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20 thoughts on “AmazinggirlBigcock online webcams for YOU!

  1. Stop spying on her wifi usage and internet history you fuckin weirdo. I can see why she doesn't tell you shit. Her masturbatory habits are none of your business. Leave her alone.

  2. You need to talk to her about how you're not her Ex and it is not fair for her to be treating you like this so far into your relationship. Talk about the different ways you express your love language and what you can do to improve affection & communication between you both so that both of you feel loved and supported.

  3. Your boyfriend watches porn, just like every other guy his age. He probably jerks off 1-3x every day, probably while watching porn. Don’t ask him about it, because he will keep lying about it because masturbation is a private activity he doesn’t want to discuss with his girlfriend. Also, don’t look through his phone.

    I’m a guy, and I can assure you from a guy’s perspective, the fact he watches porn and jerks off has nothing to do with how attractive you are or whether you’re “enough” for him. If it gets in the way of your sex life—for example, he never wants to have sex with you anymore, or he can’t get naked without watching porn—then that’s a problem worth talking to him about. Otherwise, leave it alone.

  4. The difficulty here is that we don't really have his perspective on things to judge – it's possible that you (unintentionally) are genuinely being 'too clingy', but it's also possible that he's being unreasonable. Or both as well.

    Do you know what kind of thing he's doing while he's out? I personally quite like having 'alone time' most days when it literally is just me by myself. During covid I used to go out for long walks just so I could be alone. It doesn't mean that I hated the people I was living with

  5. Or maybe you need to learn how to read? It's right at the beginning of the OP's post. It's literally the 2nd sentence.

  6. You may need some help. Couples counselling is helpful for many but again it involves him being willing. Good luck I hope it works out for you.

  7. First Red Flag: “Perfect Relationship”

    OP, nothing is perfect. No one is perfect and no relationship is perfect. And it’s seems to be a pattern on Reddit that the relationships people describe as perfect are usually anything but because they were oblivious in one way or another.

    Second Red Flag: What exactly did she mean by “wanting to online her life?” Because that line tends to be euphemism for cheating, at least on Reddit. If she got scared out of marriage plans, that’s one thing. But if she left because she didn’t want to be tied down, that’s quite another.

    OP, do not make assumptions, but you definitely need to ask for details about why she left you and why she’s back. Because I think your next course of action depends very heavily on what she says. If she genuinely felt trapped and scared for marrying young, and she got her chance to explore the world and herself and has genuinely grown from her experiences, then I think there’s no harm in picking the relationship back up. But her following you around wherever you go and NOT coming right out and asking to get back together doesn’t look good to me. That screams that she’s feeling you out and trying to see if you’re still interested. It’s a pretty common theme on Reddit where the ex comes crawling back because the option they chose didn’t work out and now they’re trying option number two.

    Good luck, OP. I do hope things work for you, but tread carefully.

  8. I’m not a medical professional by any stretch, so this is just my perspective based on personal experience (I’ve struggled with depression for 15+ years, I’ve had several family members & close friends deal with various mental concerns).

    Finding the right psychologist who works for you can be very hot. Anecdotally, I know of a few people who have been to 6+ before they found one that they connect with. So, if she is struggling to make progress, that might be something to think about. Some Psychologists also have different areas that they specialise in, so if that’s not something that has been considered, she should. I specifically looked for psychologists who focussed on my problem areas, & met certain criteria.

    It’s great that she is taking medication, but again, what works for one person might not work for another, so it might be time to review what she is taking.

    Seeing a psychologist and taking medication are great (they do the heavy lifting), but don’t underestimate the power of healthy eating, physical activity and quality sleep. Making sure that these things are part of the equation too is important (if they aren’t already). Make the change slowly & in increments so that they are easier to maintain.

    It’s nude work loving someone with depression, but if you are willing to give it a go, get yourself some professional support too. Don’t neglect your mental health to prop up hers. You can’t pour from an empty cup!


    Get the fuckouttahere with this bullshit “whataboutism”.

  10. Wow, thank you. Yeah this explains a lot but is there any “right” way to go about things or just del with fights when they arise ?

  11. All those comments are going to take a toll on your kids. The wife’s dismissal of your feelings. The kids see all that. Time for a serious talk.

  12. Tell your parents exactly what happened. That between your brother's Alpha Male routine, your dad's excessive badgering, and your mom's obsessing over his eyes like a wacko, they scared him off.


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