Alice-fox on-line sex chats for YOU!

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54 thoughts on “Alice-fox on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. He may want the spare room for his luggage so I'd give him the spare room but then see how things go that night and maybe it'll just fall into place

  2. This post reminded me of the one I read yesterday, where a guy's gf tested positive for chlamydia and swore up and down she didn't cheat, blamed him, then blamed wearing the same swimsuit as her sister for the STI, finally claimed the labs must have made a mistake. I remember the top posts discussing how it was technically possible for her to have had it since before the 3 year relationship and it being dormant, all to explain how it might not be cheating. Wonder why is this not a consideration to anyone in this thread.

  3. Do not get back in contact. The fact they are going around you blocking them is a red flag in itself. Not respecting your clear boundary is just another layer of abuse. The sad eyes, excuses and apologies are all part of the cycle. It always happens again

  4. Man I don’t blame him for starting to lose his shit with you… you sound controlling and insufferable. You’re insecurities are a YOU problem, he can be considerate but that doesn’t mean he has to uproot his life and own beliefs to appease you for your own issues. Do you think other small chested women do this to their partners? Do you think large chested women who wish they could be smaller tell their partners they cant look at smaller chest women? Do you not see how ridiculous it sounds? If he was making comments about their chest to you I could understand that but you’re literally bringing all the focus and negativity to yourself by yourself. Here’s some good blunt advice.

    GTFO out of your feelings, figure your shit out, stop blaming your bf for the “flaws” you think you have because obviously he doesn’t care about them otherwise he wouldn’t be with you, and most importantly, you keep this shitty behavior up and you won’t have to worry about your bf looking at girls while you watch movies cause he’s gonna get tired of your bs and leave and from the sounds of it he’s already being pushed down that path. So you decide what’s truly important here OP.

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  6. Not really the same since in your link OP explicitly told her boyfriend not to buy a big appliance and he did anyway.

  7. I can’t imagine. I’m so sorry you went through that. I hope you have more upstanding people in your life now, no one deserves to go through that.

  8. Hell to the no. You deserve so much better. Your son will be ok. He didn’t care about his son when he left and was fucking the 20 year old. Girl, continue to coparent in a positive way and date the new guy. Move forward, do not go back to this guy. He’ll leave you again for the next plaything.

  9. Hahaha yeah, the buttplug aspect is hilarious but my meaning was that there are guys who think chicks farting is disgusting

  10. My question is why bother being with someone who you have to lie to like that at all? If you know that they won't like the truth, why be with them?

  11. Yeah but they've only been “together” one week. That's pretty early to be feeling this way and have it turn out to be NBD.

  12. It was because of him, actually. I still had feelings, but he lost his for me. He said he wasn’t sure why or when and from my understanding he was under a lot of stress at the time so I just figured that was why.

  13. You don’t think people have pasts (including your girlfriend). Also, to echo what many have said – she’s a victim of a crime. Maybe you should direct your energy into getting your girlfriend some justice instead.

  14. I think it might surprise people that only a very small group of people would even qualify as “American” even if you are several generations in. Usually white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, with some lip service to Scots-Irish, are allowed to be granted the “true American” title. Everyone else, forget it.

    You’re always a little removed otherwise. Even African Americans who have been on the continent since the colonial era aren’t real Americans by certain (racist) people. If you’re a visible minority, forget it. You’re always from somewhere else.

  15. I'm Peruvian and Italian but I was born in the US. I've lived in Peru and in Italy, I speak both languages too. I hold both of my cultures close to my heart and I wouldn't be able to date someone, who'd want me to forget them.

  16. You guys promised to be together forever and youre talking about quitting after four months of turmoil. Youre within your right to pursue a divorce but you should really reflect on the fact that you made a lifelong commitment and after a very short time, you want to throw it all out. Reflect also on the fact that you didnt tell anyone you didnt want to get married. You are an adult and its time to be responsible for your decisions.

    Divorce or not, you need to realize that any relationship is not going to be great 100% of the time. Especially considering everything else y’all have been going through.

  17. Yeah we use to do it waking each other up. This is a first to me I did not know some people can be like this.

  18. What’s the point of confronting him?

    You’ve just found out that he wants to be unfaithful. Talking about that won’t make him a decent person all of a sudden.

    So you now have confirmation that your massively-older-than-you boyfriend is a creep and doesn’t love you and has no intentions of being loyal. Just ACT. Don’t talk.

    Break up immediately. Stop begging him to love you, like he’s some reward! YOU are the reward! He has to be worthy of YOU – and he’s not so just leave.

  19. He was drunk. Then he said he wasn't ready. The holidays have come and gone so I wouldn't be expecting a ring but who knows maybe he's trying to throw you off.

  20. She's using that as an excuse. If she was actually worried about him leaking her nudes again she wouldn't be sending new ones. You should break up with her

  21. uh its called SELF esteem If you feel bad about YOURself its YOUR problem that is why we have a profession called THERAPY .and your boyfriend might be in need for 2 things the pornography and his overstepping insecure controlling partner

  22. That's a fair point. We only get his point of view and I'm sure that's very skewed because he's creeped out but it could have been a very normal reaction from her looking at it the way you painted it.

    That's the sucky things about these subreddits. Everyone is an unreliable narrator.

