8. I fucking hated it. Always in our business, always creating issues, always talking under her breath. She wasn’t a bad person, but it’s like the turd that won’t flush or the friend that overstayed their welcome months ago. I think you deserve a say so in the matter, as marriages are a team sport.

  12. She doesn't want to have to explain the glaringly obvious to you because she doesn't want further confrontation. Turning guys down can be dangerous. Nodding along then deleting is least confrontational. And you are getting confrontational about how she handled it.

  13. I think you should just start fresh with someone new. Learn from this relationship and try to not repeat the same mistakes in your future relationships. This one is likely unsalvagable.

  14. Have you considered the possibility that there is something missing from your marriage that is subconsciously driving her to do this? This behavior is likely a symptom of a bigger issue.

    That’s not to say whether you should leave or not, only you can decide that, but it may not be as cut and dry as “I can’t trust her anymore”.

  15. Build trust through your actions and words, block that girl who fancies you, don't comment on other women's appearance, don't give any other girl more attention than your gf, be proactive in your love and admiration by taking her on dates and giving her compliments, find her love language and hone in on that

    Obviously there's way more but this is a good set of examples imo,


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