AliciaCasey online sex chats for YOU!

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45 thoughts on “AliciaCasey online sex chats for YOU!

  1. This might be naked to hear, but you should stop talking to your ex. You can’t successfully rehab if you’re still hanging with the drug dealer.

    See a professional and focus on yourself.

  2. As a former 16 year old, holy christ that assessment is SO right. I was insufferable looking back. I hope I'm not nearly that bad when my future self is looking back at my 20 year old self.

  3. I can see 5 options, ranked by likeliness:

    She is a secret agent who lost her decoy ID.

    She’s rich and doesn’t want you to know

    She’s got a criminal record she’s trying to her checkered past

    She really is just super paranoid and delusional about the last name being attached to romance

    She’s married

  4. Hello /u/Drows3Boi,

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  5. Honestly, there is likely no coming back from this. You were not loyal, and you do not have eyes only for her. If that were true, you wouldn’t have had several conversations about the attractiveness of her friend. It’s extremely disrespectful to both of them that you would partake in those discussions, especially considering their comments of how she would be in bed. You say you were planning your future with her, yet behind her back you were talking and thinking about this. It’s gross, and she deserves better. Please don’t try to get her back. Move on and leave her to do the same.

  6. He showed me everything and has deleted accounts and it’s going to be slow.

    I’m glad to hear that your man has respected you and it gives me hope

  7. I put the lid down. So can he. It’s not sexist it’s respectful. Nobody should have to see splash back piss stains.

  8. This chick he is currently dating is going to the foggy memory in 20 years. She already showing all the signs of being crazy.

  9. This is on her. She’s got to talk to her brother and father about being respectful and taking her choices seriously. All you can do is treat her well, be respectful even when they try to instigate, and definitely lean in to mom liking you. Mom being fed up with dad and brother is what will get things changed the fastest.

  10. I know its a crazy story. He still committed a crime though. The reason for leaving him is because I wouldn't be able to have kids or a future with him

  11. Block and delete. It’s a game to put you on the back burner. The viewing your stories is to make sure you see his name come up so you can wonder about him and he can be on your mind. Ego boost for him. Opposite for you. Never ends well.

  12. How do you get from “several years of consistent unhappiness and dissatisfaction” to “being hasty”?

  13. He's paying you no attention and watching porn on his phone, so essentially he is just using you to masturbate. It shows how little respect he has for you. He keeps doing it despite your complaints and is gaslighting you into believing that it's normal. That'd be a dealbreaker for me.

    I had something like this happen to me only once. My first boyfriend and I were having sex and he decided to check Twitter on his phone while we changed positions. I'll never forget how offended I was. I made sure that never happened again. At least we were still in our late teens at the time, your husband is 34! You're 29! Don't waste any more time with that loser.

  14. This is the thing. How could anyone ever know that their spouse had done that to anyone, much less to them, and be able to get past it?

    There’s no explanation that makes it ok. In fact, that her hub is pushing her to have sex with his brother now indicates that her husband thinks that what he did wasn’t all that wrong. He’s morally bankrupt.

  15. Well I mean if he really is gay then it could just be harmless. If he is bi-sexual, straight, or has any history or preference dating women, I would be concerned and communicate with my fiancé and then see where we stand given the conversation.

  16. Good on you for caring!

    To start: make sure you aren't creating work: check behind you everywhere you go – are you leaving clothes, plates, a lack of toilet roll. If so fix it as soon as you notice.

    Beyond that: are you making an effort? Plan a date every month. Ensure they have not had to do anything but turn up. The date can be at home! A film they want to see. A meal they love eating.

    Then look at big things: who deals with bills? Who speaks to the phone company? Try to take on half.

    I'm autistic myself and I mean this with the greatest care: do you understand how much they do? I've lived with my partner for a very long time and they haven't even known what I've done, and I've been the same to them. Ensure you completely understand what they do and what you do. You don't need a chart to split things (personally I hate them: I split work based on when we are each free and feel most able) but seeing exactly what is done in the home can show you what needs doing.