  23. You don't understand, this isn't some joke from a TV show, and my wife named him, no idea if she watches the show or not AND NO I WONT ASK IM ANGRY WITH HER (for different reasons) the turtle might’ve even manipulated her into naming him that like some sick joke. I swear, I've seen him watching TV with her, I told you about that special tank in the living room. It feels like he’s taking notes on how to be more human-like or something, the way he moves his head while watching the TV, I know it sounds crazy, but I can feel his malevolent energy every time I'm near him. He's not just a turtle, he's something else entirely, something dark and dangerous, do you not believe in the supernatural? I didn’t before but now I might start believing.

  24. Find an on-line community for asexual people. You can explore the idea of an asexual life and find a partner with a matched sex drive.

  25. Do you have any family, friends or acquaintances you can ask for a temporary stay? If there's none, there are NGOs that may help you find a temporary place till you're back on your feet.

    As long as you're near proximity with him, you'll never be safe. If he is what you describe him to be, he'll convince you that you're trapped with him.

  26. So funny. But there are similarities huh? It’s a small world so you never know til you ask right!

  27. Don't discuss it with him at all until you have a little more clarity.

    I recommend you contact a community college to see what they may have for career assessment. There are tests you can take to determine what jobs you would be good at and more importantly, would like. This service might be free, or you might need to take a one-credit course or something. Once you have narrowed down your career interests, you can research jobs to see what you need to do to qualify for them.

    I have worked customer service and enjoyed it, but I do see how it can be unfulfilling. It makes sense to find a career area you enjoy.

    Once you have put some mental energy into this, then you can talk to your partner in a more focused way. But don't let him put you down. His comments were not very supportive.

  28. Tbh I see it being very much the parents' fault that she's both such an asshole and not that bright. Considering the age gap there it seems like these sisters were probably pitted against each other by one or both parents, and younger daughter internalised that into a desperate need to be better, and for the attention and approval of someone older.

    Screwing her sister's partner ticked all the boxes, and she thought (because she's young and stupid, and not just young) that she could engineer the situation to get everything she wanted RIGHT NOW, whether it was right or made sense or either one of them actually wanted it be damned.

  29. I might do just that! My main reason for not approaching him about it is I don't really know how to bring it up without making it hurtful and feel like a direct attack. It's not really just the sex, just the lack of feeling like I'm more than a roommate/mom/hole…

    I've been telling myself he might be just overwhelmed with a new kid and life-changing and not realizing this is happening. I guess I wanted to wait it out but it's been about 7 months now and I'm starting to feel worn down….

  30. Hey good for you never let someone force you into something you are uncomfortable and not into. She wanted a free pass to cheat on you and well I am glad you have the balls of not letting that happen. Time heals all the pain is only temporary

  31. The mental gymnastics of racists never fail to amaze me. Honestly, you did your best in the moment, and you can proceed (with extreme caution) if you want, but you are almost certainly not going to change an almost 60 year old woman's mind.

    I'm mixed (half white and half Peruvian) and it took me decades to realize there are no perfect set of facts or responses that will wake someone up, especially if they are pretending to be asleep. It's not your responsibility to save her from herself, please just save yourself and exist stage left for your own wellbeing.

  32. Oh no honey. No. He's definitely doing it on purpose hoping you “get used to it” one of these days and just let him do it.

    It's still early, you can get out of this relationship easily. Run!

  33. Hang on. Is this something the mother told you?

    Speak to your boyfriend if so. Because this could be a completely fabricated story on her part.

  34. He got out aa fast as he could and didn't look back. There's a reason beyond flying the nest that he doesn't want to come back. He's your son not your husband. Times have severely changed with respect to children having to raise/care for their parents. Leave him alone and let him on-line his life.

  35. I don't think changing the other person is ever a solid basis for a relationship plan going forward. She is who she is and quite frankly this is something you should have been looking out for during the vetting pre-marriage. You own a little bit of blame for not vetting her well.

    So you can try telling her that her behavior is going to be a deal breaker but I don't expect that to cause any lasting change. Most couples have the same fights over and over again for years. But most of those fights aren't around someone intentionally trying to inflict pain.

  36. Don't marry him. Your feeling that you'd be throwing your life away is valid not only because you're twenty damn years old and getting married at twenty is bonkers, or that you have goals that are incompatible with marriage at this point in your life, but because he sounds like an utterly terrible choice of partner. Do your present and future self a favour and get out of this relationship.

  37. I would want to know if I was his wife. If they’re not cheating physically, they’re on the verge. It may be emotional cheating.. It’s inappropriate, she’s lying to you, and it is harmful. I would rethink my relationship with her… actually, move on from her, she’s lying. I consider this cheating. She’s no good IMO. Good luck.

  38. Your feelings are valid. This is personally a boundary for me because of the way it makes me feel along w other reasons. I expect my partner to never cross this and we’ve discussed it in detail and he agrees w me and expects the same from me.

    I think if this is all stuff ur uncomfortable w then that’s you like people can say you’re insecure but I just don’t want my partner looking at other women sexually, it’s not what I’m okay with. We all have personal preferences esp in a relationship.

    I just think you need to ask yourself what are your boundaries & how much are you willing to stand up for yourself and protect these boundaries. They’re not really boundaries if you’re not protective over them.


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