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18 thoughts on “Ally-fontana live sex cams for YOU!

  1. The fact that you don't live! together makes it easier. Tell him it's over and block him. Tell your family what's going on, so if he shows up, they are ready. He can't force you to stay with him.

  2. Sounds like there is WAY more to this. Your boyfriend was young, immature and down right stupid at 19.

    For you wanting to call off your engagement over that, sounds like you have been dealing with way more that wasn’t shared.

    This is very clearly a situation of “the straw that broke the camels back”.

  3. Hey, first of all, congrats for getting back into exercise and losing a 3rd of the weight you gained. That's awesome. Hope you get to the point where you feel like yourself again in your body soon ?

    Secondly, what other people have pointed out… drunks and kids speak truth.

    The name calling may be limited to your weight gain. It's a shallow and vapid way to 'love' people.

    I'd use this as a wake-up call and look at my relationship in general. Has he really been a true partner in good and bad times? Literally through thick and thin in this case? (Pun unintended.)

  4. Hello /u/greenthrowaway777,

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  5. this is amazing! i have tried getting her into yoga and she’s started to like that. these are great ideas thanks

  6. We are supposed to spend Christmas with the kids at their place, but after this my therapist and I insist we don’t stay with them at their house. They offer a friend’s condo next to theirs that is open for the holidays- great! That will work perfectly! When I feel horribly uncomfortable, I can just leave and take time to myself. I can do this.

    Fast forward to two weeks ago, we’re told the condo is no longer available but we can stay with them. This is quite unacceptable in my opinion. I’ve only met these people 3 times and 2 of those were very very bad experiences and I still feel like they hate me based on how they talk to me and interact with me. Unfortunately everything in the area is booked and we don’t have the money for the only things that aren’t.

    Fast forward to a few days ago. We arrive for Christmas. I walk in and I get the same cold hug and feeling of unwelcomeness I did the first time and every time, but I ignore it. I’ve been keeping up with his mother and having good phone conversations, we’ve brought edible gifts that his father can participate in. He’s diabetic so I brought special ingredients for his coco bombs we made together. We buy them pajamas to participate in our family tradition of naked coco, new pajamas and a Christmas movie on Christmas Eve. Every second feels nauseatingly uncomfortable but I do my very best to remain in that low-standard mode I promised I would. They compliment my children on how polite they are a few times in the first two days but I notice them reacting the same way to them as they do to me. Annoyed at everything we say and do.

    Each of the first few nights were there I let my guard down I have to keep up all day and breakdown in bed. Anxious, uncomfortable, but doing my very best to keep thing civil.

    We get out with the kids a bit and that’s very enjoyable. We run to the grocery store without them and even that’s enjoyable.

    My bf tells me they have loved having us and that the kids are wonderful. But this all still feels so fake. His mother tells me she loves me again and I say thank you because it feels so forced and I wouldn’t mean it if I said it back.

    Night three comes along and we have some drinks and start watching a movie after the kids are sleeping. Bf tells his mother he would be buying me an engagement ring as soon as we get home which is news to me but feels really nice. I get more inebriated than I should to try and feel any semblance of calm and content. It works and I fall asleep during the movie.

    We go to bed and I wake up the next morning before everyone to do some yoga in the living room. I notice mother’s phone sitting on the fireplace immediately next to me. I want to look at it. I want to see if how I’ve been feeling is real or if I’m crazy like everyone else is telling me I am. That everything I’ve felt for the past 9 months has truly just been in my head. I do yoga for 15-20 minutes before I give in. I grab the phone on it turns on and the last thing that was searched was my name. Odd, but ok. I search the same thing in text messages.

    In texts between his parents they detail how terrible they think I am for many many more petty reasons, calling me lazy, a bitch, rude, being angry I don’t like a chandelier in the new house (bf doesn’t either). But the message that gets me to finally feel relief instead of anger is the one where they both agree to lie to my boyfriend and I about how they feel towards me ‘for ever ever’.

    That was it. I was right. Every shitty feeling I’ve felt for the last 9 months was correct. I wasn’t imagining it, it was all just bullshit.

    I go to the bedroom and tell bf what I’ve done that I shouldn’t have snooped but I just NEEDED to know. I tell him I’m going to find a hotel and that I’d like it if he came with. I tell him I hope his parents hating me doesn’t mean he will break up with me. He reassures me that isn’t the case at all and not to worry about that. That what his parents think doesn’t matter.

    That changes after he speaks to them.

    We spend the rest of the day arguing about logistics and how this is the worst thing any girlfriend has ever done and that he doesn’t know if he can be with me anymore. I tell him this seems like something that just needs to be worked through and that he can’t just throw around the ‘I might break up with you’ immediately after saying he wanted to marry me. That I understand he is upset, and that I shouldn’t have snooped, but as a couple we should be choosing to get through the mistakes we make, just like I have with the really horrific things he’s said and done in the past. That I can’t keep having him go back and forth between ‘I want to marry you, I promise I want you forever’ and ‘I want to break up with you’ every few weeks. He asks to pause the conversation until we get back and I say ‘yeah, of course, but can you tell me you love me? I feel really insecure about this whole thing. And he refuses. Says he’s ‘not feeling it’.

  7. If the disability checks or deposits or whatever are under your name then they should not be taking any of it. They do have the right to charge you rent since you're an adult but you should set up your own bank account that your parents have no access to.

  8. I'm not indecisive, I'm cautious to get attached because I've been seen the mask drop at 3 months too many times. Lol

  9. What does it even matter at this point? You are still with him after he has cheated and been on tinder while together. You have no line that you won’t let him cross so just add it to the list. Or grow a spine and leave him.

  10. Your girlfriend is foolish. There is nothing sexual about changing a diaper. Even more concerning, she doesn’t seem to care about your sister’s dignity and health. Your sister deserves to have her diaper changed- and that matters more than your gf’s ignorant concerns about who should be allowed to do it.

  11. Stay away from this guy and get a taxi cab. Don’t ask anything from him anymore. You’re probably secretly hoping might finally commit when he is faced with the reality of an abortion. Be honest with yourself.

  12. So before you're even pregnant, he's accusing you of cheating? Awesome way to start your journey towards parenthood! You should snap him up immediately before some other lucky girl takes him from you ? ? ?

  13. All I can tell you is to stay as far away as you can from that girl unless he asks you to step in. That is just not your place


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