    Finally: effort is worth something! Show that you are trying and try to make your partner feel special. Being appreciated makes things easier – really show your appreciation for anything they tell or teach you. It is hard work teaching someone what to do – but a gift, thank them in words properly, so something to show you know them teaching you is work and you appreciate it

  17. Flirt? I asked her out to dinner I didn’t hit on her. Literally no reason for me to even go back there. I made the effort if she wants to reply she can if not that’s fine too. Not sure how you’re taking my taking an interest to someone so out of context.

  18. My ex husband was the same. Prob all the time but couldn’t get it or keep it for actual sex. I still don’t have an issue with porn, I just have an issue if my partner has an issue with porn, and it shows in our sex life. My trauma presents itself in sexual rejection, so I have to tell a new partner how exactly to tell me if he isn’t up for sex (being very open and honest, not hinting, and telling me another time that would be better) as that rejection is super triggering to me after YEARS of it with my ex.

    I also require very open conversations about our sex life, outside of actually having sex. A big issue with my ex was that the issue was never allowed to be discussed. Never again.

    OP needs to talk directly to this guy about this, and if he gets weird about talking about it, or refuses, run.

  19. definitely something wrong with you…I will keep biting the bait, i got a couple min.

    lets try again…there is no right and wrong..some people want to have only Casual sex and others want a relationship. They are both correct..Nothing wrong with Casual sex( ask any pedophile) and nothing wrong with a more committed relationship (ask any pedophile). The two of you want two different things and there is nothing wrong with that. It didn't work out my man, now learn to bang coke hoes without falling in love, if you are so bothered..Here is your ultimate advice. Wear a condom cuz you absolutely dont know where them chicken heads have been.

  20. This sounds like a terrible relationship. There are plenty of men out there who won't nitpick you for asking about updates on their day. He's not being fair and equal he's being annoying!

  21. So, Gottman also very specifically says that when your partner shares something, it’s your job to hear that and engage with their feelings.

    NOT to redirect and throw your own feelings back.

    So your wife is not following Gottman at all. It’s fair to point that out.

    “You may have feelings related to this, but I brought up my feelings in this moment. Can we stay focused on what I shared and my feelings. Can you address those without getting into adding your feelings to the mix?”

    You might bring this up with your counselor – that it’s naked to discuss anything if every time you bring up feelings she sort of “pushes you off the swing” and tries to override your feelings with hers.

  22. The honest answer is, you can't reassure your wife. She has an idea in her head due to her insecurities. The more that you that deny it, the more that your wife will believe that you're sleeping with your assistant.

    I don't really know what to tell you to do that will work completely.

    The reality is, that if you try to get a different assistant you will more than likely cause her to get fired. That isn't remotely fair. You can be honest to your boss about why you are asking for a transfer, which I do think you should do, but you need to be prepared for when they say no. Which I think they will. They will say no because they will look at it as that you can't handle your business at home. Which would make you an ineffectual leader. It also wouldn't be untrue.

    I think your best course of action is to talk to your wife. Why does she feel this way? What can you do to make the situation better? It would not be fair to your assistant to have her fired or transferred for something that she can't control because of your wife's insecurity.

  23. Another introvert here and I’m also at a loss. GF states the fact that interacting with OP is mentally/emotionally draining and she… loses her shit?

    Yes, too much interaction with anyone makes me want to take a break but this is an overreaction straight from bizzarro world.

  24. You wanted your GF to cancel her plans so you could keep yours and you’re asking if she’s selfish.

  25. I’ve travelled with his friends before, I know what it’s like. I’m happy to go anywhere else with them. I just want to go to this place and do it the way I want to and with someone who also has never been.

    These are my feelings, but they are probably silly feelings like most everyone is saying.

  26. You've repeatedly crushed his attempts to have a relationship with you. He gets more distant a d only then you you try to reel him back in. Let him go. Let him find happiness. You are playing games with his feelings.

  27. I say go with your heart and down the future it seems like A would make your life better and happier tell him how you want to be treated maybe

  28. This is all very toxic and something that shouldn’t be sustained long term.

    You’re def not crazy. His actions are inappropriate and he likely won’t change.

  29. Well said, I'm a parent of 4 and it angers me that some people can't take 2mins to slip on a condom and are somehow shocked when they find out they are pregnant. It makes me ? that woman on here say a man has no say it's ? his right to know and have his opinion on it especially if your going to be asking for child support.


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